Hymn number(s): (in order of service)
STF1 : All people that on earth do dwell (Public Domain)
STF2 : Come, let us sing to the One (CCLI_4107640)
STF3 : Eternal God, your loves tremendous glory (CCLI_1530413)
STF4 : Father in heaven, grant to your children (ONE_119282)
STF5 : Father, in whom we live (Public Domain)
STF6 : Father, we love you, we worship and adore you (CCLI_1383)
STF7 : God, who made the stars of heaven (ONE_30403)
STF8 : God with us: Creator, Father (CCLI_3529140)
STF9 : Hail! Holy, holy, holy Lord! (Public Domain)
STF10 : Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (CCLI_1540719)
STF11 : Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! (Public Domain)
STF13 : Sing of a God in majestic divinity (ONE_68735)
STF14 : Sing to him in whom creation (CCLI_1094825)
STF15 : The splendour of the King (CCLI_4348399)
STF16 : We give immortal praise (Public Domain)
STF17 : With gladness we worship, rejoice as we sing (Public Domain)
STF18 : Be still and know that I am God (Public Domain)
STF19 : Be still and know that I am God (Public Domain)
STF20 : Be still, for the presence of the Lord (CCLI_120824)
STF21 : Born in song! (CCLI_989319)
STF22 : Come all you people (Uyai mose) (ONE_27)
STF23 : Come Holy Spirit. Maranatha! (CCLI_4663201)
STF24 : Come, now is the time to worship (CCLI_2430948)
STF25 : God is here! As we his people (CCLI_2566496)
STF26 : I rejoiced when I heard them say (ONE_98231)
STF27 : Jesus, we are here (Jesu, tawa pano) (ONE_18516)
STF28 : Jesus calls us here to meet him (CCLI_878695)
STF29 : Jesus lead us to the Father (CCLI_4515971)
STF30 : Jesus stand among us at the meeting of our lives (CCLI_40155)
STF31 : May the glory of the Lord fill his temple (Author)
STF32 : Meet and right it is to sing (Public Domain)
STF33 : O Lord we are always in your presence (ONE_D-0217)
STF34 : O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Public Domain)
STF35 : The trumpets sound, the angels sing (CCLI_190672)
STF36 : Theres a quiet understanding (CCLI_15135)
STF37 : Youre calling us and so we are gathered here (CCLI_5463163)
STF38 : Come, O Holy Spirit, come (Wa wa wa Emimimo) (Public Domain)
STF39 : Angel voices ever singing (Public Domain)
STF40 : Blessed be the name of the Lord (ONE_59204)
STF41 : Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful (CCLI_3798438)
STF42 : O sing to the Lord (ONE_5022)
STF43 : Come, let us praise the Lord, with joy our God acclaim (CCLI_2623968)
STF44 : Come on and celebrate (CCLI_189511)
STF45 : Earths creator, everyday God (ONE_116630)
STF46 : Everlasting God, the years go by but youre unchanging (CCLI_3994706)
STF47 : Faithful God, faithful God (CCLI_872433)
STF48 : From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea (CCLI_4403076)
STF49 : God beyond all names (CCLI_5502172)
STF50 : Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (CCLI_10769)
STF51 : Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father (CCLI_18723)
STF52 : He is exalted, the King is exalted on high (CCLI_17827)
STF53 : How shall I sing that majesty (Public Domain)
STF54 : I will worship with all of my heart (CCLI_487976)
STF55 : Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Public Domain)
STF56 : King of Glory, King of Peace (Public Domain)
STF57 : Let all the world in every corner sing (Public Domain)
STF58 : Lord, I come before your throne of grace (CCLI_605095)
STF59 : Lord, the light of your love is shining (CCLI_30426)
STF60 : My soul rejoices in God my Saviour (ONE_80096)
STF61 : Our God is a great big God (CCLI_3373437)
STF62 : Our God is an awesome God (CCLI_41099)
STF63 : Over all the earth, your reign on high (CCLI_2490706)
STF64 : Praise is rising, eyes are turning to you (CCLI_4662491)
STF65 : Sing of the Lords goodness, Father of all wisdom (ONE_80537)
STF66 : The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases (CCLI_21590)
STF67 : This, this is the God we adore (Public Domain)
STF68 : Worship God with the morning sunrise (CCLI_4517670)
STF69 : Ye holy angels bright, who wait at Gods right hand (Public Domain)
STF70 : Always remember, never forget (CCLI_1557331)
STF71 : Even as the world began (CCLI_4490948)
STF72 : Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist (CCLI_58202)
STF73 : Fill thou my life, O Lord my God (Public Domain)
STF74 : For the music of creation (ONE_18045)
STF75 : From all that dwell below the skies (Public Domain)
STF76 : Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising (Public Domain)
STF77 : Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King (CCLI_3148428)
STF78 : Give thanks with a grateful heart (CCLI_20285)
STF79 : Ill praise my Maker while Ive breath (Public Domain)
STF80 : My God, I am thine (Public Domain)
STF81 : Now thank we all our God (Public Domain)
STF82 : O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder (CCLI_14181)
STF83 : Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Public Domain)
STF84 : Praise the Lord, his glories show (Public Domain)
STF85 : Praise the Lord who reigns above and keeps his court below (Public Domain)
STF86 : Praise the Lord! You heavens, adore him (Public Domain)
STF87 : Praise to the living God! All praised be his name (Public Domain)
STF88 : Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! (Public Domain)
STF89 : Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord (CCLI_4556538)
STF90 : Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Public Domain)
STF91 : The God of Abraham praise (Public Domain)
STF92 : Think of a world without any flowers (CCLI_1932595)
STF93 : Though the fruit tree doesnt blossom (CCLI_3502095)
STF94 : To God be the glory, great things he has done! (Public Domain)
STF95 : We praise you, O God; acclaim you as Lord (ONE_80128)
STF96 : We sing of your glory, we praise you again (ONE_17514)
STF97 : When all your mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys (Public Domain)
STF98 : Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging (CCLI_3091812)
STF99 : All creatures of our God and King (Public Domain)
STF100 : All things bright and beautiful (Public Domain)
STF101 : Before the world began, one Word was there (CCLI_1041744)
STF102 : For the beauty of the earth (Public Domain)
STF103 : God is love: let heaven adore him (Public Domain)
STF104 : God moves in a mysterious way (Public Domain)
STF106 : God, whose almighty word chaos and darkness heard (Public Domain)
STF107 : I sing the almighty power of God (Public Domain)
STF108 : In the beginning God played with the planets (CCLI_7009122)
STF109 : In the darkness of the still night (CCLI_3171938)
STF110 : In the wonder of creation (CCLI_6149280)
STF111 : Lord of the boundless curves of space (CCLI_230635)
STF112 : O Lord, our Lord, throughout the earth how glorious is you name (CCLI_1532143)
STF113 : O worship the King, all-glorious above (Public Domain)
STF114 : Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure (ONE_64381)
STF115 : Praise ye the Lord! Tis good to raise our hearts and voices in his praise (Public Domain)
STF116 : Sing for Gods glory that colours the dawn of creation (ONE_48443)
STF117 : Sing praise to God who reigns above (ONE_84587)
STF118 : Tell me who made all of creation (CCLI_2642310)
STF119 : God of Eve and God of Mary (CCLI_1046574)
STF120 : We gladly celebrate and praise (CCLI_3571631)
STF121 : Autumn days when the grass is jewelled (CCLI_961540)
STF122 : God, whose farm is all creation (ONE_47987)
STF123 : Come, you thankful people, come (CCLI_1039093)
STF124 : For the fruits of creation, thanks be to God (CCLI_3371769)
STF125 : Praise and thanksgiving, Father, we offer (CCLI_451751)
STF126 : Praise God for the harvest of orchard and field (CCLI_7051083)
STF127 : Sing to the great Jehovahs praise (Public Domain)
STF128 : The harvest is here: earths bounty we bring (Author)
STF129 : To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Public Domain)
STF130 : We plough the fields, and scatter (Public Domain)
STF131 : By a monument of marble, or a simple wooden cross (ONE_5d95b5edb7808)
STF132 : O God, our help in ages past (Public Domain)
STF133 : To be a soldier, to fight for peace till war shall end (ONE_37526)
STF134 : Christ, whose glory fills the skies (Public Domain)
STF135 : I owe my Lord a morning song (CCLI_4557180)
STF136 : Morning has broken like the first morning (ONE_118118)
STF137 : New every morning is the love our wakening and uprising prove (Public Domain)
STF138 : O God, beyond all thought (CCLI_2467430)
STF139 : Today I awake and God is before me (CCLI_3664067)
STF140 : We praise God in the morning when the sun is bright (CCLI_1063131)
STF141 : Abide with me; fast falls the eventide (Public Domain)
STF142 : Glory to thee, my God, this night (Public Domain)
STF143 : Hail, gladdening Light, of his pure glory poured (Public Domain)
STF145 : Night has fallen, gracious Spirit, guard us sleeping (ONE_35499)
STF146 : Now that evening falls, gently fades the light (CCLI_4927569)
STF147 : The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (Public Domain)
STF148 : Come, let us with our Lord arise (Public Domain)
STF149 : First of the week and finest day (CCLI_3090899)
STF150 : This is the day of rest to use as God intended (ONE_38218)
STF151 : This is the day the Lord has made, God calls the day his own (Public Domain)
STF152 : This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made (Public Domain)
STF153 : Break thou the bread of life, O Lord, to me (Public Domain)
STF154 : Come, divine interpreter (Public Domain)
STF155 : Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (Public Domain)
STF156 : From the breaking of the dawn to the setting of the sun (CCLI_4642105)
STF157 : God has spoken by his prophets (CCLI_2647559)
STF158 : Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders (CCLI_2623975)
STF160 : Powerful in making us wise to salvation (CCLI_3109728)
STF161 : Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word (CCLI_4615235)
STF163 : When listening prophets dare to speak (CCLI_3922022)
STF164 : Your words to me are life and health (Public Domain)
STF165 : Advent candles tell their story (CCLI_7004421)
STF166 : Christmas is coming! The Church is glad to sing (CCLI_1053608)
STF167 : Colours of day dawn into the mind (CCLI_550092)
STF168 : Come, Lord Jesus, come (CCLI_959985)
STF169 : Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Public Domain)
STF170 : Darkness like a shroud covers the earth (CCLI_192931)
STF171 : Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Public Domain)
STF172 : Hills of the north, rejoice (Public Domain)
STF173 : Into the darkness of this world (CCLI_1044277)
STF174 : Light a candle in a darkened place (CCLI_2311672)
STF175 : Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness (CCLI_3266032)
STF176 : Like a candle flame, flickering small in our darkness (CCLI_30392)
STF177 : Lo, he comes with clouds descending (Public Domain)
STF178 : Long ago, prophets knew Christ would come (CCLI_2879217)
STF179 : My Lord! What a morning (Public Domain)
STF180 : O come, O come, Immanuel (Public Domain)
STF181 : Of the Fathers love begotten (Public Domain)
STF182 : On Jordans bank the Baptists cry (Public Domain)
STF184 : Round orange, round orange, you serve as a sign (CCLI_5409189)
STF185 : Sing we the King who is coming to reign (Public Domain)
STF186 : Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (CCLI_27051)
STF187 : The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Public Domain)
STF188 : Theres a light upon the mountains, and the day is at the spring (Public Domain)
STF189 : Wild and lone the prophets voice (CCLI_3390874)
STF190 : Angels, from the realms of glory (Public Domain)
STF191 : Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (Public Domain)
STF193 : Born in the night, Marys child (CCLI_5005851)
STF194 : Child of joy and peace (CCLI_4009085)
STF195 : Christians, awake, salute the happy morn (Public Domain)
STF196 : Come and join the celebration (CCLI_571246)
STF197 : Cradled in a manger, meanly (Public Domain)
STF198 : Emmanuel, Emmanuel (CCLI_12949)
STF199 : Glory be to God on high (Public Domain)
STF200 : God is born among us: earth receives the Christ child (CCLI_3996797)
STF201 : Good news, good news to you we bring (CCLI_30220)
STF202 : Hark! The herald-angels sing (Public Domain)
STF203 : I had a dream that I was standing on a hillside (CCLI_4008615)
STF204 : In the bleak midwinter (Public Domain)
STF205 : It came upon a midnight clear (Public Domain)
STF206 : It was on a starry night (CCLI_643909)
STF208 : Let earth and heaven combine (Public Domain)
STF209 : Let me tell you about a baby (CCLI_1095398)
STF210 : Love came down at Christmas (Public Domain)
STF211 : Night of peace: hail the holy child (ONE_8718)
STF212 : O come, all ye faithful (Public Domain)
STF213 : O little town of Bethlehem (Public Domain)
STF214 : Once in royal Davids city (Public Domain)
STF215 : See, amid the winters snow (Public Domain)
STF216 : See him lying on a bed of straw (CCLI_3941962)
STF217 : Silent night, holy night (Public Domain)
STF218 : Unto us a boy is born! (Public Domain)
STF219 : We see the eyes of Mary shine (CCLI_5154252)
STF221 : While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Public Domain)
STF222 : Who would think that what was needed (CCLI_2770017)
STF223 : A special star, a special star (CCLI_3578270)
STF224 : As with gladness men of old (Public Domain)
STF225 : Bethlehem, of noblest cities (Public Domain)
STF226 : Birth brings a promise of new life awaking (CCLI_1599557)
STF227 : Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (Public Domain)
STF228 : Hail to the Lords Anointed (Public Domain)
STF229 : Mary and Joseph came to the Temple (CCLI_3351394)
STF230 : Riding out across the desert (CCLI_870569)
STF231 : The silent stars shine down on us (ONE_9977)
STF233 : When Jesus came to Jordan (CCLI_2564467)
STF234 : Behold the Lamb of God (CCLI_2023355)
STF235 : Christ our Redeemer knew temptations hour (CCLI_1546706)
STF236 : Forty days and forty nights (CCLI_1546706)
STF237 : Jesus, tempted in the desert (ONE_9669)
STF238 : Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (Public Domain)
STF239 : Sent by the Lord am I (CCLI_4992422)
STF240 : When we are tested and wrestle alone (CCLI_5217838)
STF241 : When we were in the darkest night (CCLI_5120372)
STF242 : A new commandment I give unto you (CCLI_693942)
STF243 : A rich young man came seeking (CCLI_3682111)
STF244 : Blest are the pure in heart (Public Domain)
STF245 : Blest are they, the poor in spirit (ONE_22)
STF246 : He came to earth in poverty (CCLI_5015717)
STF247 : I danced in the morning when the world was begun (CCLI_78529)
STF248 : I heard the voice of Jesus say (Public Domain)
STF249 : Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (CCLI_186208)
STF250 : Jesus calls us! Oer the tumult (Public Domain)
STF251 : Jesus Christ is waiting (CCLI_996498)
STF252 : Jesus the Lord said: I am the Bread (CCLI_2647999)
STF253 : Love inspired the anger (CCLI_1595324)
STF254 : Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CCLI_1352)
STF255 : The kingdom of God is justice and joy (ONE_28013)
STF256 : When I needed a neighbour, were you there? (CCLI_227923)
STF258 : You are the Vine, we are the branches (CCLI_52538)
STF259 : Jesus on the mountain peak (CCLI_3109498)
STF260 : Swiftly pass the clouds of glory (CCLI_830640)
STF261 : Transfigured Christ, none comprehends (CCLI_3568455)
STF262 : All glory, laud and honour (Public Domain)
STF263 : Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! (CCLI_21545)
STF264 : Make way, make way, for Christ the King in splendour arrives (CCLI_121074)
STF265 : Ride on, ride on in majesty! (Public Domain)
STF266 : All the room was hushed and still (CCLI_5490167)
STF267 : Jesus in the olive grove (CCLI_1076609)
STF268 : Sing, my tongue, the Saviours glory (Public Domain)
STF269 : To see the King of heaven fall (CCLI_5567746)
STF270 : Come and see, come and see (CCLI_192405)
STF271 : Come, wounded healer, your suffrings reveal (CCLI_3120147)
STF272 : From heaven you came, helpless babe (CCLI_78897)
STF273 : Here hangs a man discarded (CCLI_1081474)
STF274 : Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice (CCLI_1564362)
STF275 : Jesus the carpenter, hanging on Calvary (CCLI_4514934)
STF276 : Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim (ONE_01923)
STF277 : My song is love unknown (Public Domain)
STF278 : O Love divine, what have you done! (Public Domain)
STF279 : O precious sight, my Saviour stands (CCLI_4886507)
STF281 : See the Lamb of God (CCLI_6155607)
STF282 : Stay here where nails are driven (CCLI_4968171)
STF283 : The desolate Messiah dies (CCLI_5892978)
STF284 : There is a green hill far away (Public Domain)
STF285 : Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (Public Domain)
STF286 : What kind of love is this that gave itself for me? (CCLI_40753)
STF287 : When I survey the wondrous cross (Public Domain)
STF288 : When I think about the cross (CCLI_1574895)
STF289 : When my love for Christ grows weak (Public Domain)
STF290 : Who would ever have believed it? (CCLI_2651363)
STF291 : Why has God forsaken me? (ONE_00680)
STF292 : After darkness, light (CCLI_5189966)
STF293 : All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord (CCLI_120556)
STF294 : All you that seek the Lord who died (Public Domain)
STF295 : Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord (CCLI_32376)
STF296 : Christ has risen while earth slumbers (CCLI_1980987)
STF297 : Christ is alive! Let Christians sing (CCLI_68041)
STF298 : Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF299 : Easter jubilation fills the streets and towns (CCLI_1574840)
STF300 : Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF301 : Hail, thou once despised Jesus (Public Domain)
STF302 : He has risen, he has risen (CCLI_1045252)
STF303 : I know that my Redeemer lives (Public Domain)
STF304 : Jesus is risen, alleluia! (ONE_13354)
STF305 : Low in the grave he lay (Public Domain)
STF306 : Now the green blade rises from the buried grain (CCLI_1476522)
STF307 : On the day of resurrection (CCLI_230556)
STF308 : On the journey to Emmaus with our hearts cold as stone (ONE_136)
STF309 : See, what a morning, gloriously bright (CCLI_4108797)
STF310 : Sing a song, sing a joyful song (CCLI_1574905)
STF311 : The day of resurrection, earth, tell it out abroad! (Public Domain)
STF312 : The head that once was crowned with thorns (Public Domain)
STF313 : Thine be the glory (Public Domain)
STF314 : This joyful Eastertide (CCLI_5404744)
STF315 : We sing the praise of Jesus (Author)
STF316 : When Easter to the dark world came (CCLI_875382)
STF317 : At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow (Public Domain)
STF319 : Christ triumphant, ever reigning (CCLI_647778)
STF320 : Father, whose everlasting love (Public Domain)
STF321 : Great is he whos King of kings (Public Domain)
STF322 : How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Public Domain)
STF323 : I will sing the wondrous story (CCLI_2328610)
STF324 : In a byre near Bethlehem (CCLI_1048936)
STF325 : Jesus Christ, Perfect Love (CCLI_4504700)
STF326 : Jesus comes with all his grace (Public Domain)
STF327 : Jesus is King and I will extol him (CCLI_56558)
STF328 : Jesus shall reign whereer the sun (Public Domain)
STF329 : Jesus, the First and Last (Public Domain)
STF330 : Joy to the world, the Lord is come! (Public Domain)
STF331 : King of kings, majesty (CCLI_1581778)
STF332 : Lord, I lift your name on high (CCLI_117947)
STF333 : Majesty, worship his majesty (CCLI_1527)
STF334 : Praise to the Holiest in the height (Public Domain)
STF335 : Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Public Domain)
STF336 : Son of God, if your free grace (Public Domain)
STF337 : There is a higher throne than all this world has known (CCLI_3994672)
STF338 : There is a redeemer (CCLI_11483)
STF339 : When you prayed beneath the trees, it was for me (CCLI_1048053)
STF340 : Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim (Public Domain)
STF342 : All hail the power of Jesus name! (Public Domain)
STF343 : All my days I will sing this song of gladness (CCLI_2492216)
STF344 : He became poor that we may be rich (CCLI_4561808)
STF345 : And can it be that I should gain (Public Domain)
STF346 : Christ is the worlds light, Christ and none other (CCLI_4916068)
STF347 : Crown him with many crowns (Public Domain)
STF348 : He is Lord, he is Lord (Public Domain)
STF349 : I am not skilled to understand (CCLI_4592255)
STF350 : I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship (Public Domain)
STF351 : In Christ alone my hope is found (CCLI_3350395)
STF352 : Jesus Christ is the Lord of all (CCLI_18163)
STF353 : Jesus is Lord! Creations voice proclaims it (CCLI_39829)
STF354 : Jesus is the name we honour (CCLI_871991)
STF355 : Jesus, lover of my soul (Public Domain)
STF356 : Jesus shall take the highest honour (CCLI_451380)
STF357 : Jesus, the name high over all (Public Domain)
STF358 : Let earth and heaven agree (Public Domain)
STF359 : Lord Christ, we praise your sacrifice (CCLI_964451)
STF361 : Man of Sorrows! What a name for the Son of God (Public Domain)
STF362 : Meekness and majesty, manhood and deity (CCLI_1400)
STF363 : My Jesus, my Saviour (CCLI_1406918)
STF364 : O for a thousand tongues to sing (Public Domain)
STF365 : Jesu, the joy of loving hearts (Public Domain)
STF366 : Thou hidden source of calm repose (Public Domain)
STF367 : When I was lost, you came and rescued me (CCLI_3359121)
STF368 : When morning gilds the skie (Public Domain)
STF369 : Baptise us with your Spirit (CCLI_5641370)
STF370 : Breathe on me, Breath of God (Public Domain)
STF371 : Breathe on me, Spirit of Jesus (CCLI_811236)
STF372 : Come down, O Love divine (Public Domain)
STF373 : Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Public Domain)
STF374 : Come, Holy Spirit, descend on us (CCLI_2792693)
STF375 : Come, O everlasting Spirit (Public Domain)
STF376 : Crashing waters at creation (ONE_3954)
STF377 : Down the mountain the river flows (CCLI_1475231)
STF378 : Father of everlasting grace (Public Domain)
STF379 : Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (Public Domain)
STF380 : Holy breath of God, find me in this place (CCLI_2955605)
STF381 : Holy Spirit, breath of heaven (CCLI_4467366)
STF382 : Holy Spirit, come, confirm us (ONE_21693)
STF383 : Holy Spirit, gift bestower (CCLI_7005767)
STF384 : Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down (CCLI_2405227)
STF385 : Holy Spirit, we welcome you (CCLI_215942)
STF386 : In the beginning was darkness and nothing (CCLI_5462188)
STF387 : Into a world of dark, waste and disordered space (Public Domain)
STF388 : Let every Christian pray (CCLI_3200816)
STF389 : Like the murmur of the doves song (CCLI_217452)
STF390 : My God! I know, I feel thee mine (Public Domain)
STF391 : O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Public Domain)
STF392 : O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace (Public Domain)
STF393 : She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters (CCLI_1097303)
STF394 : Spirit of God, unseen as the wind (CCLI_1539476)
STF395 : Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me (Public Domain)
STF396 : Spirit who broods, Spirit who sings (ONE_80641)
STF397 : The Spirit lives to set us free, walk, walk in the light (CCLI_2134598)
STF398 : Theres a spirit in the air (CCLI_133165)
STF399 : When deep despair casts out all light (Author)
STF400 : Wind of God, dynamic Spirit (CCLI_3210686)
STF401 : Come, sinners, to the gospel feast (Public Domain)
STF402 : Go to the world! Go into all the earth (ONE_1065)
STF403 : God is love: his the care (Public Domain)
STF404 : Gods spirit is in my heart (CCLI_4692612)
STF405 : Great is the darkness that covers the earth (CCLI_1022897)
STF406 : Have you heard the good news? (CCLI_1580580)
STF407 : Hear the call of the kingdom, lift your eyes to the King (CCLI_4930752)
STF408 : How small a spark has lit a living fire! (CCLI_5021842)
STF409 : Let us build a house where love can dwell (ONE_4)
STF410 : Lord, your Church on earth is seeking (CCLI_3196119)
STF411 : May the God of hope go with us every day (CCLI_5193990)
STF412 : See how great a flame aspires (Public Domain)
STF413 : Send down the fire of your justice (ONE_144)
STF414 : Shalom chaverim (Shalom, my friends) (ONE_87771)
STF415 : The Church of Christ, in every age (CCLI_2564481)
STF416 : Theres a wideness in Gods mercy (Public Domain)
STF418 : We have a gospel to proclaim (CCLI_2649935)
STF419 : Almighty God, we come to make confession (CCLI_2347938)
STF420 : Because you came and sat beside us (CCLI_3346639)
STF421 : Empty, broken, here I stand, Kyrie eleison (CCLI_3302130)
STF422 : Father, we have sinned in word, and deed, and thought (CCLI_4107705)
STF423 : Forgive our sins as we forgive, you taught us, Lord, to pray (CCLI_3162143)
STF424 : God forgave my sin in Jesus name (CCLI_13209)
STF425 : God of forgiveness, your people you freed (CCLI_1534488)
STF426 : Hark my soul! It is the Lord (Public Domain)
STF427 : Im accepted, Im forgiven (CCLI_190641)
STF428 : Ive come to wash my soul in the living water (CCLI_4478661)
STF429 : Lord, we turn to you for mercy (CCLI_4921826)
STF430 : My lips shall praise you, my great Redeemer (CCLI_1109394)
STF431 : O, the love of my Lord is the essence of all that I love here on earth (CCLI_871795)
STF432 : O the bitter shame and sorrow (Public Domain)
STF433 : Out of the depths I cry to thee, Lord God! O hear my prayer! (Public Domain)
STF434 : Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee (Public Domain)
STF435 : We come to you with no pretence (CCLI_5929810)
STF436 : What shall I do my God to love, my loving God to praise? (Public Domain)
STF437 : When the music fades, all is stripped away (CCLI_2296522)
STF438 : Your ceaseless, unexhausted love, unmerited and free (Public Domain)
STF439 : Abba, Father, let me be yours and yours alone (CCLI_38686)
STF440 : Amazing grace how sweet the sound (Public Domain)
STF441 : As water to the thirsty (CCLI_166448)
STF442 : Beneath the cross of Jesus I find a place to stand (CCLI_4610917)
STF443 : Come, let us sing of a wonderful love (Public Domain)
STF444 : Day by day, dear Lord, of thee three things I pray (Public Domain)
STF445 : He came to earth, not to be served (CCLI_722105)
STF446 : I will offer up my life in spirit and truth (CCLI_1083764)
STF447 : Jesus, be the centre (CCLI_2650429)
STF448 : Lord, in the strength of grace (Public Domain)
STF449 : Lord of creation, to you be all praise! (ONE_30247)
STF450 : Open, Lord, my inward ear (Public Domain)
STF451 : Open the eyes of my heart, Lord (CCLI_2298355)
STF452 : Show me the way of the cross once again (CCLI_1598974)
STF453 : Wash me clean in that cool river (CCLI_1090908)
STF454 : Where shall my wondering soul begin? (Public Domain)
STF455 : All my hope on God is founded (Public Domain)
STF456 : And are we yet alive, and see each others face? (Public Domain)
STF457 : Author of faith, eternal Word (Public Domain)
STF458 : Away with our fears! (Public Domain)
STF459 : Captain of Israels host, and Guide (Public Domain)
STF460 : Come, let us anew our journey pursue (Public Domain)
STF461 : Come, O thou Traveller unknown (Public Domain)
STF462 : Come with me, come wander, come welcome the world (CCLI_1074773)
STF463 : Deep in the shadows of the past (CCLI_5713617)
STF464 : God it was who said to Abraham (CCLI_3391464)
STF465 : Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (Public Domain)
STF467 : I need thee every hour (Public Domain)
STF468 : I was on your mind long before you formed the earth (CCLI_2580221)
STF469 : I watch the sunrise lighting the sky (CCLI_2714097)
STF470 : Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided (CCLI_224957)
STF471 : Lord I come to you, let my heart be changed, renewed (CCLI_917491)
STF472 : May the Sending One sing in you (CCLI_3593468)
STF473 : Moses, I know youre the man, the Lord said (CCLI_862089)
STF474 : Neither death, nor life, nor angels nor powers (ONE_00130M)
STF475 : O God of Bethel, by whose hand thy people still are fed (Public Domain)
STF476 : One more step along the world I go (CCLI_299425)
STF477 : Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart (CCLI_1042097)
STF478 : Thank you, O God, for the time that is now (CCLI_336591)
STF479 : The King of love my shepherd is (Public Domain)
STF480 : The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want (Public Domain)
STF481 : The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want (CCLI_1585970)
STF483 : We are marching in the light of God (CCLI_320947)
STF484 : We will walk with God, my brothers (CCLI_4602860)
STF485 : When we are living, we are in the Lord (CCLI_4564049)
STF486 : Who would true valour see, let him come hither (Public Domain)
STF487 : You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace (CCLI_20546)
STF488 : You showed us mercy when we were in darkness (CCLI_6148308)
STF489 : All I once held dear, built my life upon (CCLI_1045238)
STF490 : Being of beings, God of love (Public Domain)
STF491 : As servants working an estate (CCLI_3414561)
STF492 : Christ be my leader by night as by day (CCLI_2865850)
STF493 : Come, Lord, to our souls come down (CCLI_7007108)
STF494 : Come, thou fount of every blessing (Public Domain)
STF495 : Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Public Domain)
STF496 : God beyond our dreams, you have stirred in us a memory (ONE_80558)
STF497 : God in my living, there in my breathing (Public Domain)
STF498 : God of all power, and truth, and grace (Public Domain)
STF499 : Great God, your love has called us here (CCLI_3430239)
STF500 : Happy are they who find the grace (Public Domain)
STF501 : Help us, O Lord, to learn the truths your word imparts (CCLI_2640635)
STF502 : I know that my Redeemer lives, and ever prays for me (Public Domain)
STF503 : Love divine, all loves excelling (Public Domain)
STF504 : May the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day (Public Domain)
STF505 : More like you, Jesus, more like you (CCLI_2145051)
STF506 : My heart is full of Christ, and longs it glorious matter to declare! (Public Domain)
STF507 : O for a heart to praise my God (Public Domain)
STF508 : Purify my heart, let me be as gold (CCLI_426298)
STF509 : Safe in the shadow of the Lord (CCLI_2643137)
STF510 : Says Jesus, Come and gather round. I want to teach my friends (CCLI_5283800)
STF511 : Speak in the stillness, God we pray (CCLI_5914382)
STF512 : Stupendous height of heavenly love (Public Domain)
STF513 : Take this moment, sign, and space (CCLI_1430623)
STF515 : Unless the Lord builds the house we labour in vain (Author)
STF516 : What shall I do my God to love, my Saviour, and the worlds, to praise? (Public Domain)
STF517 : Eternal Father, strong to save (Public Domain)
STF518 : Father, hear the prayer we offer (Public Domain)
STF519 : Father, I place into your hands the things I cannot do (CCLI_180297)
STF520 : Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart (Public Domain)
STF521 : Here as we kneel, here as we pray (CCLI_1577627)
STF522 : I should like to speak to you (CCLI_3330391)
STF523 : Its me, its me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer (Public Domain)
STF524 : Listening God, you hear us when we cannot speak (CCLI_5101724)
STF525 : Look around you, can you see? (ONE_00334)
STF526 : Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy (CCLI_5339338)
STF527 : Pray for a world where every child finds welcome in a sheltered space (ONE_30418)
STF528 : Pray, without ceasing, pray (Public Domain)
STF529 : Prayer is the souls sincere desire (Public Domain)
STF530 : To be in your presence, to sit at your feet (CCLI_918122)
STF531 : What a friend we have in Jesus (Public Domain)
STF532 : Born in a stable. Call his name Jesus (CCLI_7135390)
STF533 : Covenant child, water comes as a sign (CCLI_2494582)
STF534 : Eternal God, we praise your love (CCLI_3607385)
STF535 : God, when I came into this life (CCLI_3200043)
STF536 : Hes got the whole world in his hand (Public Domain)
STF537 : Lord Jesus, once a child (CCLI_851409)
STF538 : Now through the grace of God we claim this life to be Christs own (CCLI_3374663)
STF539 : On this Baptism day, God we thank you (CCLI_6148346)
STF540 : The day the universe was started (CCLI_6163204)
STF541 : To the river I am going, bringing sins I cannot bear (CCLI_4316864)
STF542 : We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ, who died and rose again (ONE_10199)
STF543 : Wonder of wonders, life is beginning (CCLI_3368428)
STF544 : As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you (CCLI_1431)
STF545 : Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart (Public Domain)
STF546 : Behold the servant of the Lord! (Public Domain)
STF547 : Beyond these walls of worship, in the stress and joy of life (CCLI_6148274)
STF548 : Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine (Public Domain)
STF549 : Come, let us use the grace divine (Public Domain)
STF550 : Forth in they name, O Lord, I go (Public Domain)
STF551 : Giving it all to you, giving it all to you (CCLI_3187939)
STF553 : I am a new creation, no more in condemnation (CCLI_48425)
STF555 : Jesus, all for Jesus; all I am and have and ever hope to be (CCLI_879168)
STF556 : Just as I am, without one plea (CCLI_1039000)
STF557 : Let him to whom we now belong (Public Domain)
STF558 : Lord, you have come to the seashore (ONE_6905)
STF559 : Lord, you have my heart, and I will search for yours (CCLI_1108735)
STF560 : My eyes be open to your presence (CCLI_3355101)
STF561 : Now I have found the ground wherein sure my souls anchor may remain (Public Domain)
STF562 : O God, what offering shall I give (Public Domain)
STF563 : O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end (Public Domain)
STF564 : O thou who camest from above (Public Domain)
STF565 : Only by grace can we enter (CCLI_190579)
STF566 : Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee (Public Domain)
STF567 : You are the centre, you are my life (ONE_23145)
STF568 : Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, his the sceptre, his the throne (Public Domain)
STF569 : An Upper Room did our Lord prepare (CCLI_2551425)
STF570 : As we gather, Father, seal us in the love that knows no fear (CCLI_4262042)
STF571 : As your family, Lord, see us here (Public Domain)
STF572 : Author of life divine, who has a table spread (Public Domain)
STF573 : Be known to us in breaking bread (Public Domain)
STF574 : Because you have said: Do this for my sake (Public Domain)
STF575 : Before I take the body of my Lord (CCLI_1053110)
STF576 : Bread is blessed and broken (CCLI_959411)
STF577 : Bread of life, hope of the world (ONE_80555)
STF578 : Bread of Life, Truth Eternal, broken now to set us free (CCLI_2098899)
STF579 : Come, Holy Ghost, your influence shed, and realise the sign (Public Domain)
STF580 : Come, Lord, be our guest (CCLI_1828747)
STF581 : Come, my table is a meeting place (CCLI_3222667)
STF582 : Eat this bread and never hunger (ONE_13979)
STF583 : Eat this bread, drink this cup (ONE_5a95bdd22c4df)
STF584 : Food to pilgrims given, strength upon the way (CCLI_4211732)
STF585 : God, whose love is all around us (CCLI_1083238)
STF586 : Here is bread, here is wine (CCLI_983717)
STF587 : I am the bread, the bread of life (CCLI_870356)
STF588 : I come with joy, a child of God (CCLI_2802284)
STF589 : In bread we bring you, Lord, our bodies labour (CCLI_740156)
STF590 : Jesus, we thus obey your last and kindest word (Public Domain)
STF591 : Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Public Domain)
STF592 : Let us break bread together with the Lord (Public Domain)
STF593 : Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (Public Domain)
STF594 : Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us (CCLI_40241)
STF595 : Lord, we have come at your own invitation (CCLI_3157299)
STF596 : Now let us from this table rise renewed in body, mind and soul (CCLI_2566551)
STF597 : O thou who this mysterious bread didst in Emmaus break (Public Domain)
STF598 : Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast (CCLI_959387)
STF599 : Up to your table, Lord, you call us (Author)
STF600 : Victim divine, thy grace we claim (Public Domain)
STF601 : We do not presume to come to this table (Public Domain)
STF602 : With all my heart I thank you, Lord (CCLI_528189)
STF603 : Come to a wedding, come to a blessing (ONE_79788)
STF604 : Lets praise the Creator who gave us each other (ONE_92652)
STF605 : O perfect Love, all human thought transcending (Public Domain)
STF607 : When love is found and hope comes home (CCLI_5204229)
STF608 : All praise to our redeeming Lord, who joins us by his grace (Public Domain)
STF609 : As we gather in your presence now (CCLI_5604977)
STF610 : Best of all is God is with us (CCLI_5462274)
STF611 : Brother, sister, let me serve you (CCLI_5938014)
STF612 : God give us life when all around spells death (ONE_45961)
STF613 : God, How Can We Forgive when bonds of love are torn? (ONE_04799)
STF614 : God loves you, and I love you (Public Domain)
STF615 : Let love be real, in giving and receiving (CCLI_3200452)
STF616 : Lord, in our lonely hours, and when our spirit faints (CCLI_3209848)
STF617 : O blessed spring, where Word and sign embrace us into Christ the Vine (ONE_86205)
STF618 : Sacred the body God has created (ONE_13440)
STF619 : Thanks for friends who keep on loving (CCLI_6163895)
STF620 : Thou God of truth and love, we seek thy perfect way (Public Domain)
STF621 : When memory fades and recognition falters (ONE_05746)
STF622 : When our caring love wears thin (CCLI_4515043)
STF623 : A safe stronghold our God is still (Public Domain)
STF624 : Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm (ONE_35778)
STF626 : Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (CCLI_4674166)
STF627 : Everyone needs compassion, love thats never failing (CCLI_4591782)
STF628 : Faithful One, so unchanging (CCLI_465840)
STF629 : God of my faith, I offer you my doubt (CCLI_5799253)
STF630 : How long, O Lord, will you forget an answer to my prayer? (CCLI_2708357)
STF631 : I lift my eyes up to the mountains (CCLI_317936)
STF632 : Ive had questions without answers (CCLI_4107822)
STF633 : My soul finds rest in God alone (CCLI_5040902)
STF634 : Fight the good fight with all your might (Public Domain)
STF635 : My troubled soul, why so weighed down? (CCLI_3466935)
STF636 : O love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee (Public Domain)
STF637 : Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put your armour on (Public Domain)
STF638 : Through all the changing scenes of life (Public Domain)
STF639 : Through the love of God our Saviour all will be well (Public Domain)
STF640 : We turn to God when we are sorely pressed (CCLI_5159972)
STF641 : When circumstances make my life too hard to understand (CCLI_2763646)
STF642 : When Im feeling down and sad (CCLI_1581060)
STF643 : When, O God, our faith is tested (CCLI_1046646)
STF644 : When our confidence is shaken in beliefs we thought secure (CCLI_3109072)
STF645 : Will your anchor hold in the storms of life (Public Domain)
STF646 : Come and let us sweetly join Christ to praise in hymns divine (Public Domain)
STF647 : God grant us words to speak when words are all we bear (CCLI_3528921)
STF648 : God to enfold you, Christ to uphold you (CCLI_2576486)
STF649 : God! When human bonds are broken and we lack the love or skill (CCLI_603729)
STF650 : Heal us, Immanuel! Hear our prayer (Public Domain)
STF651 : Lord of life, we come to you (ONE_10592)
STF652 : Lord, we come to ask your healing, teach us of love (CCLI_3268559)
STF653 : O Christ, the Healer, we have come to pray for health, to plead for friends (CCLI_2854744)
STF654 : The love of God comes close where stands an open door (CCLI_3330315)
STF655 : We cannot measure how you heal or answer every sufferers prayer (CCLI_961368)
STF657 : You give rest to the weary (CCLI_4814328)
STF658 : A charge to keep I have (Public Domain)
STF659 : As dawn awakes another day, the working sphere rolls into view (CCLI_6164375)
STF660 : Called by Christ to be disciples (CCLI_5106585)
STF661 : Give me the faith which can remove and sink the mountain to a plain (Public Domain)
STF662 : Have you heard Gods voice; has your heart been stirred? (Author)
STF663 : I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry (ONE_5514)
STF665 : Make us your prophets, Lord (CCLI_4957852)
STF666 : Master, speak! Thy servant heareth (Public Domain)
STF668 : Teach me, my God and King, in all things thee to see (Public Domain)
STF669 : The Saviour, when from heaven he rose, in splendid triumph oer his foes (Public Domain)
STF670 : We have nothing to give that didnt first come from your hand (CCLI_4328876)
STF671 : What shall we offer our good Lord (Public Domain)
STF672 : Where can we find you, Lord Jesus our Master? (CCLI_6164461)
STF673 : Will you come and follow me if I but call your name? (CCLI_4668756)
STF675 : Because the Saviour prayed that we be one (CCLI_4924184)
STF676 : Christ, from whom all blessings flow, perfecting the saints below (Public Domain)
STF677 : Christ is made the sure foundation (Public Domain)
STF679 : Come, build the Church not heaps of stone (CCLI_3587797)
STF680 : Come, Host of heavens dwelling place, come earths disputed guest (CCLI_1075961)
STF681 : Community of Christ, who make the Cross your own (CCLI_3755392)
STF682 : God of grace and God of glory, on your people pour your power (ONE_97297)
STF683 : Great is our redeeming Lord (Public Domain)
STF684 : Here on the threshold of a new beginning (CCLI_2949226)
STF685 : In Christ there is no east or west (Public Domain)
STF686 : Jesus, Lord, we look to thee, let us in thy name agree (Public Domain)
STF687 : One human family God has made (CCLI_2421926)
STF688 : One is the body and one is the Head (CCLI_1099301)
STF689 : Summoned by the God who made us rich in our diversity (ONE_83450)
STF690 : The Churchs one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord (Public Domain)
STF691 : What shall our greeting be: sign of our unity? (CCLI_491340)
STF692 : Your hand, O God, has guided your flock, from age to age (Public Domain)
STF693 : Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (CCLI_1236690)
STF694 : By the Babylonian rivers we sat down in grief and wept (ONE_37976)
STF695 : Come, now, you blessed, eat at my table (ONE_20653)
STF696 : For the healing of the nations, Lord, we pray with one accord (CCLI_3200067)
STF697 : Oh freedom, Oh freedom, Oh freedom (CCLI_4729640)
STF698 : God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind how hate and war diminish humankind (CCLI_3162222)
STF699 : God of justice, Saviour to all (CCLI_4447128)
STF700 : God weeps at love withheld (ONE_00295)
STF701 : Heaven shall not wait for the poor to lose their patience (CCLI_1080712)
STF702 : I will speak out for those who have no voices (CCLI_689035)
STF703 : In an age of twisted values we have lost the truth we need (CCLI_3121672)
STF704 : In labour all creation groans till fear and hatred cease (ONE_98242)
STF705 : It is God who holds the nations in the hollow of his hand (CCLI_2564436)
STF706 : Longing for light, we wait in darkness (ONE_84331)
STF707 : Make me a channel of your peace (ONE_80478)
STF708 : O God of hope, your prophets spoke of days when war would cease (CCLI_2955533)
STF709 : Of all the Spirits gifts to me (CCLI_3366004)
STF710 : Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord (CCLI_631904)
STF711 : Pray for the Church, afflicted and oppressed (CCLI_3221912)
STF712 : Put peace into each others hands (CCLI_430916)
STF713 : Show me how to stand for justice (CCLI_3484230)
STF715 : The right hand of God is writing in our land (ONE_95177)
STF716 : There are no strangers to Gods love (CCLI_5929779)
STF717 : We do not hope to ease our minds by simple answers, shifted blame (ONE_379)
STF718 : We lay our broken world in sorrow at your feet (ONE_71926)
STF719 : We pray for peace, but not the easy peace built on complacency (CCLI_1565464)
STF720 : We turn to you, O God of every nation (CCLI_1053196)
STF721 : What shall we pray for those who died (CCLI_3223491)
STF722 : When mountains that we thought secure lie crumbled where we stand (CCLI_5891979)
STF723 : Who can sound the depths of sorrow in the Father heart of God (CCLI_30581)
STF724 : As if you were not there, the skies ignite and thunder (CCLI_2190082)
STF725 : As the glory of creation (CCLI_272071)
STF726 : Come to us, creative Spirit (CCLI_3258923)
STF727 : God in his love for us lent us this planet (CCLI_2564065)
STF728 : O God, you search me and you know me (ONE_80099)
STF729 : Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently (ONE_101856)
STF731 : When, in our music, God is glorified, and adoration leaves no room for pride (CCLI_2631390)
STF732 : Day of judgement! Day of wonder! (Public Domain)
STF733 : God, hold us, enfold us, through desolate loss (CCLI_6164681)
STF734 : Going home, moving on, through Gods open door (CCLI_3170915)
STF735 : How blest are they who trust in Christ (CCLI_3388886)
STF736 : In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear (Public Domain)
STF737 : Into the hands that blessed the children (CCLI_5485196)
STF738 : There is a new heaven; there is a new earth (ONE_29287)
STF739 : Through the rivers of our tears (CCLI_6573409)
STF740 : We cannot care for you the way we wanted (ONE_11629)
STF742 : We trust the mighty love of God that wraps us round (CCLI_3573536)
STF743 : Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Public Domain)
STF744 : Come, let us join our friends above (Public Domain)
STF745 : For all the saints who from their labours rest (Public Domain)
STF746 : For all the saints who showed your love in how they lived and where they moved (CCLI_2166745)
STF747 : Give me the wings of faith to rise within the veil, and see (Public Domain)
STF748 : Glorious things of thee are spoken (Public Domain)
STF749 : Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open (CCLI_5893324)
STF750 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF751 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF752 : Glory to God, glory to God (ONE_05086)
STF753 : Glory to God, glory to God (Public Domain)
STF754 : Glory, glory, glory in the highest (Lord God, heavenly King) (Public Domain)
STF755 : Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF756 : Alleluia! Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF757 : Alleluia, alleluia! (The word of the Lord lasts for ever) (ONE_80384)
STF758 : Alleluia, alleluia (Public Domain)
STF759 : Come O Lord, give us your Spirit (Public Domain)
STF760 : Mayenziwe ntando yakho (Your will be done on earth, O Lord) (Public Domain)
STF762 : Our Father, who art in heaven (Public Domain)
STF763 : Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name (Public Domain)
STF764 : We believe in God the Father (CCLI_3095038)
STF765 : Blessing and honour, glory and power are rightly yours (CCLI_1076568)
STF767 : Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world (Public Domain)
STF768 : The Peace of the Lord be always with you (CCLI_1537856)
STF769 : All glory to the Father be (Public Domain)
STF770 : Amen siakudumisa (Amen! Praise the name of the Lord!) (Public Domain)
STF772 : May the road rise up to meet you (Public Domain)
STF773 : Praise the Lover of Creation (CCLI_3593736)
STF774 : The peace of the earth be with you (ONE_03990)
STF775 : Ewe, thina (We walk his way) (ONE_72482)
STF776 : In the Lord Ill be ever thankful (El Senyor es la meva forca) (ONE_5a95bdd5477df)
STF777 : Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom (ONE_5a95bdd5e78f5)
STF779 : Holy, holy, holy. With joy my heart adores you! (CCLI_4395689)
STF780 : Stay with me, remain here with me (ONE_03065)
STF781 : Take, oh take me as I am (ONE_03516)
STF782 : Thuma mina (Send me, Lord) (Public Domain)
STF783 : Ubi caritas et amor (Where there is charity and love) (Public Domain)
STF784 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF785 : Sanctus and Benedictus (Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might) (Public Domain)
STF786 : When we eat this bread and drink this cup (Public Domain)
STF787 : Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) (Public Domain)
STF788 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF789 : Holy, holy, holy Lord (Public Domain)
STF790 : Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world (Public Domain)
HP1 : All people that on earth do dwell Sing to the (Public Domain)
HP2 : Begin my tongue some heavenly theme And speak some (Public Domain)
HP3 : Father in heaven Grant to Your (ONE_119282)
HP4 : Father in whom we live in Whom we are (Public Domain)
HP6 : Hail holy holy holy Lord Whom one in (Public Domain)
HP7 : Holy holy holy Lord God almighty Early in the (Public Domain)
HP8 : How shall I sing that majesty Which (Public Domain)
HP9 : Immortal invisible God only wise (Public Domain)
HP10 : Let all the world in every corner sing (Public Domain)
HP11 : Lord of all being throned afar Thy glory (Public Domain)
HP12 : My God my King thy various praise Shall fill the (Public Domain)
HP13 : Praise my soul the King of heaven To His (Public Domain)
HP14 : Praise the Lord His glories show (Public Domain)
HP15 : Praise the Lord ye heavens adore Him Praise Him (Public Domain)
HP16 : Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King (Public Domain)
HP17 : Sing to the Lord a joyful song Lift up y (Public Domain)
HP18 : We give immortal praise To God the (Public Domain)
HP19 : With gladness we worship rejoice as we (Public Domain)
HP20 : Ye holy angels bright Who wait at Gods (Public Domain)
HP21 : Father of all whose powerful voice Called forth (Public Domain)
HP22 : Give to our God immortal praise Mercy (Public Domain)
HP24 : God is a name my soul adores The (Public Domain)
HP25 : Hes got the whole world in His hands (Public Domain)
HP26 : High in the heavens eternal God Thy goodness in (Public Domain)
HP27 : Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord for He (Public Domain)
HP28 : O worship the King All glorious above O gratefully (Public Domain)
HP29 : Thou Whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard (Public Domain)
HP30 : As the bridegroom to His chosen (Public Domain)
HP31 : Come let us all unite to sing God is (Public Domain)
HP32 : Ere God had built the mountains Or raise (Public Domain)
HP33 : Come let us to the Lord our God With contrite (Public Domain)
HP34 : Eternal depth of love divine In Jesus (Public Domain)
HP35 : Glory love and praise and honour (Public Domain)
HP36 : God is Love let heaven adore Him (Public Domain)
HP37 : Good thou art and good thou dost (Public Domain)
HP38 : Great God of wonders All Thy ways (Public Domain)
HP39 : Lord God by whom all change is wrought (Public Domain)
HP40 : Thee will I love my God and King (Public Domain)
HP41 : Thee will I praise with all my heart (Public Domain)
HP42 : O love of God how strong and true (Public Domain)
HP43 : The God of love my Shepherd is And He (Public Domain)
HP44 : The Lord is my Shepherd There is nothing (Public Domain)
HP46 : What shall I do my God to love My loving God to (Public Domain)
HP47 : What shall I do my God to love (Public Domain)
HP48 : Thy ceaseless unexhausted love Unmerited (Public Domain)
HP49 : Eternal Power whose high abode Becomes (Public Domain)
HP50 : Behold the mountain of the Lord In latter days (Public Domain)
HP51 : My God how wonderful Thou art Thy majesty how (Public Domain)
HP52 : O God thou art the Father (Public Domain)
HP53 : God is the refuge of his saints When storms of (Public Domain)
HP54 : O God Thy being who can sound (Public Domain)
HP55 : Praise the Lord who reigns above And (Public Domain)
HP56 : Praise to the living God All praised be (Public Domain)
HP57 : Sing a new song to the Lord He to whom (ONE_39287)
HP58 : The Lord is King lift up thy voice O earth and all (Public Domain)
HP59 : The Lord Jehovah reigns His throne is built on (Public Domain)
HP60 : Timeless love We sing the story (CCLI_649848)
HP61 : Sing to the Lord with joyful voice Let (Public Domain)
HP62 : Captain of Israels host and Guide (Public Domain)
HP63 : All my hope on God is founded He doth still my (Public Domain)
HP64 : God has spoken by His prophets (ONE_2647559)
HP65 : God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to (Public Domain)
HP66 : Great is Thy faithfulness O God my (CCLI_18723)
HP67 : Lead kindly Light amid the encircling (Public Domain)
HP68 : Lead us heavenly Father lead us oer the (Public Domain)
HP69 : The King of love my Shepherd is Whose (Public Domain)
HP70 : The Lords my Shepherd Ill not want (Public Domain)
HP72 : In all my vast concerns with Thee In vain my soul (Public Domain)
HP73 : Through all the changing scenes of life In trouble (Public Domain)
HP74 : At the Name of Jesus every knee shall (Public Domain)
HP76 : Can we by searching find out God (CCLI_970005)
HP77 : Joy to the world the Lord is come Let earth (Public Domain)
HP78 : Join all the glorious names Of wisdom (Public Domain)
HP79 : Of the Fathers love begotten Ere the (Public Domain)
HP80 : To the Name of our salvation Laud and (Public Domain)
HP81 : Come Thou long expected Jesus Born to set Thy (Public Domain)
HP82 : Hark the glad sound the Saviour comes The Saviour (Public Domain)
HP83 : Long ago prophets knew Christ would (Public Domain)
HP84 : On Jordans bank the Baptists cry (Public Domain)
HP85 : O come O come Emmanuel And ransom (Public Domain)
HP86 : Tell out my soul the greatness of the (CCLI_27051)
HP87 : The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Public Domain)
HP88 : The holly and the ivy Are dancing in a (CCLI_2931409)
HP89 : The race that long in darkness pined (Public Domain)
HP90 : A great and mighty wonder A full (Public Domain)
HP91 : All my heart this night rejoices (Public Domain)
HP92 : Angels from the realms of glory (Public Domain)
HP93 : A virgin most pure as the prophets do (Public Domain)
HP94 : Away in a manger no crib for a bed (Public Domain)
HP95 : Born in the night Marys Child (CCLI_3609730)
HP96 : Christians awake salute the happy morn (Public Domain)
HP97 : Come and join the celebration (CCLI_571246)
HP98 : Cradled in a manger meanly Laid the Son (Public Domain)
HP99 : From east to west from shore to shore (Public Domain)
HP100 : From heaven above to earth I come (Public Domain)
HP101 : Glory be to God on high And peace (Public Domain)
HP102 : God from on high has heard Let sighs (Public Domain)
HP103 : God rest ye merry gentlemen (Public Domain)
HP104 : Good Christians all rejoice With heart (Public Domain)
HP105 : Love came down at Christmas Love all (Public Domain)
HP106 : Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the (Public Domain)
HP107 : In the bleak midwinter (Public Domain)
HP108 : It came upon the midnight clear That (Public Domain)
HP109 : Let earth and heaven combine Angels and (Public Domain)
HP110 : O come all ye faithful joyful and (Public Domain)
HP111 : O little one sweet O little one mild (Public Domain)
HP112 : Silent night holy night All is calm (Public Domain)
HP113 : O little town of Bethlehem How still we (Public Domain)
HP114 : Once in royal Davids city Stood a lowly (Public Domain)
HP115 : On Christmas night all Christians sing (Public Domain)
HP116 : On the eve of Christmas (Public Domain)
HP117 : See amid the winters snow Born for us (Public Domain)
HP118 : See Him lying on a bed of straw (CCLI_626892)
HP119 : The first Noel the angel did say Was to certain (Public Domain)
HP120 : While shepherds watched their flocks by (Public Domain)
HP121 : As with gladness men of old Did the (Public Domain)
HP122 : Bethlehem of noblest cities None can (Public Domain)
HP123 : Brightest and best of the sons of the (Public Domain)
HP124 : Child of the stables secret birth (CCLI_1022426)
HP125 : Hail to the Lords Anointed Great David (Public Domain)
HP126 : Hail to the Lord who comes Comes to His (Public Domain)
HP127 : Unto us a Boy is born King of all (Public Domain)
HP128 : Wise men seeking Jesus Traveled from (Public Domain)
HP129 : Christ when for us you were baptized (Public Domain)
HP130 : Forty days and forty nights Thou wast (Public Domain)
HP131 : Lord who throughout these forty days (Public Domain)
HP132 : When Jesus came to Jordan (CCLI_2564467)
HP133 : Blest are the poor in spirit (Public Domain)
HP134 : Forgive our sins as we forgive You (CCLI_3162143)
HP135 : Go, tell it on the mountain (Public Domain)
HP136 : I heard the voice of Jesus say Come unto Me and (Public Domain)
HP137 : Jesus the Lord said I am the Bread (CCLI_2647999)
HP138 : Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CCLI_1352)
HP139 : The kingdom of God is justice and joy (ONE_28013)
HP142 : At even when the sun was set The sick (Public Domain)
HP143 : Behold a little child Laid in a manger (Public Domain)
HP144 : Fierce raged the tempest oer the deep (Public Domain)
HP145 : Kneels at the feet of his friends silently washes (CCLI_7199418)
HP146 : Jesus friend of little children Be a (Public Domain)
HP147 : Jesus my Lord how rich Thy grace Thy bounties how (Public Domain)
HP148 : Jesus thy far extended fame My drooping soul exult (Public Domain)
HP149 : One there is above all others Well (Public Domain)
HP150 : O Thou whom once they flocked to hear Thy words to (Public Domain)
HP151 : When Jesus the healer passed through (CCLI_458888)
HP152 : Son of the Lord most high (CCLI_1577098)
HP153 : Tell me the stories of Jesus I love (ONE_657072304)
HP154 : Thou didst leave Thy throne And Thy king (Public Domain)
HP155 : Christ upon the mountain peak (CCLI_4720096)
HP156 : How good Lord to be here (Public Domain)
HP157 : Once on a mountain-top (CCLI_230707)
HP158 : Stay Master stay upon this heavenly hill (Public Domain)
HP159 : Ride on Ride on in Majesty In lowly pomp ride on (Public Domain)
HP160 : All glory laud and honour To Thee (Public Domain)
HP161 : The glory of our King was seen (Public Domain)
HP162 : Trotting trotting through Jerusalem (CCLI_515415)
HP163 : Children of Jerusalem Sang the praise of (Public Domain)
HP164 : Ah holy Jesus how hast Thou offended (Public Domain)
HP165 : Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain (Public Domain)
HP166 : God of unexampled grace Redeemer of (Public Domain)
HP167 : In the cross of Christ I glory Towering oer the (Public Domain)
HP168 : Jesus comes with all His grace (Public Domain)
HP169 : Jesus in the olive grove Waiting for a (CCLI_7202229)
HP170 : Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim (ONE_59074)
HP171 : My God I love Thee Not because I hope (Public Domain)
HP172 : O dearest Lord Thy sacred head (Public Domain)
HP173 : My song is love unknown My Saviours (Public Domain)
HP174 : Nature with open volume sounds (stands) (Public Domain)
HP175 : O love divine What hast Thou done (Public Domain)
HP176 : O sacred Head sore wounded With grief (Public Domain)
HP177 : Sing my tongue the glorious battle (Public Domain)
HP178 : There is a green hill far away Outside a (Public Domain)
HP179 : The royal banners forward go The Cross (Public Domain)
HP180 : When I survey the wondrous cross On which the (Public Domain)
HP181 : Were you there when they crucified my (Public Domain)
HP182 : We sing the praise of Him who died upon the cross (Public Domain)
HP183 : When my love to Christ grows weak (Public Domain)
HP184 : With glorious clouds encompassed round (Public Domain)
HP185 : Would Jesus have the sinner die Why hang (Public Domain)
HP186 : After darkness light After winter spring (CCLI_5189966)
HP187 : Away with gloom away with doubt (Public Domain)
HP188 : All ye that seek the Lord who died (Public Domain)
HP189 : Christ above all glory seated (Public Domain)
HP190 : Christ is alive Let Christians sing (CCLI_2572655)
HP191 : Good Christians all rejoice and sing (ONE_87718)
HP192 : Christ the Lord is risen again Christ (Public Domain)
HP193 : Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia (Public Domain)
HP194 : Come ye faithful raise the strain (Public Domain)
HP196 : I know that my Redeemer lives What (Public Domain)
HP197 : Hail the day that sees Him rise Alleluia (Public Domain)
HP198 : Jesus lives thy terrors now Can O death (Public Domain)
HP199 : Jesus Lord Redeemer Once for sinners (Public Domain)
HP200 : When Easter to the dark world came (CCLI_875382)
HP201 : Look ye saints the sight is glorious See the Man (Public Domain)
HP202 : Low in the grave He lay Jesus is my (Public Domain)
HP203 : Now is eternal life If risen with Christ (CCLI_1076544)
HP204 : Now the green blade rises from the (CCLI_4755944)
HP205 : O sons and daughters let us sing (Public Domain)
HP206 : Our Lord is risen from the dead Our (Public Domain)
HP207 : Rejoice and be glad The Redeemer hath (Public Domain)
HP208 : The day of resurrection Earth tell it (Public Domain)
HP209 : The head that once was crowned with (Public Domain)
HP210 : The Lord ascendeth up on high The Lord (Public Domain)
HP211 : The Saviour when to heaven He rose (Public Domain)
HP212 : Thine be the glory risen conquering Son (Public Domain)
HP213 : This joyful Eastertide What need (CCLI_996388)
HP214 : The strife is over the battle is done (Public Domain)
HP215 : Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a (Public Domain)
HP216 : And can it be that I should gain An interest in (Public Domain)
HP217 : Arise my soul arise Shake off thy guilty fears (Public Domain)
HP218 : Father of peace and God of love (Public Domain)
HP219 : Christ is the worlds Redeemer (Public Domain)
HP220 : God is love His the care Tending each (Public Domain)
HP221 : I am not skilled to understand What God (Public Domain)
HP222 : Hail Thou once despised Jesus Hail Thou Galilean (Public Domain)
HP223 : I will sing the wondrous story (Public Domain)
HP224 : It is a thing most wonderful Almost too (Public Domain)
HP225 : Jesus Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are (Public Domain)
HP226 : Let earth and heaven agree Angels and me (Public Domain)
HP227 : Lift up your heads ye gates of brass Ye (Public Domain)
HP228 : Man of sorrows What a Name For the Son (Public Domain)
HP229 : O love how deep how broad how high (Public Domain)
HP230 : Theres a wideness in Gods mercy (Public Domain)
HP231 : Praise to the Holiest in the height And (Public Domain)
HP232 : Tell me the old old story of unseen (Public Domain)
HP233 : The Saviour died but rose again (Public Domain)
HP234 : Thou art the Way to Thee alone From sin (Public Domain)
HP235 : With joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest (Public Domain)
HP236 : Hark what a sound and too divine (Public Domain)
HP237 : Hills of the north rejoice River and (Public Domain)
HP238 : I cannot tell why He whom angels worship (Public Domain)
HP239 : Jesus shall reign whereer the sun Does (Public Domain)
HP240 : Lift up your heads you mighty gates (Public Domain)
HP241 : Lo He comes with clouds descending Once (Public Domain)
HP242 : Mine eyes have seen the glory (Public Domain)
HP243 : Rejoice the Lord is King Your Lord and King adore (Public Domain)
HP244 : Sing we the King who is coming to reign (Public Domain)
HP245 : The Lord will come and not be slow His (Public Domain)
HP246 : Theres a light upon the mountains (Public Domain)
HP247 : Thou judge of quick and dead before Whose bar (Public Domain)
HP248 : Ye servants of the Lord Each in his office wait (Public Domain)
HP249 : Wake O wake With tidings thrilling (Public Domain)
HP250 : Jesus is Lord of all the earth (CCLI_32376)
HP251 : All for Jesus all for Jesus This our son (Public Domain)
HP252 : All hail the power of Jesus Name Let angels (Public Domain)
HP253 : All praise to Thee for Thou O King (Public Domain)
HP254 : Come my Way my Truth my Life (Public Domain)
HP255 : Crown Him with many crowns The Lamb (Public Domain)
HP256 : He is Lord He is Lord He is risen from (Public Domain)
HP257 : How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer (Public Domain)
HP258 : Jesu Thou joy of loving hearts (Public Domain)
HP259 : Jesus priceless treasure Source of (Public Domain)
HP260 : Jesus is Lord Creations voice proclaim (Public Domain)
HP261 : Jesus sun and shield art Thou (Public Domain)
HP262 : Jesus the Conqueror reigns In glorious (Public Domain)
HP263 : Jesus the good Shepherd is (Public Domain)
HP264 : Jesus the name high over all In hell or (Public Domain)
HP265 : Jesus the very thought of Thee With sweetness (Public Domain)
HP266 : Let all mortal flesh keep silence And (Public Domain)
HP267 : Love divine all loves excelling Joy of heaven to (Public Domain)
HP268 : My heart and voice I raise To spread (CCLI_3362747)
HP269 : O Jesus King most wonderful Thou Conqueror (Public Domain)
HP270 : In the stillness of the night (Public Domain)
HP271 : None other lamb none other name (Public Domain)
HP272 : Ride on Jesus all victorious (Public Domain)
HP273 : Rock of Ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in (Public Domain)
HP274 : Saviour blessed Saviour Listen while we (Public Domain)
HP275 : Thou hidden source of calm repose Thou all (Public Domain)
HP276 : When morning gilds the skies My heart (Public Domain)
HP277 : This this is the God we adore Our faithful (Public Domain)
HP278 : Ye servants of God Your Master proclaim (Public Domain)
HP279 : Born by the Holy Spirits breath (CCLI_2627421)
HP280 : Breathe on me breath of God Fill me with (Public Domain)
HP281 : Come down O Love Divine Seek Thou (Public Domain)
HP282 : Come Holy Ghost all quickening fire Come and in me (Public Domain)
HP283 : Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire (Public Domain)
HP284 : Come Thou Holy Spirit come And from Thy (Public Domain)
HP285 : Creator Spirit by whose aid The worlds (Public Domain)
HP286 : Gracious Spirit dwell with me I myself (Public Domain)
HP287 : Granted is the Saviours prayer Sent the (Public Domain)
HP288 : Holy Spirit come confirm us In the truth (ONE_21693)
HP289 : Holy Spirit truth divine Dawn upon this (Public Domain)
HP291 : I want the Spirit of power within Of (Public Domain)
HP292 : I will pray the Father and He will (Public Domain)
HP293 : O come and dwell in me Spirit of power (Public Domain)
HP294 : Spirit of God within me Possess my human (CCLI_2607726)
HP295 : Spirit of the living God fall afresh on (CCLI_23488)
HP296 : Away with our fears Our troubles and (Public Domain)
HP297 : Come Holy Spirit heavenly Dove With all thy quick- (Public Domain)
HP298 : Come thou everlasting Spirit Bring to (Public Domain)
HP299 : Father if justly still we claim To us an (Public Domain)
HP300 : Father of everlasting grace Thy goodness (Public Domain)
HP301 : Gracious Spirit Holy Ghost Taught by (Public Domain)
HP302 : Lo In the likeness of fire (Public Domain)
HP303 : Holy Spirit ever dwelling in the holiest (Public Domain)
HP304 : Holy Spirit hear us Help us while we (Public Domain)
HP305 : Let every Christian pray (CCLI_3200816)
HP306 : Lord God the Holy Ghost In this accepted (Public Domain)
HP307 : Lord we believe to us and ours The apostolic (Public Domain)
HP308 : O breath of God breathe on us now (Public Domain)
HP309 : O God O Spirit known to us (Public Domain)
HP310 : O Holy Spirit Lord of grace Eternal (Public Domain)
HP311 : O King enthroned on high Thou comforter (Public Domain)
HP312 : Our blest Redeemer ere He breathed His tender last (Public Domain)
HP313 : Spirit of God descend upon my heart (Public Domain)
HP314 : Filled with the Spirits power (ONE_00085)
HP315 : Gods Spirit is in my heart (CCLI_968866)
HP316 : Head of Thy church whose Spirit fills (Public Domain)
HP317 : In the power of Gods own Spirit (ONE_72039)
HP318 : Jesus the gift divine I know (Public Domain)
HP319 : Lord, give us your spirit (CCLI_243581)
HP320 : Of all the Spirits gifts to me (CCLI_225200)
HP321 : On all the earth Thy Spirit shower The earth in (Public Domain)
HP322 : O Spirit of the living God in all the (Public Domain)
HP323 : Our Lord His passion ended (Public Domain)
HP324 : Sing to Him in whom creation (CCLI_1094825)
HP325 : Spirit of faith come down Reveal the things of God (Public Domain)
HP326 : Theres a spirit in the air (CCLI_133165)
HP327 : Spirit Divine attend our prayers And make our (Public Domain)
HP328 : Upon the day of Pentecost (CCLI_3245228)
HP329 : All creatures of our God and King (Public Domain)
HP330 : All things bright and beautiful (Public Domain)
HP331 : All things praise Thee Lord most high (Public Domain)
HP332 : Sing a new song (ONE_ID2007)
HP333 : For the beauty of the earth For the (Public Domain)
HP334 : I sing the mighty power of God That made (Public Domain)
HP335 : Lord of the boundless curves of space (CCLI_230635)
HP336 : How wonderful this world of Thine (CCLI_2678731)
HP337 : O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Public Domain)
HP338 : Praise ye the Lord Tis good to raise Our hearts (Public Domain)
HP339 : The spacious firmament on high With all the blue (Public Domain)
HP340 : There is a book who runs may read (Public Domain)
HP341 : Father who on man dost shower Gifts (Public Domain)
HP342 : For the fruits of His creation Thanks be (CCLI_1330503)
HP343 : God in His love for us lent us this (CCLI_1330503)
HP344 : God whose farm is all creation (Public Domain)
HP345 : God You have given us power to sound (ONE_38527)
HP346 : Hear us O Lord from heaven Thy dwelling (Public Domain)
HP347 : Lord bring the day to pass (CCLI_1536266)
HP348 : Now join we to praise the creator (CCLI_2566654)
HP350 : Praise and thanksgiving Father we offer (CCLI_451751)
HP351 : Praise God for the harvest of farm (CCLI_2833916)
HP352 : We plough the fields and scatter (Public Domain)
HP354 : Come let us anew our journey persue Roll (Public Domain)
HP355 : Come ye thankful people come Raise the (Public Domain)
HP356 : Great God we sing that mighty hand By which (Public Domain)
HP358 : O God our help in ages past Our hope for (Public Domain)
HP359 : Praise O praise our God and King Hymns (Public Domain)
HP360 : Sing to the great Jehovahs praise All praise to (Public Domain)
HP361 : Summer suns are glowing Over land and (Public Domain)
HP362 : To Thee O Lord our hearts we raise (Public Domain)
HP363 : Yes God is good in earth and sky (Public Domain)
HP364 : As man and woman we were made (ONE_5b114f58d6c52)
HP366 : Happy the home that welcomes you Lord (Public Domain)
HP367 : Lord of the home your only Son (CCLI_1531027)
HP369 : O God in heaven whose loving plan (ONE_87428)
HP370 : O perfect love all human thought (Public Domain)
HP371 : Our Father by whose name (ONE_28093)
HP372 : Our Father whose creative love (CCLI_3369654)
HP373 : The grace of life is theirs (CCLI_225028)
HP374 : Thou God of truth and love We seek thy (Public Domain)
HP375 : Almighty Father of all things that be (Public Domain)
HP376 : Behold us Lord a little space From daily (Public Domain)
HP377 : Come to us creative Spirit In our Father (CCLI_3258923)
HP378 : Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart (Public Domain)
HP379 : Eternal Father Strong to save Whose arm (Public Domain)
HP381 : Forth in Thy name O Lord I go My daily (Public Domain)
HP382 : Life and light and joy are found (Public Domain)
HP383 : Servant of all to toil for man Thou did (Public Domain)
HP384 : Lord God in whom all worlds (CCLI_1582069)
HP385 : Spirit of wisdom turn our eyes From (Public Domain)
HP388 : When in our music God is glorified (ONE_199868)
HP389 : From Thee all skill and science flow (Public Domain)
HP390 : Heal us Emmanuel Hear our prayer We wait (Public Domain)
HP391 : I greet Thee who my sure Redeemer art (Public Domain)
HP392 : Immortal Love forever full Forever (Public Domain)
HP393 : Jesus hands were kind hands Doing good (Public Domain)
HP394 : Lord Christ who on Thy heart didst bear (Public Domain)
HP395 : O Christ the Healer we have come (CCLI_2854744)
HP396 : O God by whose almighty plan (Public Domain)
HP397 : Thine arm O Lord in days of old was (Public Domain)
HP399 : Almighty Father who dost give The gift (Public Domain)
HP400 : All glory to God in the sky And peace (Public Domain)
HP402 : For the healing of the nations (CCLI_3200067)
HP403 : God of love and truth and beauty (Public Domain)
HP404 : It is God who holds the nations (CCLI_2564436)
HP405 : Lift up your hearts We lift them Lord to (Public Domain)
HP409 : Judge eternal throned in splendour (Public Domain)
HP412 : We turn to You O God of every nation (CCLI_1053196)
HP413 : We pray for peace but not the easy peace (CCLI_1565464)
HP414 : What does the Lord require For praise (CCLI_2846336)
HP415 : And art Thou come with us to dwell Our Prince our (Public Domain)
HP416 : As pants the hart for cooling streams When heated (Public Domain)
HP417 : Can I forget bright Edens grace (Public Domain)
HP418 : Come O Thou all victorious Lord Thy power to us (Public Domain)
HP421 : How blest is life if lived for Thee (Public Domain)
HP422 : I want a principle within Of jealous godly fear (Public Domain)
HP423 : Lord I was blind I could not see In Thy (Public Domain)
HP424 : O Crucified Redeemer Whose life (Public Domain)
HP426 : O God of earth and altar bow down and (Public Domain)
HP428 : There is no moment of my life (CCLI_963483)
HP429 : Out of the depths I cry to Thee Lord God (Public Domain)
HP430 : What Adams disobedience cost (ONE_5a7d8eea15c0b)
HP431 : Where cross the crowded ways of life (Public Domain)
HP432 : Who fathoms the eternal thought (Public Domain)
HP433 : Arm of the Lord awake awake Thine (Public Domain)
HP434 : Come O thou Traveller unknown Whom still (Public Domain)
HP435 : For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee (Public Domain)
HP436 : Father hear the prayer we offer Not for (Public Domain)
HP437 : Guide me O Thou great Jehovah Pilgrim through this (Public Domain)
HP438 : Great is our redeeming Lord In power and (Public Domain)
HP439 : Ill praise my Maker while Ive breath And when my (Public Domain)
HP440 : Omnipotent Redeemer Our ransomed (Public Domain)
HP441 : Through the night of doubt and sorrow (Public Domain)
HP442 : O God of Bethel by whose hand Thy people still are (Public Domain)
HP443 : We praise we worship Thee O God (Public Domain)
HP444 : As Jacob with travel was weary one day (Public Domain)
HP445 : Bright the vision that delighted Once (Public Domain)
HP446 : Hast Thou not known hast Thou not heard (Public Domain)
HP447 : Deep in the shadows of the past (ONE_5b114f5aa6bd3)
HP448 : How glorious Zions courts appear The (Public Domain)
HP449 : How gracious are their feet (Public Domain)
HP450 : Moses I know youre the man The Lord (ONE_5af444c4c8855)
HP451 : Nearer my God to Thee Nearer to Thee Nearer to (Public Domain)
HP452 : The God of Abraham praise Who reigns enthroned (Public Domain)
HP453 : We come unto our fathers God Their rock (Public Domain)
HP454 : The God who sent the prophets (ONE_5a7d8ee517a5d)
HP455 : Christ is the worlds Light he and none (ONE_319)
HP456 : Christ is the worlds true Light (CCLI_6503606)
HP457 : Christ whose glory fills the skies Christ the true (Public Domain)
HP458 : Eternal Light Eternal Light How pure (Public Domain)
HP459 : In the fields of this world His good new (ONE_5b114f5c498df)
HP460 : Come sinners to the gospel feast let every soul be (Public Domain)
HP461 : O splendour of Gods glory bright (Public Domain)
HP462 : Stupendous height of heaveny love (Public Domain)
HP463 : To God be the glory Great things He has (Public Domain)
HP464 : Walk in the light So shalt thou know That (Public Domain)
HP465 : We have a gospel to proclaim Good news (CCLI_279469)
HP466 : Almighty God Thy word is cast Like seed (Public Domain)
HP467 : Break Thou the bread of life dear Lord (Public Domain)
HP468 : Come divine Interpreter Bring us eyes (Public Domain)
HP469 : Come Holy Ghost our hearts inspire Let us Thine (Public Domain)
HP470 : Come Lord to our souls come down (Public Domain)
HP472 : God who hast caused to be written (ONE_47882)
HP473 : Heavenly Father may Your blessing (Public Domain)
HP474 : Help us O Lord to learn The truths (ONE_11650)
HP475 : Lord I have made Thy Word my choice My lasting (Public Domain)
HP476 : Lord Thy Word abideth and our footsteps (Public Domain)
HP478 : O Word of God incarnate O wisdom from on high (Public Domain)
HP479 : Powerful in making us wise to salvation (CCLI_3109728)
HP480 : Spirit of truth essential God (Public Domain)
HP481 : The heavens declare Thy glory Lord In every star (Public Domain)
HP482 : Your words to me are life and health (Public Domain)
HP483 : Thanks to God whose Word was spoken (CCLI_7015377)
HP484 : Angel voices ever singing Round Thy (Public Domain)
HP485 : Blessed city heavenly Salem Vision dear (Public Domain)
HP486 : Born in song Gods people have always (CCLI_989319)
HP487 : Come we that love the Lord And let our joys be (Public Domain)
HP488 : Command Thy blessing from above O God (Public Domain)
HP489 : From all that dwell below the skies Let (Public Domain)
HP490 : Great Shepherd of Thy people hear Thy (Public Domain)
HP491 : New songs of celebration render (CCLI_3156829)
HP492 : Give me joy in my heart keep me praising (Public Domain)
HP493 : Glory to God in the highest (ONE_30103224)
HP494 : God is in His temple the almighty Father (Public Domain)
HP495 : He wants not friends that hath Thy love (Public Domain)
HP496 : I to the hills will lift mine eyes From (Public Domain)
HP497 : How pleased and blest was I to hear (Public Domain)
HP499 : King of Glory King of Peace I will love (Public Domain)
HP500 : Lord God Your love has called us here (ONE_5b114f6dd2b89)
HP501 : Meet and right it is to sing In every (Public Domain)
HP502 : O praise God in His holiness (Public Domain)
HP503 : O praise Him O praise Him O praise Him (ONE_5af4449e402cf)
HP504 : O heavenly King look down from above (Public Domain)
HP505 : O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness (Public Domain)
HP506 : Praise Him praise Him Praise Him in (Public Domain)
HP508 : Praise the Lord with joyful cry (ONE_5a8ed1d29df8f)
HP509 : Praise ye the Lord ye servants (Public Domain)
HP510 : Pray that Jerusalem may have (Public Domain)
HP511 : Sing praise to God who reigns above (Public Domain)
HP512 : Songs of praise the angels sang Heaven with (Public Domain)
HP513 : Stand up and bless the Lord Ye people of His (Public Domain)
HP514 : Sweet is the work my God my King To praise Thy (Public Domain)
HP515 : The Churchs one foundation Is Jesus (Public Domain)
HP516 : Ye gates lift up Your heads on high (Public Domain)
HP517 : Come Thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to (Public Domain)
HP519 : Father of heaven whose love profound A ransom for (Public Domain)
HP520 : Father whose everlasting love Thy only (Public Domain)
HP521 : Hark my soul it is the Lord Tis my SavioUr hear (Public Domain)
HP522 : Dear Master in whose life I see (Public Domain)
HP523 : Hushed was the evening hymn The temple (Public Domain)
HP524 : I need thee every hour most gracious (Public Domain)
HP525 : Kum ba yah my Lord Kum ba yah (Public Domain)
HP526 : It passeth knowledge that dear love of (Public Domain)
HP527 : Jesus Saviour ever mild (Public Domain)
HP528 : Jesus lover of my soul Let me to Thy bosom fly (Public Domain)
HP529 : Jesus if still the same Thou art (Public Domain)
HP530 : Jesus stand among us in Thy risen power (Public Domain)
HP531 : Lo God is here let us adore And own how (Public Domain)
HP532 : Lord Christ we praise Your sacrifice (CCLI_3260210)
HP533 : Lord Jesus think on me And purge away (Public Domain)
HP534 : Now let us see Thy beauty Lord As we (Public Domain)
HP535 : Master speak Thy servant heareth (Public Domain)
HP536 : O for a heart to praise my God A heart from sin (Public Domain)
HP537 : O send Thy light forth and Thy truth (Public Domain)
HP538 : O the bitter shame and sorrow That a (Public Domain)
HP539 : One who is all unfit to count (Public Domain)
HP540 : Open Lord my inward ear And bid my (Public Domain)
HP541 : Saviour and can it be That Thou shouldst (Public Domain)
HP542 : Talk with us Lord Thyself reveal While (Public Domain)
HP544 : Thou hidden love of God Whose height Whose depth (Public Domain)
HP546 : Come my soul thy suit prepare Jesus loves to (Public Domain)
HP547 : Head of the Church our risen Lord (Public Domain)
HP549 : Jesus whereer Thy people meet (Public Domain)
HP550 : Lamb of God whose dying love We now recall to mind (Public Domain)
HP551 : Lord teach us how to pray aright With (Public Domain)
HP552 : Lord of all hopefulness Lord of all joy (Public Domain)
HP553 : Lord speak to me that I may speak In (Public Domain)
HP554 : O God of our forefathers hear And make t (Public Domain)
HP555 : O that mine eyes might closed be (Public Domain)
HP556 : Pray for the Church affllcted and (ONE_5a7d8ee1a3c15)
HP557 : Prayer is the souls sincere desire Uttered or (Public Domain)
HP558 : Shepherd divine our wants relieve In (Public Domain)
HP559 : What a friend we have in Jesus (Public Domain)
HP560 : Shine Thou upon us Lord true Light of (Public Domain)
HP562 : How do Thy mercies close me round Forever be thy (Public Domain)
HP563 : My God I am Thine What a comfort divine (Public Domain)
HP564 : My God I thank Thee Who hast made The (Public Domain)
HP565 : Praise Him praise Him all His little (Public Domain)
HP566 : Now thank we all our God With hearts (Public Domain)
HP567 : O come and let us to the Lord (Public Domain)
HP568 : O Lord enlarge our scanty thought (Public Domain)
HP569 : O what shall I do my Saviour to praise (Public Domain)
HP571 : Sometimes a light surprises The (Public Domain)
HP572 : Think of a world without any flowers (CCLI_877634)
HP573 : When all Thy mercies O my God My rising (Public Domain)
HP574 : Worship and thanks and blessing And (Public Domain)
HP575 : Come let us with our Lord arise (Public Domain)
HP576 : The first day of the week (ONE_5a7d8ee4dbe24)
HP577 : This is the day the Lord hath made He calls the (Public Domain)
HP578 : This is the day this is the day (Public Domain)
HP579 : A mighty mystery we set forth (Public Domain)
HP580 : Come Father Son and Holy Ghost Honour the means (Public Domain)
HP581 : Glory and praise to God Who loves (Public Domain)
HP582 : Praise to God almighty maker (Public Domain)
HP583 : Jesus we follow Thee In all thy footsteps tread (Public Domain)
HP585 : Lord Jesus once a child (ONE_5a7d8edb2f96b)
HP587 : Lord let Your grace descend on those (Public Domain)
HP588 : See Israels gentle Shepherd stand With (Public Domain)
HP589 : This child from God above (CCLI_7106562)
HP590 : Now in the name of HIm who sent (CCLI_4341657)
HP591 : Stand soldier of the cross Thy high (Public Domain)
HP592 : Alleluia sing to Jesus His the sceptre (Public Domain)
HP593 : And now O Father mindful of the love (Public Domain)
HP594 : An Upper Room did our Lord prepare (CCLI_1781633)
HP595 : As your family Lord see us here (Public Domain)
HP596 : Author of life divine Who hast a table (Public Domain)
HP597 : Be known to us in breaking bread (Public Domain)
HP598 : Because Thou hast said Do this for My (Public Domain)
HP599 : Bread of the world in mercy broken Wine (Public Domain)
HP600 : By Christ redeemed in Christ restored (Public Domain)
HP602 : Come Holy Ghost Thine influence shed (Public Domain)
HP603 : Father we give You thanks who planted (Public Domain)
HP605 : Come risen Lord and deign to be our (CCLI_2639550)
HP606 : Deck thyself my soul with gladness (Public Domain)
HP607 : Father who in Jesus found us (CCLI_3199972)
HP608 : Here O my Lord I see Thee face to face (Public Domain)
HP609 : How happy are Thy servants Lord (Public Domain)
HP610 : I come with joy to meet my Lord forgiven loved and (CCLI_2403078)
HP611 : I am the bread of life He who comes to (Public Domain)
HP612 : Jesus invites His saints To meet around (Public Domain)
HP613 : Jesus to Your table led Now let every (Public Domain)
HP614 : Jesus we thus obey Thy last and kindest (Public Domain)
HP615 : Let us break bread together with the (Public Domain)
HP616 : Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour (Public Domain)
HP617 : Lord Jesus Christ You have come to us (CCLI_40241)
HP618 : Lord of our highest love Let now Thy (Public Domain)
HP619 : Now let us from this table rise (CCLI_2566551)
HP620 : O bread to pilgrims given O food that angels eat (Public Domain)
HP621 : O Thou who this mysterious bread (Public Domain)
HP622 : See where our great High Priest (Public Domain)
HP623 : Reap me the earth as a harvest to God (ONE_242544)
HP624 : Sing my tongue the Saviours glory (Public Domain)
HP626 : Strengthen for service Lord the hands (Public Domain)
HP627 : The Son of God proclaim (ONE_245646)
HP628 : Upon Thy table Lord we place These (Public Domain)
HP629 : Victim divine Thy grace we claim While (Public Domain)
HP630 : At Thy feet O Christ we lay Thine own (Public Domain)
HP631 : Awake awake to love and work (Public Domain)
HP632 : Awake my soul and with the sun Thy daily stage of (Public Domain)
HP633 : Father we praise Thee now the night is (Public Domain)
HP635 : Morning has broken like the first (ONE_318796)
HP636 : New every morning is the love Our wakening and (Public Domain)
HP637 : O Lord of life Thy quickening voice Awakes my (Public Domain)
HP638 : Ere I sleep for every favour This day (Public Domain)
HP639 : To You before the end of day (Public Domain)
HP640 : Father in high heaven dwelling May our (Public Domain)
HP641 : God that madest earth and heaven Dark (Public Domain)
HP642 : Glory to Thee my God this night For all the bless (Public Domain)
HP643 : Saviour again in Thy dear name (Public Domain)
HP644 : Hail gladdening Light Of His pure glory (Public Domain)
HP645 : Lord Jesus in the days of old Two walked (Public Domain)
HP646 : Sun of my soul Thou Saviour dear It is not night (Public Domain)
HP647 : The duteous day now closeth Each flower (Public Domain)
HP648 : The day Thou gavest Lord is ended (Public Domain)
HP649 : Come let us use the grace divine And all with one (Public Domain)
HP651 : God be with you till we meet again (Public Domain)
HP652 : Lord dismiss us with Thy blessing fill our hearts (Public Domain)
HP653 : God is here As we His people (CCLI_2566496)
HP654 : Lord of the living in Your name assemble (CCLI_3200074)
HP655 : O how blest the hour Lord Jesus (Public Domain)
HP656 : O Thou not made with hands Not throned (Public Domain)
HP659 : This stone to Thee in faith we lay We (Public Domain)
HP660 : In our day of thanksgiving one psalm let (Public Domain)
HP661 : A safe stronghold our God is still (Public Domain)
HP662 : Author of faith eternal Word Whose (Public Domain)
HP663 : Awake our souls away our fears Let every trembling (Public Domain)
HP664 : Away with our fears The glad morning (Public Domain)
HP665 : Abide with me fast falls the eventide (Public Domain)
HP666 : Behold the amazing gift of love (Public Domain)
HP667 : Begone unbelief My Saviour is near and (Public Domain)
HP668 : Blessed assurance Jesus is mine O what a foretaste (Public Domain)
HP669 : Blest be the everlasting God The Father (Public Domain)
HP670 : Blest are the saints O God (Public Domain)
HP671 : Day by day dear Lord (Public Domain)
HP672 : Commit thou all thy griefs And ways into his hands (Public Domain)
HP673 : Dear Lord and Father of mankind Forgive (Public Domain)
HP674 : Happy the man that finds the grace (Public Domain)
HP676 : He that is down needs fear no fall (Public Domain)
HP677 : Im not ashamed to own my Lord Or to defend His (Public Domain)
HP678 : In heavenly love abiding No change my heart (Public Domain)
HP679 : Lord it belongs not to my care Whether I (Public Domain)
HP680 : Jesus my strength my hope On Thee I (Public Domain)
HP681 : Light of the world Thy beams I bless (Public Domain)
HP682 : My faith it is an oaken staff (Public Domain)
HP683 : My faith looks up to Thee Thou Lamb of Calvary (Public Domain)
HP684 : Now I have found the ground wherein Sure my souls (Public Domain)
HP685 : O love that wilt not let me go I rest my (Public Domain)
HP686 : When our confidence is shaken (CCLI_5199516)
HP687 : When we walk with the Lord (Public Domain)
HP688 : Who would true valour see Let him come (Public Domain)
HP689 : Will your anchor hold in the storms of (Public Domain)
HP690 : Being of beings God of love To Thee our (Public Domain)
HP691 : Come let us sing of a wonderful love (Public Domain)
HP693 : Father of Jesus Christ my Lord My Saviour and my (Public Domain)
HP694 : God be in my head And in my and in my (Public Domain)
HP695 : I bind unto myself today The strong name (Public Domain)
HP696 : Jesus Thy boundless love to me No thought can (Public Domain)
HP697 : Just as I am without one plea But that Thy blood (Public Domain)
HP698 : Let Him to whom we now belong His (Public Domain)
HP699 : Lord of creation to You be all praise (ONE_30247)
HP700 : Lord we have come at Your own invitation (CCLI_3157299)
HP701 : My God accept my heart this day And make (Public Domain)
HP702 : O happy day that fixed my choice On Thee my (Public Domain)
HP703 : What shall I render to my God For all his mercys (Public Domain)
HP704 : O Jesus I have promised To serve Thee (Public Domain)
HP705 : Take my life and let it be Consecrated (Public Domain)
HP706 : Where shall my wondering soul begin (Public Domain)
HP707 : And are we yet alive And see each other (Public Domain)
HP708 : Believe not those who say The upward (Public Domain)
HP709 : Christ be my leader by night as by day (CCLI_4509822)
HP710 : Fight the good fight with all thy might (Public Domain)
HP711 : Happy are they they that love God (Public Domain)
HP712 : God of grace and God of glory On Thy (ONE_277864)
HP713 : If Thou but suffer God to guide Thee (Public Domain)
HP714 : Make me a captive Lord And then I shall (Public Domain)
HP715 : Oft in danger oft in woe Onward (Public Domain)
HP716 : March on my soul with strength (Public Domain)
HP717 : O Lord and Master of us all Whatever our (Public Domain)
HP718 : Onward Christian soldiers marching as to (Public Domain)
HP719 : Soldiers of Christ arise and put your armour on (Public Domain)
HP720 : Son of God if Thy free grace (Public Domain)
HP721 : Stand up Stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers (Public Domain)
HP722 : Who is on the Lords side Who will serve (Public Domain)
HP723 : All things are possible to them (Public Domain)
HP724 : Blest are the pure in heart For they shall see our (Public Domain)
HP725 : Come dearest Lord descend and dwell (Public Domain)
HP726 : God of all power and truth and grace (Public Domain)
HP727 : God of all redeeming grace By Thy (Public Domain)
HP728 : How can we sinners know Our sins on (Public Domain)
HP729 : God of my salvation hear And help me to believe (Public Domain)
HP730 : I hunger and I thirst Jesus my manna be (Public Domain)
HP731 : I know that my Redeemer lives And ever prays for (Public Domain)
HP732 : Jesus good above all other Gentle Child (Public Domain)
HP733 : Jesus has died that I might live (Public Domain)
HP734 : Jesus my Truth my Way My sure unerring (Public Domain)
HP735 : Jesus the First and Last (Public Domain)
HP736 : Lord I believe a rest remains To all thy people (Public Domain)
HP737 : Lord that I may learn of Thee (Public Domain)
HP738 : Loving Jesus gentle Lamb In thy gracious hands (Public Domain)
HP739 : May the mind of Christ my Saviour (Public Domain)
HP740 : My God I know I feel Thee mine And will (Public Domain)
HP741 : My gracious Lord I own Thy right To (Public Domain)
HP742 : O Jesus Christ grow Thou in me (Public Domain)
HP743 : My Saviour how shall I proclaim How pay the mighty (Public Domain)
HP744 : O for a thousand tongues to sing (Public Domain)
HP745 : O Thou who camest from above Ready for all Thy (Public Domain)
HP746 : One more step along the world I go (ONE_5a8ffd0098bb7)
HP747 : Saviour from sin I wait to prove (Public Domain)
HP748 : Teach me O Lord Thy holy way (Public Domain)
HP749 : What is our callings glorious hope But (Public Domain)
HP750 : Thou Shepherd of Israel and mine The joy and (Public Domain)
HP751 : Ye faithful souls who Jesus know If rise (Public Domain)
HP752 : Blest be the dear uniting love That will not let (Public Domain)
HP753 : All praise to our redeeming Lord Who joins us by (Public Domain)
HP754 : Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in (Public Domain)
HP755 : Come let us who in Christ believe Our common (Public Domain)
HP756 : Come and let us sweetly join Christ to praise in (Public Domain)
HP757 : Here in Christ we gather love of Christ (ONE_30137650)
HP758 : In Christ there is no East or West (Public Domain)
HP759 : Jesus Lord we look to Thee let us (Public Domain)
HP760 : Jesus we look to Thee Thy promised presence claim (Public Domain)
HP761 : Jesus Thou soul of all our joys For Whom (Public Domain)
HP762 : May the grace of Christ my Saviour (Public Domain)
HP763 : See Jesus Thy disciples see The promised (Public Domain)
HP764 : Christ from whom all blessings flow Perfecting the (Public Domain)
HP766 : Eternal Son eternal Love Take to Thyself (Public Domain)
HP767 : Give me the faith which can remove (Public Domain)
HP768 : Jesus the word bestow The true immortal (Public Domain)
HP769 : God is working His purpose out As year (Public Domain)
HP770 : Go forth and tell O Church of God awake (ONE_99396)
HP771 : Lord if at Thy command The Word of life (Public Domain)
HP772 : Jesus Thy wandering sheep behold (Public Domain)
HP773 : Jesus united by Thy grace And each to (Public Domain)
HP774 : Lord Thy church on earth is seeking (CCLI_2452940)
HP776 : Make me a channel of your peace Where (Public Domain)
HP777 : O breath of life come sweeping through (Public Domain)
HP778 : O God our Father who dost make us one (Public Domain)
HP779 : O Thou who at Thy eucharist didst pray (Public Domain)
HP780 : Revive thy work O Lord Thy mighty arm (Public Domain)
HP781 : See how great a flame aspires Kindled by (Public Domain)
HP782 : Shout it in the street (ONE_5a8ffcf36b365)
HP783 : Thy kingdom come O God Thy rule (Public Domain)
HP784 : Thy hand O God has guided Thy flock from (Public Domain)
HP785 : A charge to keep I have A God to glorify (Public Domain)
HP786 : Be it my only wisdom here To serve the Lord with (Public Domain)
HP787 : A glorious company we sing The Master (CCLI_2099269)
HP788 : Behold the servant of the Lord (Public Domain)
HP789 : Christ for the world we sing The world (Public Domain)
HP790 : Father lead me day by day Ever in Thine (Public Domain)
HP791 : Father Son and Holy Ghost One in Three (Public Domain)
HP792 : Fill Thou my life O Lord my God In every (Public Domain)
HP793 : God of almighty love By whose sufficient (Public Domain)
HP794 : Go labour on spend and be spent Thy joy to do the (Public Domain)
HP795 : Jesus I fain would find Thy zeal for God (Public Domain)
HP796 : Lord of light whose name shines brighter (Public Domain)
HP797 : Lord of all good our gifts we bring to (CCLI_3243079)
HP798 : O loving Lord who art for ever seeking (Public Domain)
HP799 : My heart is full of Christ and longs Its (Public Domain)
HP800 : Lord in the strength of grace With a (Public Domain)
HP801 : O God what offering shall I give To Thee (Public Domain)
HP802 : O Master let me walk with Thee In lowly (Public Domain)
HP803 : Teach me my God and King In all things (Public Domain)
HP804 : The Church of Christ in every age (CCLI_5404586)
HP805 : Thy faithfulness Lord each moment we (Public Domain)
HP806 : What shall our greeting be (CCLI_5404782)
HP807 : What shall we offer our good Lord (Public Domain)
HP808 : Behold the temple of the Lord (Public Domain)
HP809 : City of God how broad and far Outspread thy walls (Public Domain)
HP810 : Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels (Public Domain)
HP811 : Earth rejoice our Lord is King Sons of men his (Public Domain)
HP812 : Come let us join our friends above Who (Public Domain)
HP813 : Come ye faithful raise the anthem (Public Domain)
HP814 : For all the saints who from their (Public Domain)
HP815 : Give me the wings of faith to rise Within the veil (Public Domain)
HP816 : Happy the souls to Jesus joined And saved by grace (Public Domain)
HP817 : Glorious things of Thee are spoken Zion city of (Public Domain)
HP818 : Head of Thy Church triumphant We (Public Domain)
HP819 : Leader of faithful souls and guide (Public Domain)
HP820 : Lift up your hearts to things above (Public Domain)
HP821 : Sing we the song of those who stand (Public Domain)
HP822 : There is a land of pure delight Where saints (Public Domain)
HP823 : Ye choirs of new Jerusalem Your sweetest (Public Domain)
STF1 : All people that on earth do dwell (Public Domain)
STF2 : Come, let us sing to the One (CCLI_4107640)
STF3 : Eternal God, your loves tremendous glory (CCLI_1530413)
STF4 : Father in heaven, grant to your children (ONE_119282)
STF5 : Father, in whom we live (Public Domain)
STF6 : Father, we love you, we worship and adore you (CCLI_1383)
STF7 : God, who made the stars of heaven (ONE_30403)
STF8 : God with us: Creator, Father (CCLI_3529140)
STF9 : Hail! Holy, holy, holy Lord! (Public Domain)
STF10 : Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (CCLI_1540719)
STF11 : Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! (Public Domain)
STF13 : Sing of a God in majestic divinity (ONE_68735)
STF14 : Sing to him in whom creation (CCLI_1094825)
STF15 : The splendour of the King (CCLI_4348399)
STF16 : We give immortal praise (Public Domain)
STF17 : With gladness we worship, rejoice as we sing (Public Domain)
STF18 : Be still and know that I am God (Public Domain)
STF19 : Be still and know that I am God (Public Domain)
STF20 : Be still, for the presence of the Lord (CCLI_120824)
STF21 : Born in song! (CCLI_989319)
STF22 : Come all you people (Uyai mose) (ONE_27)
STF23 : Come Holy Spirit. Maranatha! (CCLI_4663201)
STF24 : Come, now is the time to worship (CCLI_2430948)
STF25 : God is here! As we his people (CCLI_2566496)
STF26 : I rejoiced when I heard them say (ONE_98231)
STF27 : Jesus, we are here (Jesu, tawa pano) (ONE_18516)
STF28 : Jesus calls us here to meet him (CCLI_878695)
STF29 : Jesus lead us to the Father (CCLI_4515971)
STF30 : Jesus stand among us at the meeting of our lives (CCLI_40155)
STF31 : May the glory of the Lord fill his temple (Author)
STF32 : Meet and right it is to sing (Public Domain)
STF33 : O Lord we are always in your presence (ONE_D-0217)
STF34 : O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Public Domain)
STF35 : The trumpets sound, the angels sing (CCLI_190672)
STF36 : Theres a quiet understanding (CCLI_15135)
STF37 : Youre calling us and so we are gathered here (CCLI_5463163)
STF38 : Come, O Holy Spirit, come (Wa wa wa Emimimo) (Public Domain)
STF39 : Angel voices ever singing (Public Domain)
STF40 : Blessed be the name of the Lord (ONE_59204)
STF41 : Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful (CCLI_3798438)
STF42 : O sing to the Lord (ONE_5022)
STF43 : Come, let us praise the Lord, with joy our God acclaim (CCLI_2623968)
STF44 : Come on and celebrate (CCLI_189511)
STF45 : Earths creator, everyday God (ONE_116630)
STF46 : Everlasting God, the years go by but youre unchanging (CCLI_3994706)
STF47 : Faithful God, faithful God (CCLI_872433)
STF48 : From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea (CCLI_4403076)
STF49 : God beyond all names (CCLI_5502172)
STF50 : Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (CCLI_10769)
STF51 : Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father (CCLI_18723)
STF52 : He is exalted, the King is exalted on high (CCLI_17827)
STF53 : How shall I sing that majesty (Public Domain)
STF54 : I will worship with all of my heart (CCLI_487976)
STF55 : Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Public Domain)
STF56 : King of Glory, King of Peace (Public Domain)
STF57 : Let all the world in every corner sing (Public Domain)
STF58 : Lord, I come before your throne of grace (CCLI_605095)
STF59 : Lord, the light of your love is shining (CCLI_30426)
STF60 : My soul rejoices in God my Saviour (ONE_80096)
STF61 : Our God is a great big God (CCLI_3373437)
STF62 : Our God is an awesome God (CCLI_41099)
STF63 : Over all the earth, your reign on high (CCLI_2490706)
STF64 : Praise is rising, eyes are turning to you (CCLI_4662491)
STF65 : Sing of the Lords goodness, Father of all wisdom (ONE_80537)
STF66 : The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases (CCLI_21590)
STF67 : This, this is the God we adore (Public Domain)
STF68 : Worship God with the morning sunrise (CCLI_4517670)
STF69 : Ye holy angels bright, who wait at Gods right hand (Public Domain)
STF70 : Always remember, never forget (CCLI_1557331)
STF71 : Even as the world began (CCLI_4490948)
STF72 : Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist (CCLI_58202)
STF73 : Fill thou my life, O Lord my God (Public Domain)
STF74 : For the music of creation (ONE_18045)
STF75 : From all that dwell below the skies (Public Domain)
STF76 : Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising (Public Domain)
STF77 : Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King (CCLI_3148428)
STF78 : Give thanks with a grateful heart (CCLI_20285)
STF79 : Ill praise my Maker while Ive breath (Public Domain)
STF80 : My God, I am thine (Public Domain)
STF81 : Now thank we all our God (Public Domain)
STF82 : O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder (CCLI_14181)
STF83 : Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Public Domain)
STF84 : Praise the Lord, his glories show (Public Domain)
STF85 : Praise the Lord who reigns above and keeps his court below (Public Domain)
STF86 : Praise the Lord! You heavens, adore him (Public Domain)
STF87 : Praise to the living God! All praised be his name (Public Domain)
STF88 : Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! (Public Domain)
STF89 : Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord (CCLI_4556538)
STF90 : Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Public Domain)
STF91 : The God of Abraham praise (Public Domain)
STF92 : Think of a world without any flowers (CCLI_1932595)
STF93 : Though the fruit tree doesnt blossom (CCLI_3502095)
STF94 : To God be the glory, great things he has done! (Public Domain)
STF95 : We praise you, O God; acclaim you as Lord (ONE_80128)
STF96 : We sing of your glory, we praise you again (ONE_17514)
STF97 : When all your mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys (Public Domain)
STF98 : Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging (CCLI_3091812)
STF99 : All creatures of our God and King (Public Domain)
STF100 : All things bright and beautiful (Public Domain)
STF101 : Before the world began, one Word was there (CCLI_1041744)
STF102 : For the beauty of the earth (Public Domain)
STF103 : God is love: let heaven adore him (Public Domain)
STF104 : God moves in a mysterious way (Public Domain)
STF106 : God, whose almighty word chaos and darkness heard (Public Domain)
STF107 : I sing the almighty power of God (Public Domain)
STF108 : In the beginning God played with the planets (CCLI_7009122)
STF109 : In the darkness of the still night (CCLI_3171938)
STF110 : In the wonder of creation (CCLI_6149280)
STF111 : Lord of the boundless curves of space (CCLI_230635)
STF112 : O Lord, our Lord, throughout the earth how glorious is you name (CCLI_1532143)
STF113 : O worship the King, all-glorious above (Public Domain)
STF114 : Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure (ONE_64381)
STF115 : Praise ye the Lord! Tis good to raise our hearts and voices in his praise (Public Domain)
STF116 : Sing for Gods glory that colours the dawn of creation (ONE_48443)
STF117 : Sing praise to God who reigns above (ONE_84587)
STF118 : Tell me who made all of creation (CCLI_2642310)
STF119 : God of Eve and God of Mary (CCLI_1046574)
STF120 : We gladly celebrate and praise (CCLI_3571631)
STF121 : Autumn days when the grass is jewelled (CCLI_961540)
STF122 : God, whose farm is all creation (ONE_47987)
STF123 : Come, you thankful people, come (CCLI_1039093)
STF124 : For the fruits of creation, thanks be to God (CCLI_3371769)
STF125 : Praise and thanksgiving, Father, we offer (CCLI_451751)
STF126 : Praise God for the harvest of orchard and field (CCLI_7051083)
STF127 : Sing to the great Jehovahs praise (Public Domain)
STF128 : The harvest is here: earths bounty we bring (Author)
STF129 : To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Public Domain)
STF130 : We plough the fields, and scatter (Public Domain)
STF131 : By a monument of marble, or a simple wooden cross (ONE_5d95b5edb7808)
STF132 : O God, our help in ages past (Public Domain)
STF133 : To be a soldier, to fight for peace till war shall end (ONE_37526)
STF134 : Christ, whose glory fills the skies (Public Domain)
STF135 : I owe my Lord a morning song (CCLI_4557180)
STF136 : Morning has broken like the first morning (ONE_118118)
STF137 : New every morning is the love our wakening and uprising prove (Public Domain)
STF138 : O God, beyond all thought (CCLI_2467430)
STF139 : Today I awake and God is before me (CCLI_3664067)
STF140 : We praise God in the morning when the sun is bright (CCLI_1063131)
STF141 : Abide with me; fast falls the eventide (Public Domain)
STF142 : Glory to thee, my God, this night (Public Domain)
STF143 : Hail, gladdening Light, of his pure glory poured (Public Domain)
STF145 : Night has fallen, gracious Spirit, guard us sleeping (ONE_35499)
STF146 : Now that evening falls, gently fades the light (CCLI_4927569)
STF147 : The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (Public Domain)
STF148 : Come, let us with our Lord arise (Public Domain)
STF149 : First of the week and finest day (CCLI_3090899)
STF150 : This is the day of rest to use as God intended (ONE_38218)
STF151 : This is the day the Lord has made, God calls the day his own (Public Domain)
STF152 : This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made (Public Domain)
STF153 : Break thou the bread of life, O Lord, to me (Public Domain)
STF154 : Come, divine interpreter (Public Domain)
STF155 : Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (Public Domain)
STF156 : From the breaking of the dawn to the setting of the sun (CCLI_4642105)
STF157 : God has spoken by his prophets (CCLI_2647559)
STF158 : Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders (CCLI_2623975)
STF160 : Powerful in making us wise to salvation (CCLI_3109728)
STF161 : Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word (CCLI_4615235)
STF163 : When listening prophets dare to speak (CCLI_3922022)
STF164 : Your words to me are life and health (Public Domain)
STF165 : Advent candles tell their story (CCLI_7004421)
STF166 : Christmas is coming! The Church is glad to sing (CCLI_1053608)
STF167 : Colours of day dawn into the mind (CCLI_550092)
STF168 : Come, Lord Jesus, come (CCLI_959985)
STF169 : Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Public Domain)
STF170 : Darkness like a shroud covers the earth (CCLI_192931)
STF171 : Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Public Domain)
STF172 : Hills of the north, rejoice (Public Domain)
STF173 : Into the darkness of this world (CCLI_1044277)
STF174 : Light a candle in a darkened place (CCLI_2311672)
STF175 : Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness (CCLI_3266032)
STF176 : Like a candle flame, flickering small in our darkness (CCLI_30392)
STF177 : Lo, he comes with clouds descending (Public Domain)
STF178 : Long ago, prophets knew Christ would come (CCLI_2879217)
STF179 : My Lord! What a morning (Public Domain)
STF180 : O come, O come, Immanuel (Public Domain)
STF181 : Of the Fathers love begotten (Public Domain)
STF182 : On Jordans bank the Baptists cry (Public Domain)
STF184 : Round orange, round orange, you serve as a sign (CCLI_5409189)
STF185 : Sing we the King who is coming to reign (Public Domain)
STF186 : Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (CCLI_27051)
STF187 : The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Public Domain)
STF188 : Theres a light upon the mountains, and the day is at the spring (Public Domain)
STF189 : Wild and lone the prophets voice (CCLI_3390874)
STF190 : Angels, from the realms of glory (Public Domain)
STF191 : Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (Public Domain)
STF193 : Born in the night, Marys child (CCLI_5005851)
STF194 : Child of joy and peace (CCLI_4009085)
STF195 : Christians, awake, salute the happy morn (Public Domain)
STF196 : Come and join the celebration (CCLI_571246)
STF197 : Cradled in a manger, meanly (Public Domain)
STF198 : Emmanuel, Emmanuel (CCLI_12949)
STF199 : Glory be to God on high (Public Domain)
STF200 : God is born among us: earth receives the Christ child (CCLI_3996797)
STF201 : Good news, good news to you we bring (CCLI_30220)
STF202 : Hark! The herald-angels sing (Public Domain)
STF203 : I had a dream that I was standing on a hillside (CCLI_4008615)
STF204 : In the bleak midwinter (Public Domain)
STF205 : It came upon a midnight clear (Public Domain)
STF206 : It was on a starry night (CCLI_643909)
STF208 : Let earth and heaven combine (Public Domain)
STF209 : Let me tell you about a baby (CCLI_1095398)
STF210 : Love came down at Christmas (Public Domain)
STF211 : Night of peace: hail the holy child (ONE_8718)
STF212 : O come, all ye faithful (Public Domain)
STF213 : O little town of Bethlehem (Public Domain)
STF214 : Once in royal Davids city (Public Domain)
STF215 : See, amid the winters snow (Public Domain)
STF216 : See him lying on a bed of straw (CCLI_3941962)
STF217 : Silent night, holy night (Public Domain)
STF218 : Unto us a boy is born! (Public Domain)
STF219 : We see the eyes of Mary shine (CCLI_5154252)
STF221 : While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Public Domain)
STF222 : Who would think that what was needed (CCLI_2770017)
STF223 : A special star, a special star (CCLI_3578270)
STF224 : As with gladness men of old (Public Domain)
STF225 : Bethlehem, of noblest cities (Public Domain)
STF226 : Birth brings a promise of new life awaking (CCLI_1599557)
STF227 : Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (Public Domain)
STF228 : Hail to the Lords Anointed (Public Domain)
STF229 : Mary and Joseph came to the Temple (CCLI_3351394)
STF230 : Riding out across the desert (CCLI_870569)
STF231 : The silent stars shine down on us (ONE_9977)
STF233 : When Jesus came to Jordan (CCLI_2564467)
STF234 : Behold the Lamb of God (CCLI_2023355)
STF235 : Christ our Redeemer knew temptations hour (CCLI_1546706)
STF236 : Forty days and forty nights (CCLI_1546706)
STF237 : Jesus, tempted in the desert (ONE_9669)
STF238 : Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (Public Domain)
STF239 : Sent by the Lord am I (CCLI_4992422)
STF240 : When we are tested and wrestle alone (CCLI_5217838)
STF241 : When we were in the darkest night (CCLI_5120372)
STF242 : A new commandment I give unto you (CCLI_693942)
STF243 : A rich young man came seeking (CCLI_3682111)
STF244 : Blest are the pure in heart (Public Domain)
STF245 : Blest are they, the poor in spirit (ONE_22)
STF246 : He came to earth in poverty (CCLI_5015717)
STF247 : I danced in the morning when the world was begun (CCLI_78529)
STF248 : I heard the voice of Jesus say (Public Domain)
STF249 : Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (CCLI_186208)
STF250 : Jesus calls us! Oer the tumult (Public Domain)
STF251 : Jesus Christ is waiting (CCLI_996498)
STF252 : Jesus the Lord said: I am the Bread (CCLI_2647999)
STF253 : Love inspired the anger (CCLI_1595324)
STF254 : Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CCLI_1352)
STF255 : The kingdom of God is justice and joy (ONE_28013)
STF256 : When I needed a neighbour, were you there? (CCLI_227923)
STF258 : You are the Vine, we are the branches (CCLI_52538)
STF259 : Jesus on the mountain peak (CCLI_3109498)
STF260 : Swiftly pass the clouds of glory (CCLI_830640)
STF261 : Transfigured Christ, none comprehends (CCLI_3568455)
STF262 : All glory, laud and honour (Public Domain)
STF263 : Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! (CCLI_21545)
STF264 : Make way, make way, for Christ the King in splendour arrives (CCLI_121074)
STF265 : Ride on, ride on in majesty! (Public Domain)
STF266 : All the room was hushed and still (CCLI_5490167)
STF267 : Jesus in the olive grove (CCLI_1076609)
STF268 : Sing, my tongue, the Saviours glory (Public Domain)
STF269 : To see the King of heaven fall (CCLI_5567746)
STF270 : Come and see, come and see (CCLI_192405)
STF271 : Come, wounded healer, your suffrings reveal (CCLI_3120147)
STF272 : From heaven you came, helpless babe (CCLI_78897)
STF273 : Here hangs a man discarded (CCLI_1081474)
STF274 : Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice (CCLI_1564362)
STF275 : Jesus the carpenter, hanging on Calvary (CCLI_4514934)
STF276 : Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim (ONE_01923)
STF277 : My song is love unknown (Public Domain)
STF278 : O Love divine, what have you done! (Public Domain)
STF279 : O precious sight, my Saviour stands (CCLI_4886507)
STF281 : See the Lamb of God (CCLI_6155607)
STF282 : Stay here where nails are driven (CCLI_4968171)
STF283 : The desolate Messiah dies (CCLI_5892978)
STF284 : There is a green hill far away (Public Domain)
STF285 : Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (Public Domain)
STF286 : What kind of love is this that gave itself for me? (CCLI_40753)
STF287 : When I survey the wondrous cross (Public Domain)
STF288 : When I think about the cross (CCLI_1574895)
STF289 : When my love for Christ grows weak (Public Domain)
STF290 : Who would ever have believed it? (CCLI_2651363)
STF291 : Why has God forsaken me? (ONE_00680)
STF292 : After darkness, light (CCLI_5189966)
STF293 : All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord (CCLI_120556)
STF294 : All you that seek the Lord who died (Public Domain)
STF295 : Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord (CCLI_32376)
STF296 : Christ has risen while earth slumbers (CCLI_1980987)
STF297 : Christ is alive! Let Christians sing (CCLI_68041)
STF298 : Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF299 : Easter jubilation fills the streets and towns (CCLI_1574840)
STF300 : Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF301 : Hail, thou once despised Jesus (Public Domain)
STF302 : He has risen, he has risen (CCLI_1045252)
STF303 : I know that my Redeemer lives (Public Domain)
STF304 : Jesus is risen, alleluia! (ONE_13354)
STF305 : Low in the grave he lay (Public Domain)
STF306 : Now the green blade rises from the buried grain (CCLI_1476522)
STF307 : On the day of resurrection (CCLI_230556)
STF308 : On the journey to Emmaus with our hearts cold as stone (ONE_136)
STF309 : See, what a morning, gloriously bright (CCLI_4108797)
STF310 : Sing a song, sing a joyful song (CCLI_1574905)
STF311 : The day of resurrection, earth, tell it out abroad! (Public Domain)
STF312 : The head that once was crowned with thorns (Public Domain)
STF313 : Thine be the glory (Public Domain)
STF314 : This joyful Eastertide (CCLI_5404744)
STF315 : We sing the praise of Jesus (Author)
STF316 : When Easter to the dark world came (CCLI_875382)
STF317 : At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow (Public Domain)
STF319 : Christ triumphant, ever reigning (CCLI_647778)
STF320 : Father, whose everlasting love (Public Domain)
STF321 : Great is he whos King of kings (Public Domain)
STF322 : How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Public Domain)
STF323 : I will sing the wondrous story (CCLI_2328610)
STF324 : In a byre near Bethlehem (CCLI_1048936)
STF325 : Jesus Christ, Perfect Love (CCLI_4504700)
STF326 : Jesus comes with all his grace (Public Domain)
STF327 : Jesus is King and I will extol him (CCLI_56558)
STF328 : Jesus shall reign whereer the sun (Public Domain)
STF329 : Jesus, the First and Last (Public Domain)
STF330 : Joy to the world, the Lord is come! (Public Domain)
STF331 : King of kings, majesty (CCLI_1581778)
STF332 : Lord, I lift your name on high (CCLI_117947)
STF333 : Majesty, worship his majesty (CCLI_1527)
STF334 : Praise to the Holiest in the height (Public Domain)
STF335 : Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Public Domain)
STF336 : Son of God, if your free grace (Public Domain)
STF337 : There is a higher throne than all this world has known (CCLI_3994672)
STF338 : There is a redeemer (CCLI_11483)
STF339 : When you prayed beneath the trees, it was for me (CCLI_1048053)
STF340 : Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim (Public Domain)
STF342 : All hail the power of Jesus name! (Public Domain)
STF343 : All my days I will sing this song of gladness (CCLI_2492216)
STF344 : He became poor that we may be rich (CCLI_4561808)
STF345 : And can it be that I should gain (Public Domain)
STF346 : Christ is the worlds light, Christ and none other (CCLI_4916068)
STF347 : Crown him with many crowns (Public Domain)
STF348 : He is Lord, he is Lord (Public Domain)
STF349 : I am not skilled to understand (CCLI_4592255)
STF350 : I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship (Public Domain)
STF351 : In Christ alone my hope is found (CCLI_3350395)
STF352 : Jesus Christ is the Lord of all (CCLI_18163)
STF353 : Jesus is Lord! Creations voice proclaims it (CCLI_39829)
STF354 : Jesus is the name we honour (CCLI_871991)
STF355 : Jesus, lover of my soul (Public Domain)
STF356 : Jesus shall take the highest honour (CCLI_451380)
STF357 : Jesus, the name high over all (Public Domain)
STF358 : Let earth and heaven agree (Public Domain)
STF359 : Lord Christ, we praise your sacrifice (CCLI_964451)
STF361 : Man of Sorrows! What a name for the Son of God (Public Domain)
STF362 : Meekness and majesty, manhood and deity (CCLI_1400)
STF363 : My Jesus, my Saviour (CCLI_1406918)
STF364 : O for a thousand tongues to sing (Public Domain)
STF365 : Jesu, the joy of loving hearts (Public Domain)
STF366 : Thou hidden source of calm repose (Public Domain)
STF367 : When I was lost, you came and rescued me (CCLI_3359121)
STF368 : When morning gilds the skie (Public Domain)
STF369 : Baptise us with your Spirit (CCLI_5641370)
STF370 : Breathe on me, Breath of God (Public Domain)
STF371 : Breathe on me, Spirit of Jesus (CCLI_811236)
STF372 : Come down, O Love divine (Public Domain)
STF373 : Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Public Domain)
STF374 : Come, Holy Spirit, descend on us (CCLI_2792693)
STF375 : Come, O everlasting Spirit (Public Domain)
STF376 : Crashing waters at creation (ONE_3954)
STF377 : Down the mountain the river flows (CCLI_1475231)
STF378 : Father of everlasting grace (Public Domain)
STF379 : Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (Public Domain)
STF380 : Holy breath of God, find me in this place (CCLI_2955605)
STF381 : Holy Spirit, breath of heaven (CCLI_4467366)
STF382 : Holy Spirit, come, confirm us (ONE_21693)
STF383 : Holy Spirit, gift bestower (CCLI_7005767)
STF384 : Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down (CCLI_2405227)
STF385 : Holy Spirit, we welcome you (CCLI_215942)
STF386 : In the beginning was darkness and nothing (CCLI_5462188)
STF387 : Into a world of dark, waste and disordered space (Public Domain)
STF388 : Let every Christian pray (CCLI_3200816)
STF389 : Like the murmur of the doves song (CCLI_217452)
STF390 : My God! I know, I feel thee mine (Public Domain)
STF391 : O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Public Domain)
STF392 : O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace (Public Domain)
STF393 : She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters (CCLI_1097303)
STF394 : Spirit of God, unseen as the wind (CCLI_1539476)
STF395 : Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me (Public Domain)
STF396 : Spirit who broods, Spirit who sings (ONE_80641)
STF397 : The Spirit lives to set us free, walk, walk in the light (CCLI_2134598)
STF398 : Theres a spirit in the air (CCLI_133165)
STF399 : When deep despair casts out all light (Author)
STF400 : Wind of God, dynamic Spirit (CCLI_3210686)
STF401 : Come, sinners, to the gospel feast (Public Domain)
STF402 : Go to the world! Go into all the earth (ONE_1065)
STF403 : God is love: his the care (Public Domain)
STF404 : Gods spirit is in my heart (CCLI_4692612)
STF405 : Great is the darkness that covers the earth (CCLI_1022897)
STF406 : Have you heard the good news? (CCLI_1580580)
STF407 : Hear the call of the kingdom, lift your eyes to the King (CCLI_4930752)
STF408 : How small a spark has lit a living fire! (CCLI_5021842)
STF409 : Let us build a house where love can dwell (ONE_4)
STF410 : Lord, your Church on earth is seeking (CCLI_3196119)
STF411 : May the God of hope go with us every day (CCLI_5193990)
STF412 : See how great a flame aspires (Public Domain)
STF413 : Send down the fire of your justice (ONE_144)
STF414 : Shalom chaverim (Shalom, my friends) (ONE_87771)
STF415 : The Church of Christ, in every age (CCLI_2564481)
STF416 : Theres a wideness in Gods mercy (Public Domain)
STF418 : We have a gospel to proclaim (CCLI_2649935)
STF419 : Almighty God, we come to make confession (CCLI_2347938)
STF420 : Because you came and sat beside us (CCLI_3346639)
STF421 : Empty, broken, here I stand, Kyrie eleison (CCLI_3302130)
STF422 : Father, we have sinned in word, and deed, and thought (CCLI_4107705)
STF423 : Forgive our sins as we forgive, you taught us, Lord, to pray (CCLI_3162143)
STF424 : God forgave my sin in Jesus name (CCLI_13209)
STF425 : God of forgiveness, your people you freed (CCLI_1534488)
STF426 : Hark my soul! It is the Lord (Public Domain)
STF427 : Im accepted, Im forgiven (CCLI_190641)
STF428 : Ive come to wash my soul in the living water (CCLI_4478661)
STF429 : Lord, we turn to you for mercy (CCLI_4921826)
STF430 : My lips shall praise you, my great Redeemer (CCLI_1109394)
STF431 : O, the love of my Lord is the essence of all that I love here on earth (CCLI_871795)
STF432 : O the bitter shame and sorrow (Public Domain)
STF433 : Out of the depths I cry to thee, Lord God! O hear my prayer! (Public Domain)
STF434 : Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee (Public Domain)
STF435 : We come to you with no pretence (CCLI_5929810)
STF436 : What shall I do my God to love, my loving God to praise? (Public Domain)
STF437 : When the music fades, all is stripped away (CCLI_2296522)
STF438 : Your ceaseless, unexhausted love, unmerited and free (Public Domain)
STF439 : Abba, Father, let me be yours and yours alone (CCLI_38686)
STF440 : Amazing grace how sweet the sound (Public Domain)
STF441 : As water to the thirsty (CCLI_166448)
STF442 : Beneath the cross of Jesus I find a place to stand (CCLI_4610917)
STF443 : Come, let us sing of a wonderful love (Public Domain)
STF444 : Day by day, dear Lord, of thee three things I pray (Public Domain)
STF445 : He came to earth, not to be served (CCLI_722105)
STF446 : I will offer up my life in spirit and truth (CCLI_1083764)
STF447 : Jesus, be the centre (CCLI_2650429)
STF448 : Lord, in the strength of grace (Public Domain)
STF449 : Lord of creation, to you be all praise! (ONE_30247)
STF450 : Open, Lord, my inward ear (Public Domain)
STF451 : Open the eyes of my heart, Lord (CCLI_2298355)
STF452 : Show me the way of the cross once again (CCLI_1598974)
STF453 : Wash me clean in that cool river (CCLI_1090908)
STF454 : Where shall my wondering soul begin? (Public Domain)
STF455 : All my hope on God is founded (Public Domain)
STF456 : And are we yet alive, and see each others face? (Public Domain)
STF457 : Author of faith, eternal Word (Public Domain)
STF458 : Away with our fears! (Public Domain)
STF459 : Captain of Israels host, and Guide (Public Domain)
STF460 : Come, let us anew our journey pursue (Public Domain)
STF461 : Come, O thou Traveller unknown (Public Domain)
STF462 : Come with me, come wander, come welcome the world (CCLI_1074773)
STF463 : Deep in the shadows of the past (CCLI_5713617)
STF464 : God it was who said to Abraham (CCLI_3391464)
STF465 : Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (Public Domain)
STF467 : I need thee every hour (Public Domain)
STF468 : I was on your mind long before you formed the earth (CCLI_2580221)
STF469 : I watch the sunrise lighting the sky (CCLI_2714097)
STF470 : Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided (CCLI_224957)
STF471 : Lord I come to you, let my heart be changed, renewed (CCLI_917491)
STF472 : May the Sending One sing in you (CCLI_3593468)
STF473 : Moses, I know youre the man, the Lord said (CCLI_862089)
STF474 : Neither death, nor life, nor angels nor powers (ONE_00130M)
STF475 : O God of Bethel, by whose hand thy people still are fed (Public Domain)
STF476 : One more step along the world I go (CCLI_299425)
STF477 : Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart (CCLI_1042097)
STF478 : Thank you, O God, for the time that is now (CCLI_336591)
STF479 : The King of love my shepherd is (Public Domain)
STF480 : The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want (Public Domain)
STF481 : The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want (CCLI_1585970)
STF483 : We are marching in the light of God (CCLI_320947)
STF484 : We will walk with God, my brothers (CCLI_4602860)
STF485 : When we are living, we are in the Lord (CCLI_4564049)
STF486 : Who would true valour see, let him come hither (Public Domain)
STF487 : You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace (CCLI_20546)
STF488 : You showed us mercy when we were in darkness (CCLI_6148308)
STF489 : All I once held dear, built my life upon (CCLI_1045238)
STF490 : Being of beings, God of love (Public Domain)
STF491 : As servants working an estate (CCLI_3414561)
STF492 : Christ be my leader by night as by day (CCLI_2865850)
STF493 : Come, Lord, to our souls come down (CCLI_7007108)
STF494 : Come, thou fount of every blessing (Public Domain)
STF495 : Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Public Domain)
STF496 : God beyond our dreams, you have stirred in us a memory (ONE_80558)
STF497 : God in my living, there in my breathing (Public Domain)
STF498 : God of all power, and truth, and grace (Public Domain)
STF499 : Great God, your love has called us here (CCLI_3430239)
STF500 : Happy are they who find the grace (Public Domain)
STF501 : Help us, O Lord, to learn the truths your word imparts (CCLI_2640635)
STF502 : I know that my Redeemer lives, and ever prays for me (Public Domain)
STF503 : Love divine, all loves excelling (Public Domain)
STF504 : May the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day (Public Domain)
STF505 : More like you, Jesus, more like you (CCLI_2145051)
STF506 : My heart is full of Christ, and longs it glorious matter to declare! (Public Domain)
STF507 : O for a heart to praise my God (Public Domain)
STF508 : Purify my heart, let me be as gold (CCLI_426298)
STF509 : Safe in the shadow of the Lord (CCLI_2643137)
STF510 : Says Jesus, Come and gather round. I want to teach my friends (CCLI_5283800)
STF511 : Speak in the stillness, God we pray (CCLI_5914382)
STF512 : Stupendous height of heavenly love (Public Domain)
STF513 : Take this moment, sign, and space (CCLI_1430623)
STF515 : Unless the Lord builds the house we labour in vain (Author)
STF516 : What shall I do my God to love, my Saviour, and the worlds, to praise? (Public Domain)
STF517 : Eternal Father, strong to save (Public Domain)
STF518 : Father, hear the prayer we offer (Public Domain)
STF519 : Father, I place into your hands the things I cannot do (CCLI_180297)
STF520 : Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart (Public Domain)
STF521 : Here as we kneel, here as we pray (CCLI_1577627)
STF522 : I should like to speak to you (CCLI_3330391)
STF523 : Its me, its me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer (Public Domain)
STF524 : Listening God, you hear us when we cannot speak (CCLI_5101724)
STF525 : Look around you, can you see? (ONE_00334)
STF526 : Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy (CCLI_5339338)
STF527 : Pray for a world where every child finds welcome in a sheltered space (ONE_30418)
STF528 : Pray, without ceasing, pray (Public Domain)
STF529 : Prayer is the souls sincere desire (Public Domain)
STF530 : To be in your presence, to sit at your feet (CCLI_918122)
STF531 : What a friend we have in Jesus (Public Domain)
STF532 : Born in a stable. Call his name Jesus (CCLI_7135390)
STF533 : Covenant child, water comes as a sign (CCLI_2494582)
STF534 : Eternal God, we praise your love (CCLI_3607385)
STF535 : God, when I came into this life (CCLI_3200043)
STF536 : Hes got the whole world in his hand (Public Domain)
STF537 : Lord Jesus, once a child (CCLI_851409)
STF538 : Now through the grace of God we claim this life to be Christs own (CCLI_3374663)
STF539 : On this Baptism day, God we thank you (CCLI_6148346)
STF540 : The day the universe was started (CCLI_6163204)
STF541 : To the river I am going, bringing sins I cannot bear (CCLI_4316864)
STF542 : We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ, who died and rose again (ONE_10199)
STF543 : Wonder of wonders, life is beginning (CCLI_3368428)
STF544 : As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you (CCLI_1431)
STF545 : Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart (Public Domain)
STF546 : Behold the servant of the Lord! (Public Domain)
STF547 : Beyond these walls of worship, in the stress and joy of life (CCLI_6148274)
STF548 : Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine (Public Domain)
STF549 : Come, let us use the grace divine (Public Domain)
STF550 : Forth in they name, O Lord, I go (Public Domain)
STF551 : Giving it all to you, giving it all to you (CCLI_3187939)
STF553 : I am a new creation, no more in condemnation (CCLI_48425)
STF555 : Jesus, all for Jesus; all I am and have and ever hope to be (CCLI_879168)
STF556 : Just as I am, without one plea (CCLI_1039000)
STF557 : Let him to whom we now belong (Public Domain)
STF558 : Lord, you have come to the seashore (ONE_6905)
STF559 : Lord, you have my heart, and I will search for yours (CCLI_1108735)
STF560 : My eyes be open to your presence (CCLI_3355101)
STF561 : Now I have found the ground wherein sure my souls anchor may remain (Public Domain)
STF562 : O God, what offering shall I give (Public Domain)
STF563 : O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end (Public Domain)
STF564 : O thou who camest from above (Public Domain)
STF565 : Only by grace can we enter (CCLI_190579)
STF566 : Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee (Public Domain)
STF567 : You are the centre, you are my life (ONE_23145)
STF568 : Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, his the sceptre, his the throne (Public Domain)
STF569 : An Upper Room did our Lord prepare (CCLI_2551425)
STF570 : As we gather, Father, seal us in the love that knows no fear (CCLI_4262042)
STF571 : As your family, Lord, see us here (Public Domain)
STF572 : Author of life divine, who has a table spread (Public Domain)
STF573 : Be known to us in breaking bread (Public Domain)
STF574 : Because you have said: Do this for my sake (Public Domain)
STF575 : Before I take the body of my Lord (CCLI_1053110)
STF576 : Bread is blessed and broken (CCLI_959411)
STF577 : Bread of life, hope of the world (ONE_80555)
STF578 : Bread of Life, Truth Eternal, broken now to set us free (CCLI_2098899)
STF579 : Come, Holy Ghost, your influence shed, and realise the sign (Public Domain)
STF580 : Come, Lord, be our guest (CCLI_1828747)
STF581 : Come, my table is a meeting place (CCLI_3222667)
STF582 : Eat this bread and never hunger (ONE_13979)
STF583 : Eat this bread, drink this cup (ONE_5a95bdd22c4df)
STF584 : Food to pilgrims given, strength upon the way (CCLI_4211732)
STF585 : God, whose love is all around us (CCLI_1083238)
STF586 : Here is bread, here is wine (CCLI_983717)
STF587 : I am the bread, the bread of life (CCLI_870356)
STF588 : I come with joy, a child of God (CCLI_2802284)
STF589 : In bread we bring you, Lord, our bodies labour (CCLI_740156)
STF590 : Jesus, we thus obey your last and kindest word (Public Domain)
STF591 : Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Public Domain)
STF592 : Let us break bread together with the Lord (Public Domain)
STF593 : Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (Public Domain)
STF594 : Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us (CCLI_40241)
STF595 : Lord, we have come at your own invitation (CCLI_3157299)
STF596 : Now let us from this table rise renewed in body, mind and soul (CCLI_2566551)
STF597 : O thou who this mysterious bread didst in Emmaus break (Public Domain)
STF598 : Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast (CCLI_959387)
STF599 : Up to your table, Lord, you call us (Author)
STF600 : Victim divine, thy grace we claim (Public Domain)
STF601 : We do not presume to come to this table (Public Domain)
STF602 : With all my heart I thank you, Lord (CCLI_528189)
STF603 : Come to a wedding, come to a blessing (ONE_79788)
STF604 : Lets praise the Creator who gave us each other (ONE_92652)
STF605 : O perfect Love, all human thought transcending (Public Domain)
STF607 : When love is found and hope comes home (CCLI_5204229)
STF608 : All praise to our redeeming Lord, who joins us by his grace (Public Domain)
STF609 : As we gather in your presence now (CCLI_5604977)
STF610 : Best of all is God is with us (CCLI_5462274)
STF611 : Brother, sister, let me serve you (CCLI_5938014)
STF612 : God give us life when all around spells death (ONE_45961)
STF613 : God, How Can We Forgive when bonds of love are torn? (ONE_04799)
STF614 : God loves you, and I love you (Public Domain)
STF615 : Let love be real, in giving and receiving (CCLI_3200452)
STF616 : Lord, in our lonely hours, and when our spirit faints (CCLI_3209848)
STF617 : O blessed spring, where Word and sign embrace us into Christ the Vine (ONE_86205)
STF618 : Sacred the body God has created (ONE_13440)
STF619 : Thanks for friends who keep on loving (CCLI_6163895)
STF620 : Thou God of truth and love, we seek thy perfect way (Public Domain)
STF621 : When memory fades and recognition falters (ONE_05746)
STF622 : When our caring love wears thin (CCLI_4515043)
STF623 : A safe stronghold our God is still (Public Domain)
STF624 : Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm (ONE_35778)
STF626 : Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (CCLI_4674166)
STF627 : Everyone needs compassion, love thats never failing (CCLI_4591782)
STF628 : Faithful One, so unchanging (CCLI_465840)
STF629 : God of my faith, I offer you my doubt (CCLI_5799253)
STF630 : How long, O Lord, will you forget an answer to my prayer? (CCLI_2708357)
STF631 : I lift my eyes up to the mountains (CCLI_317936)
STF632 : Ive had questions without answers (CCLI_4107822)
STF633 : My soul finds rest in God alone (CCLI_5040902)
STF634 : Fight the good fight with all your might (Public Domain)
STF635 : My troubled soul, why so weighed down? (CCLI_3466935)
STF636 : O love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee (Public Domain)
STF637 : Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put your armour on (Public Domain)
STF638 : Through all the changing scenes of life (Public Domain)
STF639 : Through the love of God our Saviour all will be well (Public Domain)
STF640 : We turn to God when we are sorely pressed (CCLI_5159972)
STF641 : When circumstances make my life too hard to understand (CCLI_2763646)
STF642 : When Im feeling down and sad (CCLI_1581060)
STF643 : When, O God, our faith is tested (CCLI_1046646)
STF644 : When our confidence is shaken in beliefs we thought secure (CCLI_3109072)
STF645 : Will your anchor hold in the storms of life (Public Domain)
STF646 : Come and let us sweetly join Christ to praise in hymns divine (Public Domain)
STF647 : God grant us words to speak when words are all we bear (CCLI_3528921)
STF648 : God to enfold you, Christ to uphold you (CCLI_2576486)
STF649 : God! When human bonds are broken and we lack the love or skill (CCLI_603729)
STF650 : Heal us, Immanuel! Hear our prayer (Public Domain)
STF651 : Lord of life, we come to you (ONE_10592)
STF652 : Lord, we come to ask your healing, teach us of love (CCLI_3268559)
STF653 : O Christ, the Healer, we have come to pray for health, to plead for friends (CCLI_2854744)
STF654 : The love of God comes close where stands an open door (CCLI_3330315)
STF655 : We cannot measure how you heal or answer every sufferers prayer (CCLI_961368)
STF657 : You give rest to the weary (CCLI_4814328)
STF658 : A charge to keep I have (Public Domain)
STF659 : As dawn awakes another day, the working sphere rolls into view (CCLI_6164375)
STF660 : Called by Christ to be disciples (CCLI_5106585)
STF661 : Give me the faith which can remove and sink the mountain to a plain (Public Domain)
STF662 : Have you heard Gods voice; has your heart been stirred? (Author)
STF663 : I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry (ONE_5514)
STF665 : Make us your prophets, Lord (CCLI_4957852)
STF666 : Master, speak! Thy servant heareth (Public Domain)
STF668 : Teach me, my God and King, in all things thee to see (Public Domain)
STF669 : The Saviour, when from heaven he rose, in splendid triumph oer his foes (Public Domain)
STF670 : We have nothing to give that didnt first come from your hand (CCLI_4328876)
STF671 : What shall we offer our good Lord (Public Domain)
STF672 : Where can we find you, Lord Jesus our Master? (CCLI_6164461)
STF673 : Will you come and follow me if I but call your name? (CCLI_4668756)
STF675 : Because the Saviour prayed that we be one (CCLI_4924184)
STF676 : Christ, from whom all blessings flow, perfecting the saints below (Public Domain)
STF677 : Christ is made the sure foundation (Public Domain)
STF679 : Come, build the Church not heaps of stone (CCLI_3587797)
STF680 : Come, Host of heavens dwelling place, come earths disputed guest (CCLI_1075961)
STF681 : Community of Christ, who make the Cross your own (CCLI_3755392)
STF682 : God of grace and God of glory, on your people pour your power (ONE_97297)
STF683 : Great is our redeeming Lord (Public Domain)
STF684 : Here on the threshold of a new beginning (CCLI_2949226)
STF685 : In Christ there is no east or west (Public Domain)
STF686 : Jesus, Lord, we look to thee, let us in thy name agree (Public Domain)
STF687 : One human family God has made (CCLI_2421926)
STF688 : One is the body and one is the Head (CCLI_1099301)
STF689 : Summoned by the God who made us rich in our diversity (ONE_83450)
STF690 : The Churchs one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord (Public Domain)
STF691 : What shall our greeting be: sign of our unity? (CCLI_491340)
STF692 : Your hand, O God, has guided your flock, from age to age (Public Domain)
STF693 : Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (CCLI_1236690)
STF694 : By the Babylonian rivers we sat down in grief and wept (ONE_37976)
STF695 : Come, now, you blessed, eat at my table (ONE_20653)
STF696 : For the healing of the nations, Lord, we pray with one accord (CCLI_3200067)
STF697 : Oh freedom, Oh freedom, Oh freedom (CCLI_4729640)
STF698 : God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind how hate and war diminish humankind (CCLI_3162222)
STF699 : God of justice, Saviour to all (CCLI_4447128)
STF700 : God weeps at love withheld (ONE_00295)
STF701 : Heaven shall not wait for the poor to lose their patience (CCLI_1080712)
STF702 : I will speak out for those who have no voices (CCLI_689035)
STF703 : In an age of twisted values we have lost the truth we need (CCLI_3121672)
STF704 : In labour all creation groans till fear and hatred cease (ONE_98242)
STF705 : It is God who holds the nations in the hollow of his hand (CCLI_2564436)
STF706 : Longing for light, we wait in darkness (ONE_84331)
STF707 : Make me a channel of your peace (ONE_80478)
STF708 : O God of hope, your prophets spoke of days when war would cease (CCLI_2955533)
STF709 : Of all the Spirits gifts to me (CCLI_3366004)
STF710 : Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord (CCLI_631904)
STF711 : Pray for the Church, afflicted and oppressed (CCLI_3221912)
STF712 : Put peace into each others hands (CCLI_430916)
STF713 : Show me how to stand for justice (CCLI_3484230)
STF715 : The right hand of God is writing in our land (ONE_95177)
STF716 : There are no strangers to Gods love (CCLI_5929779)
STF717 : We do not hope to ease our minds by simple answers, shifted blame (ONE_379)
STF718 : We lay our broken world in sorrow at your feet (ONE_71926)
STF719 : We pray for peace, but not the easy peace built on complacency (CCLI_1565464)
STF720 : We turn to you, O God of every nation (CCLI_1053196)
STF721 : What shall we pray for those who died (CCLI_3223491)
STF722 : When mountains that we thought secure lie crumbled where we stand (CCLI_5891979)
STF723 : Who can sound the depths of sorrow in the Father heart of God (CCLI_30581)
STF724 : As if you were not there, the skies ignite and thunder (CCLI_2190082)
STF725 : As the glory of creation (CCLI_272071)
STF726 : Come to us, creative Spirit (CCLI_3258923)
STF727 : God in his love for us lent us this planet (CCLI_2564065)
STF728 : O God, you search me and you know me (ONE_80099)
STF729 : Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently (ONE_101856)
STF731 : When, in our music, God is glorified, and adoration leaves no room for pride (CCLI_2631390)
STF732 : Day of judgement! Day of wonder! (Public Domain)
STF733 : God, hold us, enfold us, through desolate loss (CCLI_6164681)
STF734 : Going home, moving on, through Gods open door (CCLI_3170915)
STF735 : How blest are they who trust in Christ (CCLI_3388886)
STF736 : In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear (Public Domain)
STF737 : Into the hands that blessed the children (CCLI_5485196)
STF738 : There is a new heaven; there is a new earth (ONE_29287)
STF739 : Through the rivers of our tears (CCLI_6573409)
STF740 : We cannot care for you the way we wanted (ONE_11629)
STF742 : We trust the mighty love of God that wraps us round (CCLI_3573536)
STF743 : Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Public Domain)
STF744 : Come, let us join our friends above (Public Domain)
STF745 : For all the saints who from their labours rest (Public Domain)
STF746 : For all the saints who showed your love in how they lived and where they moved (CCLI_2166745)
STF747 : Give me the wings of faith to rise within the veil, and see (Public Domain)
STF748 : Glorious things of thee are spoken (Public Domain)
STF749 : Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open (CCLI_5893324)
STF750 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF751 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF752 : Glory to God, glory to God (ONE_05086)
STF753 : Glory to God, glory to God (Public Domain)
STF754 : Glory, glory, glory in the highest (Lord God, heavenly King) (Public Domain)
STF755 : Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF756 : Alleluia! Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF757 : Alleluia, alleluia! (The word of the Lord lasts for ever) (ONE_80384)
STF758 : Alleluia, alleluia (Public Domain)
STF759 : Come O Lord, give us your Spirit (Public Domain)
STF760 : Mayenziwe ntando yakho (Your will be done on earth, O Lord) (Public Domain)
STF762 : Our Father, who art in heaven (Public Domain)
STF763 : Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name (Public Domain)
STF764 : We believe in God the Father (CCLI_3095038)
STF765 : Blessing and honour, glory and power are rightly yours (CCLI_1076568)
STF767 : Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world (Public Domain)
STF768 : The Peace of the Lord be always with you (CCLI_1537856)
STF769 : All glory to the Father be (Public Domain)
STF770 : Amen siakudumisa (Amen! Praise the name of the Lord!) (Public Domain)
STF772 : May the road rise up to meet you (Public Domain)
STF773 : Praise the Lover of Creation (CCLI_3593736)
STF774 : The peace of the earth be with you (ONE_03990)
STF775 : Ewe, thina (We walk his way) (ONE_72482)
STF776 : In the Lord Ill be ever thankful (El Senyor es la meva forca) (ONE_5a95bdd5477df)
STF777 : Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom (ONE_5a95bdd5e78f5)
STF779 : Holy, holy, holy. With joy my heart adores you! (CCLI_4395689)
STF780 : Stay with me, remain here with me (ONE_03065)
STF781 : Take, oh take me as I am (ONE_03516)
STF782 : Thuma mina (Send me, Lord) (Public Domain)
STF783 : Ubi caritas et amor (Where there is charity and love) (Public Domain)
STF784 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF785 : Sanctus and Benedictus (Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might) (Public Domain)
STF786 : When we eat this bread and drink this cup (Public Domain)
STF787 : Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) (Public Domain)
STF788 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF789 : Holy, holy, holy Lord (Public Domain)
STF790 : Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world (Public Domain)
HP1 : All people that on earth do dwell Sing to the (Public Domain)
HP2 : Begin my tongue some heavenly theme And speak some (Public Domain)
HP3 : Father in heaven Grant to Your (ONE_119282)
HP4 : Father in whom we live in Whom we are (Public Domain)
HP6 : Hail holy holy holy Lord Whom one in (Public Domain)
HP7 : Holy holy holy Lord God almighty Early in the (Public Domain)
HP8 : How shall I sing that majesty Which (Public Domain)
HP9 : Immortal invisible God only wise (Public Domain)
HP10 : Let all the world in every corner sing (Public Domain)
HP11 : Lord of all being throned afar Thy glory (Public Domain)
HP12 : My God my King thy various praise Shall fill the (Public Domain)
HP13 : Praise my soul the King of heaven To His (Public Domain)
HP14 : Praise the Lord His glories show (Public Domain)
HP15 : Praise the Lord ye heavens adore Him Praise Him (Public Domain)
HP16 : Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King (Public Domain)
HP17 : Sing to the Lord a joyful song Lift up y (Public Domain)
HP18 : We give immortal praise To God the (Public Domain)
HP19 : With gladness we worship rejoice as we (Public Domain)
HP20 : Ye holy angels bright Who wait at Gods (Public Domain)
HP21 : Father of all whose powerful voice Called forth (Public Domain)
HP22 : Give to our God immortal praise Mercy (Public Domain)
HP24 : God is a name my soul adores The (Public Domain)
HP25 : Hes got the whole world in His hands (Public Domain)
HP26 : High in the heavens eternal God Thy goodness in (Public Domain)
HP27 : Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord for He (Public Domain)
HP28 : O worship the King All glorious above O gratefully (Public Domain)
HP29 : Thou Whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard (Public Domain)
HP30 : As the bridegroom to His chosen (Public Domain)
HP31 : Come let us all unite to sing God is (Public Domain)
HP32 : Ere God had built the mountains Or raise (Public Domain)
HP33 : Come let us to the Lord our God With contrite (Public Domain)
HP34 : Eternal depth of love divine In Jesus (Public Domain)
HP35 : Glory love and praise and honour (Public Domain)
HP36 : God is Love let heaven adore Him (Public Domain)
HP37 : Good thou art and good thou dost (Public Domain)
HP38 : Great God of wonders All Thy ways (Public Domain)
HP39 : Lord God by whom all change is wrought (Public Domain)
HP40 : Thee will I love my God and King (Public Domain)
HP41 : Thee will I praise with all my heart (Public Domain)
HP42 : O love of God how strong and true (Public Domain)
HP43 : The God of love my Shepherd is And He (Public Domain)
HP44 : The Lord is my Shepherd There is nothing (Public Domain)
HP46 : What shall I do my God to love My loving God to (Public Domain)
HP47 : What shall I do my God to love (Public Domain)
HP48 : Thy ceaseless unexhausted love Unmerited (Public Domain)
HP49 : Eternal Power whose high abode Becomes (Public Domain)
HP50 : Behold the mountain of the Lord In latter days (Public Domain)
HP51 : My God how wonderful Thou art Thy majesty how (Public Domain)
HP52 : O God thou art the Father (Public Domain)
HP53 : God is the refuge of his saints When storms of (Public Domain)
HP54 : O God Thy being who can sound (Public Domain)
HP55 : Praise the Lord who reigns above And (Public Domain)
HP56 : Praise to the living God All praised be (Public Domain)
HP57 : Sing a new song to the Lord He to whom (ONE_39287)
HP58 : The Lord is King lift up thy voice O earth and all (Public Domain)
HP59 : The Lord Jehovah reigns His throne is built on (Public Domain)
HP60 : Timeless love We sing the story (CCLI_649848)
HP61 : Sing to the Lord with joyful voice Let (Public Domain)
HP62 : Captain of Israels host and Guide (Public Domain)
HP63 : All my hope on God is founded He doth still my (Public Domain)
HP64 : God has spoken by His prophets (ONE_2647559)
HP65 : God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to (Public Domain)
HP66 : Great is Thy faithfulness O God my (CCLI_18723)
HP67 : Lead kindly Light amid the encircling (Public Domain)
HP68 : Lead us heavenly Father lead us oer the (Public Domain)
HP69 : The King of love my Shepherd is Whose (Public Domain)
HP70 : The Lords my Shepherd Ill not want (Public Domain)
HP72 : In all my vast concerns with Thee In vain my soul (Public Domain)
HP73 : Through all the changing scenes of life In trouble (Public Domain)
HP74 : At the Name of Jesus every knee shall (Public Domain)
HP76 : Can we by searching find out God (CCLI_970005)
HP77 : Joy to the world the Lord is come Let earth (Public Domain)
HP78 : Join all the glorious names Of wisdom (Public Domain)
HP79 : Of the Fathers love begotten Ere the (Public Domain)
HP80 : To the Name of our salvation Laud and (Public Domain)
HP81 : Come Thou long expected Jesus Born to set Thy (Public Domain)
HP82 : Hark the glad sound the Saviour comes The Saviour (Public Domain)
HP83 : Long ago prophets knew Christ would (Public Domain)
HP84 : On Jordans bank the Baptists cry (Public Domain)
HP85 : O come O come Emmanuel And ransom (Public Domain)
HP86 : Tell out my soul the greatness of the (CCLI_27051)
HP87 : The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Public Domain)
HP88 : The holly and the ivy Are dancing in a (CCLI_2931409)
HP89 : The race that long in darkness pined (Public Domain)
HP90 : A great and mighty wonder A full (Public Domain)
HP91 : All my heart this night rejoices (Public Domain)
HP92 : Angels from the realms of glory (Public Domain)
HP93 : A virgin most pure as the prophets do (Public Domain)
HP94 : Away in a manger no crib for a bed (Public Domain)
HP95 : Born in the night Marys Child (CCLI_3609730)
HP96 : Christians awake salute the happy morn (Public Domain)
HP97 : Come and join the celebration (CCLI_571246)
HP98 : Cradled in a manger meanly Laid the Son (Public Domain)
HP99 : From east to west from shore to shore (Public Domain)
HP100 : From heaven above to earth I come (Public Domain)
HP101 : Glory be to God on high And peace (Public Domain)
HP102 : God from on high has heard Let sighs (Public Domain)
HP103 : God rest ye merry gentlemen (Public Domain)
HP104 : Good Christians all rejoice With heart (Public Domain)
HP105 : Love came down at Christmas Love all (Public Domain)
HP106 : Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the (Public Domain)
HP107 : In the bleak midwinter (Public Domain)
HP108 : It came upon the midnight clear That (Public Domain)
HP109 : Let earth and heaven combine Angels and (Public Domain)
HP110 : O come all ye faithful joyful and (Public Domain)
HP111 : O little one sweet O little one mild (Public Domain)
HP112 : Silent night holy night All is calm (Public Domain)
HP113 : O little town of Bethlehem How still we (Public Domain)
HP114 : Once in royal Davids city Stood a lowly (Public Domain)
HP115 : On Christmas night all Christians sing (Public Domain)
HP116 : On the eve of Christmas (Public Domain)
HP117 : See amid the winters snow Born for us (Public Domain)
HP118 : See Him lying on a bed of straw (CCLI_626892)
HP119 : The first Noel the angel did say Was to certain (Public Domain)
HP120 : While shepherds watched their flocks by (Public Domain)
HP121 : As with gladness men of old Did the (Public Domain)
HP122 : Bethlehem of noblest cities None can (Public Domain)
HP123 : Brightest and best of the sons of the (Public Domain)
HP124 : Child of the stables secret birth (CCLI_1022426)
HP125 : Hail to the Lords Anointed Great David (Public Domain)
HP126 : Hail to the Lord who comes Comes to His (Public Domain)
HP127 : Unto us a Boy is born King of all (Public Domain)
HP128 : Wise men seeking Jesus Traveled from (Public Domain)
HP129 : Christ when for us you were baptized (Public Domain)
HP130 : Forty days and forty nights Thou wast (Public Domain)
HP131 : Lord who throughout these forty days (Public Domain)
HP132 : When Jesus came to Jordan (CCLI_2564467)
HP133 : Blest are the poor in spirit (Public Domain)
HP134 : Forgive our sins as we forgive You (CCLI_3162143)
HP135 : Go, tell it on the mountain (Public Domain)
HP136 : I heard the voice of Jesus say Come unto Me and (Public Domain)
HP137 : Jesus the Lord said I am the Bread (CCLI_2647999)
HP138 : Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CCLI_1352)
HP139 : The kingdom of God is justice and joy (ONE_28013)
HP142 : At even when the sun was set The sick (Public Domain)
HP143 : Behold a little child Laid in a manger (Public Domain)
HP144 : Fierce raged the tempest oer the deep (Public Domain)
HP145 : Kneels at the feet of his friends silently washes (CCLI_7199418)
HP146 : Jesus friend of little children Be a (Public Domain)
HP147 : Jesus my Lord how rich Thy grace Thy bounties how (Public Domain)
HP148 : Jesus thy far extended fame My drooping soul exult (Public Domain)
HP149 : One there is above all others Well (Public Domain)
HP150 : O Thou whom once they flocked to hear Thy words to (Public Domain)
HP151 : When Jesus the healer passed through (CCLI_458888)
HP152 : Son of the Lord most high (CCLI_1577098)
HP153 : Tell me the stories of Jesus I love (ONE_657072304)
HP154 : Thou didst leave Thy throne And Thy king (Public Domain)
HP155 : Christ upon the mountain peak (CCLI_4720096)
HP156 : How good Lord to be here (Public Domain)
HP157 : Once on a mountain-top (CCLI_230707)
HP158 : Stay Master stay upon this heavenly hill (Public Domain)
HP159 : Ride on Ride on in Majesty In lowly pomp ride on (Public Domain)
HP160 : All glory laud and honour To Thee (Public Domain)
HP161 : The glory of our King was seen (Public Domain)
HP162 : Trotting trotting through Jerusalem (CCLI_515415)
HP163 : Children of Jerusalem Sang the praise of (Public Domain)
HP164 : Ah holy Jesus how hast Thou offended (Public Domain)
HP165 : Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain (Public Domain)
HP166 : God of unexampled grace Redeemer of (Public Domain)
HP167 : In the cross of Christ I glory Towering oer the (Public Domain)
HP168 : Jesus comes with all His grace (Public Domain)
HP169 : Jesus in the olive grove Waiting for a (CCLI_7202229)
HP170 : Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim (ONE_59074)
HP171 : My God I love Thee Not because I hope (Public Domain)
HP172 : O dearest Lord Thy sacred head (Public Domain)
HP173 : My song is love unknown My Saviours (Public Domain)
HP174 : Nature with open volume sounds (stands) (Public Domain)
HP175 : O love divine What hast Thou done (Public Domain)
HP176 : O sacred Head sore wounded With grief (Public Domain)
HP177 : Sing my tongue the glorious battle (Public Domain)
HP178 : There is a green hill far away Outside a (Public Domain)
HP179 : The royal banners forward go The Cross (Public Domain)
HP180 : When I survey the wondrous cross On which the (Public Domain)
HP181 : Were you there when they crucified my (Public Domain)
HP182 : We sing the praise of Him who died upon the cross (Public Domain)
HP183 : When my love to Christ grows weak (Public Domain)
HP184 : With glorious clouds encompassed round (Public Domain)
HP185 : Would Jesus have the sinner die Why hang (Public Domain)
HP186 : After darkness light After winter spring (CCLI_5189966)
HP187 : Away with gloom away with doubt (Public Domain)
HP188 : All ye that seek the Lord who died (Public Domain)
HP189 : Christ above all glory seated (Public Domain)
HP190 : Christ is alive Let Christians sing (CCLI_2572655)
HP191 : Good Christians all rejoice and sing (ONE_87718)
HP192 : Christ the Lord is risen again Christ (Public Domain)
HP193 : Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia (Public Domain)
HP194 : Come ye faithful raise the strain (Public Domain)
HP196 : I know that my Redeemer lives What (Public Domain)
HP197 : Hail the day that sees Him rise Alleluia (Public Domain)
HP198 : Jesus lives thy terrors now Can O death (Public Domain)
HP199 : Jesus Lord Redeemer Once for sinners (Public Domain)
HP200 : When Easter to the dark world came (CCLI_875382)
HP201 : Look ye saints the sight is glorious See the Man (Public Domain)
HP202 : Low in the grave He lay Jesus is my (Public Domain)
HP203 : Now is eternal life If risen with Christ (CCLI_1076544)
HP204 : Now the green blade rises from the (CCLI_4755944)
HP205 : O sons and daughters let us sing (Public Domain)
HP206 : Our Lord is risen from the dead Our (Public Domain)
HP207 : Rejoice and be glad The Redeemer hath (Public Domain)
HP208 : The day of resurrection Earth tell it (Public Domain)
HP209 : The head that once was crowned with (Public Domain)
HP210 : The Lord ascendeth up on high The Lord (Public Domain)
HP211 : The Saviour when to heaven He rose (Public Domain)
HP212 : Thine be the glory risen conquering Son (Public Domain)
HP213 : This joyful Eastertide What need (CCLI_996388)
HP214 : The strife is over the battle is done (Public Domain)
HP215 : Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a (Public Domain)
HP216 : And can it be that I should gain An interest in (Public Domain)
HP217 : Arise my soul arise Shake off thy guilty fears (Public Domain)
HP218 : Father of peace and God of love (Public Domain)
HP219 : Christ is the worlds Redeemer (Public Domain)
HP220 : God is love His the care Tending each (Public Domain)
HP221 : I am not skilled to understand What God (Public Domain)
HP222 : Hail Thou once despised Jesus Hail Thou Galilean (Public Domain)
HP223 : I will sing the wondrous story (Public Domain)
HP224 : It is a thing most wonderful Almost too (Public Domain)
HP225 : Jesus Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are (Public Domain)
HP226 : Let earth and heaven agree Angels and me (Public Domain)
HP227 : Lift up your heads ye gates of brass Ye (Public Domain)
HP228 : Man of sorrows What a Name For the Son (Public Domain)
HP229 : O love how deep how broad how high (Public Domain)
HP230 : Theres a wideness in Gods mercy (Public Domain)
HP231 : Praise to the Holiest in the height And (Public Domain)
HP232 : Tell me the old old story of unseen (Public Domain)
HP233 : The Saviour died but rose again (Public Domain)
HP234 : Thou art the Way to Thee alone From sin (Public Domain)
HP235 : With joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest (Public Domain)
HP236 : Hark what a sound and too divine (Public Domain)
HP237 : Hills of the north rejoice River and (Public Domain)
HP238 : I cannot tell why He whom angels worship (Public Domain)
HP239 : Jesus shall reign whereer the sun Does (Public Domain)
HP240 : Lift up your heads you mighty gates (Public Domain)
HP241 : Lo He comes with clouds descending Once (Public Domain)
HP242 : Mine eyes have seen the glory (Public Domain)
HP243 : Rejoice the Lord is King Your Lord and King adore (Public Domain)
HP244 : Sing we the King who is coming to reign (Public Domain)
HP245 : The Lord will come and not be slow His (Public Domain)
HP246 : Theres a light upon the mountains (Public Domain)
HP247 : Thou judge of quick and dead before Whose bar (Public Domain)
HP248 : Ye servants of the Lord Each in his office wait (Public Domain)
HP249 : Wake O wake With tidings thrilling (Public Domain)
HP250 : Jesus is Lord of all the earth (CCLI_32376)
HP251 : All for Jesus all for Jesus This our son (Public Domain)
HP252 : All hail the power of Jesus Name Let angels (Public Domain)
HP253 : All praise to Thee for Thou O King (Public Domain)
HP254 : Come my Way my Truth my Life (Public Domain)
HP255 : Crown Him with many crowns The Lamb (Public Domain)
HP256 : He is Lord He is Lord He is risen from (Public Domain)
HP257 : How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer (Public Domain)
HP258 : Jesu Thou joy of loving hearts (Public Domain)
HP259 : Jesus priceless treasure Source of (Public Domain)
HP260 : Jesus is Lord Creations voice proclaim (Public Domain)
HP261 : Jesus sun and shield art Thou (Public Domain)
HP262 : Jesus the Conqueror reigns In glorious (Public Domain)
HP263 : Jesus the good Shepherd is (Public Domain)
HP264 : Jesus the name high over all In hell or (Public Domain)
HP265 : Jesus the very thought of Thee With sweetness (Public Domain)
HP266 : Let all mortal flesh keep silence And (Public Domain)
HP267 : Love divine all loves excelling Joy of heaven to (Public Domain)
HP268 : My heart and voice I raise To spread (CCLI_3362747)
HP269 : O Jesus King most wonderful Thou Conqueror (Public Domain)
HP270 : In the stillness of the night (Public Domain)
HP271 : None other lamb none other name (Public Domain)
HP272 : Ride on Jesus all victorious (Public Domain)
HP273 : Rock of Ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in (Public Domain)
HP274 : Saviour blessed Saviour Listen while we (Public Domain)
HP275 : Thou hidden source of calm repose Thou all (Public Domain)
HP276 : When morning gilds the skies My heart (Public Domain)
HP277 : This this is the God we adore Our faithful (Public Domain)
HP278 : Ye servants of God Your Master proclaim (Public Domain)
HP279 : Born by the Holy Spirits breath (CCLI_2627421)
HP280 : Breathe on me breath of God Fill me with (Public Domain)
HP281 : Come down O Love Divine Seek Thou (Public Domain)
HP282 : Come Holy Ghost all quickening fire Come and in me (Public Domain)
HP283 : Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire (Public Domain)
HP284 : Come Thou Holy Spirit come And from Thy (Public Domain)
HP285 : Creator Spirit by whose aid The worlds (Public Domain)
HP286 : Gracious Spirit dwell with me I myself (Public Domain)
HP287 : Granted is the Saviours prayer Sent the (Public Domain)
HP288 : Holy Spirit come confirm us In the truth (ONE_21693)
HP289 : Holy Spirit truth divine Dawn upon this (Public Domain)
HP291 : I want the Spirit of power within Of (Public Domain)
HP292 : I will pray the Father and He will (Public Domain)
HP293 : O come and dwell in me Spirit of power (Public Domain)
HP294 : Spirit of God within me Possess my human (CCLI_2607726)
HP295 : Spirit of the living God fall afresh on (CCLI_23488)
HP296 : Away with our fears Our troubles and (Public Domain)
HP297 : Come Holy Spirit heavenly Dove With all thy quick- (Public Domain)
HP298 : Come thou everlasting Spirit Bring to (Public Domain)
HP299 : Father if justly still we claim To us an (Public Domain)
HP300 : Father of everlasting grace Thy goodness (Public Domain)
HP301 : Gracious Spirit Holy Ghost Taught by (Public Domain)
HP302 : Lo In the likeness of fire (Public Domain)
HP303 : Holy Spirit ever dwelling in the holiest (Public Domain)
HP304 : Holy Spirit hear us Help us while we (Public Domain)
HP305 : Let every Christian pray (CCLI_3200816)
HP306 : Lord God the Holy Ghost In this accepted (Public Domain)
HP307 : Lord we believe to us and ours The apostolic (Public Domain)
HP308 : O breath of God breathe on us now (Public Domain)
HP309 : O God O Spirit known to us (Public Domain)
HP310 : O Holy Spirit Lord of grace Eternal (Public Domain)
HP311 : O King enthroned on high Thou comforter (Public Domain)
HP312 : Our blest Redeemer ere He breathed His tender last (Public Domain)
HP313 : Spirit of God descend upon my heart (Public Domain)
HP314 : Filled with the Spirits power (ONE_00085)
HP315 : Gods Spirit is in my heart (CCLI_968866)
HP316 : Head of Thy church whose Spirit fills (Public Domain)
HP317 : In the power of Gods own Spirit (ONE_72039)
HP318 : Jesus the gift divine I know (Public Domain)
HP319 : Lord, give us your spirit (CCLI_243581)
HP320 : Of all the Spirits gifts to me (CCLI_225200)
HP321 : On all the earth Thy Spirit shower The earth in (Public Domain)
HP322 : O Spirit of the living God in all the (Public Domain)
HP323 : Our Lord His passion ended (Public Domain)
HP324 : Sing to Him in whom creation (CCLI_1094825)
HP325 : Spirit of faith come down Reveal the things of God (Public Domain)
HP326 : Theres a spirit in the air (CCLI_133165)
HP327 : Spirit Divine attend our prayers And make our (Public Domain)
HP328 : Upon the day of Pentecost (CCLI_3245228)
HP329 : All creatures of our God and King (Public Domain)
HP330 : All things bright and beautiful (Public Domain)
HP331 : All things praise Thee Lord most high (Public Domain)
HP332 : Sing a new song (ONE_ID2007)
HP333 : For the beauty of the earth For the (Public Domain)
HP334 : I sing the mighty power of God That made (Public Domain)
HP335 : Lord of the boundless curves of space (CCLI_230635)
HP336 : How wonderful this world of Thine (CCLI_2678731)
HP337 : O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Public Domain)
HP338 : Praise ye the Lord Tis good to raise Our hearts (Public Domain)
HP339 : The spacious firmament on high With all the blue (Public Domain)
HP340 : There is a book who runs may read (Public Domain)
HP341 : Father who on man dost shower Gifts (Public Domain)
HP342 : For the fruits of His creation Thanks be (CCLI_1330503)
HP343 : God in His love for us lent us this (CCLI_1330503)
HP344 : God whose farm is all creation (Public Domain)
HP345 : God You have given us power to sound (ONE_38527)
HP346 : Hear us O Lord from heaven Thy dwelling (Public Domain)
HP347 : Lord bring the day to pass (CCLI_1536266)
HP348 : Now join we to praise the creator (CCLI_2566654)
HP350 : Praise and thanksgiving Father we offer (CCLI_451751)
HP351 : Praise God for the harvest of farm (CCLI_2833916)
HP352 : We plough the fields and scatter (Public Domain)
HP354 : Come let us anew our journey persue Roll (Public Domain)
HP355 : Come ye thankful people come Raise the (Public Domain)
HP356 : Great God we sing that mighty hand By which (Public Domain)
HP358 : O God our help in ages past Our hope for (Public Domain)
HP359 : Praise O praise our God and King Hymns (Public Domain)
HP360 : Sing to the great Jehovahs praise All praise to (Public Domain)
HP361 : Summer suns are glowing Over land and (Public Domain)
HP362 : To Thee O Lord our hearts we raise (Public Domain)
HP363 : Yes God is good in earth and sky (Public Domain)
HP364 : As man and woman we were made (ONE_5b114f58d6c52)
HP366 : Happy the home that welcomes you Lord (Public Domain)
HP367 : Lord of the home your only Son (CCLI_1531027)
HP369 : O God in heaven whose loving plan (ONE_87428)
HP370 : O perfect love all human thought (Public Domain)
HP371 : Our Father by whose name (ONE_28093)
HP372 : Our Father whose creative love (CCLI_3369654)
HP373 : The grace of life is theirs (CCLI_225028)
HP374 : Thou God of truth and love We seek thy (Public Domain)
HP375 : Almighty Father of all things that be (Public Domain)
HP376 : Behold us Lord a little space From daily (Public Domain)
HP377 : Come to us creative Spirit In our Father (CCLI_3258923)
HP378 : Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart (Public Domain)
HP379 : Eternal Father Strong to save Whose arm (Public Domain)
HP381 : Forth in Thy name O Lord I go My daily (Public Domain)
HP382 : Life and light and joy are found (Public Domain)
HP383 : Servant of all to toil for man Thou did (Public Domain)
HP384 : Lord God in whom all worlds (CCLI_1582069)
HP385 : Spirit of wisdom turn our eyes From (Public Domain)
HP388 : When in our music God is glorified (ONE_199868)
HP389 : From Thee all skill and science flow (Public Domain)
HP390 : Heal us Emmanuel Hear our prayer We wait (Public Domain)
HP391 : I greet Thee who my sure Redeemer art (Public Domain)
HP392 : Immortal Love forever full Forever (Public Domain)
HP393 : Jesus hands were kind hands Doing good (Public Domain)
HP394 : Lord Christ who on Thy heart didst bear (Public Domain)
HP395 : O Christ the Healer we have come (CCLI_2854744)
HP396 : O God by whose almighty plan (Public Domain)
HP397 : Thine arm O Lord in days of old was (Public Domain)
HP399 : Almighty Father who dost give The gift (Public Domain)
HP400 : All glory to God in the sky And peace (Public Domain)
HP402 : For the healing of the nations (CCLI_3200067)
HP403 : God of love and truth and beauty (Public Domain)
HP404 : It is God who holds the nations (CCLI_2564436)
HP405 : Lift up your hearts We lift them Lord to (Public Domain)
HP409 : Judge eternal throned in splendour (Public Domain)
HP412 : We turn to You O God of every nation (CCLI_1053196)
HP413 : We pray for peace but not the easy peace (CCLI_1565464)
HP414 : What does the Lord require For praise (CCLI_2846336)
HP415 : And art Thou come with us to dwell Our Prince our (Public Domain)
HP416 : As pants the hart for cooling streams When heated (Public Domain)
HP417 : Can I forget bright Edens grace (Public Domain)
HP418 : Come O Thou all victorious Lord Thy power to us (Public Domain)
HP421 : How blest is life if lived for Thee (Public Domain)
HP422 : I want a principle within Of jealous godly fear (Public Domain)
HP423 : Lord I was blind I could not see In Thy (Public Domain)
HP424 : O Crucified Redeemer Whose life (Public Domain)
HP426 : O God of earth and altar bow down and (Public Domain)
HP428 : There is no moment of my life (CCLI_963483)
HP429 : Out of the depths I cry to Thee Lord God (Public Domain)
HP430 : What Adams disobedience cost (ONE_5a7d8eea15c0b)
HP431 : Where cross the crowded ways of life (Public Domain)
HP432 : Who fathoms the eternal thought (Public Domain)
HP433 : Arm of the Lord awake awake Thine (Public Domain)
HP434 : Come O thou Traveller unknown Whom still (Public Domain)
HP435 : For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee (Public Domain)
HP436 : Father hear the prayer we offer Not for (Public Domain)
HP437 : Guide me O Thou great Jehovah Pilgrim through this (Public Domain)
HP438 : Great is our redeeming Lord In power and (Public Domain)
HP439 : Ill praise my Maker while Ive breath And when my (Public Domain)
HP440 : Omnipotent Redeemer Our ransomed (Public Domain)
HP441 : Through the night of doubt and sorrow (Public Domain)
HP442 : O God of Bethel by whose hand Thy people still are (Public Domain)
HP443 : We praise we worship Thee O God (Public Domain)
HP444 : As Jacob with travel was weary one day (Public Domain)
HP445 : Bright the vision that delighted Once (Public Domain)
HP446 : Hast Thou not known hast Thou not heard (Public Domain)
HP447 : Deep in the shadows of the past (ONE_5b114f5aa6bd3)
HP448 : How glorious Zions courts appear The (Public Domain)
HP449 : How gracious are their feet (Public Domain)
HP450 : Moses I know youre the man The Lord (ONE_5af444c4c8855)
HP451 : Nearer my God to Thee Nearer to Thee Nearer to (Public Domain)
HP452 : The God of Abraham praise Who reigns enthroned (Public Domain)
HP453 : We come unto our fathers God Their rock (Public Domain)
HP454 : The God who sent the prophets (ONE_5a7d8ee517a5d)
HP455 : Christ is the worlds Light he and none (ONE_319)
HP456 : Christ is the worlds true Light (CCLI_6503606)
HP457 : Christ whose glory fills the skies Christ the true (Public Domain)
HP458 : Eternal Light Eternal Light How pure (Public Domain)
HP459 : In the fields of this world His good new (ONE_5b114f5c498df)
HP460 : Come sinners to the gospel feast let every soul be (Public Domain)
HP461 : O splendour of Gods glory bright (Public Domain)
HP462 : Stupendous height of heaveny love (Public Domain)
HP463 : To God be the glory Great things He has (Public Domain)
HP464 : Walk in the light So shalt thou know That (Public Domain)
HP465 : We have a gospel to proclaim Good news (CCLI_279469)
HP466 : Almighty God Thy word is cast Like seed (Public Domain)
HP467 : Break Thou the bread of life dear Lord (Public Domain)
HP468 : Come divine Interpreter Bring us eyes (Public Domain)
HP469 : Come Holy Ghost our hearts inspire Let us Thine (Public Domain)
HP470 : Come Lord to our souls come down (Public Domain)
HP472 : God who hast caused to be written (ONE_47882)
HP473 : Heavenly Father may Your blessing (Public Domain)
HP474 : Help us O Lord to learn The truths (ONE_11650)
HP475 : Lord I have made Thy Word my choice My lasting (Public Domain)
HP476 : Lord Thy Word abideth and our footsteps (Public Domain)
HP478 : O Word of God incarnate O wisdom from on high (Public Domain)
HP479 : Powerful in making us wise to salvation (CCLI_3109728)
HP480 : Spirit of truth essential God (Public Domain)
HP481 : The heavens declare Thy glory Lord In every star (Public Domain)
HP482 : Your words to me are life and health (Public Domain)
HP483 : Thanks to God whose Word was spoken (CCLI_7015377)
HP484 : Angel voices ever singing Round Thy (Public Domain)
HP485 : Blessed city heavenly Salem Vision dear (Public Domain)
HP486 : Born in song Gods people have always (CCLI_989319)
HP487 : Come we that love the Lord And let our joys be (Public Domain)
HP488 : Command Thy blessing from above O God (Public Domain)
HP489 : From all that dwell below the skies Let (Public Domain)
HP490 : Great Shepherd of Thy people hear Thy (Public Domain)
HP491 : New songs of celebration render (CCLI_3156829)
HP492 : Give me joy in my heart keep me praising (Public Domain)
HP493 : Glory to God in the highest (ONE_30103224)
HP494 : God is in His temple the almighty Father (Public Domain)
HP495 : He wants not friends that hath Thy love (Public Domain)
HP496 : I to the hills will lift mine eyes From (Public Domain)
HP497 : How pleased and blest was I to hear (Public Domain)
HP499 : King of Glory King of Peace I will love (Public Domain)
HP500 : Lord God Your love has called us here (ONE_5b114f6dd2b89)
HP501 : Meet and right it is to sing In every (Public Domain)
HP502 : O praise God in His holiness (Public Domain)
HP503 : O praise Him O praise Him O praise Him (ONE_5af4449e402cf)
HP504 : O heavenly King look down from above (Public Domain)
HP505 : O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness (Public Domain)
HP506 : Praise Him praise Him Praise Him in (Public Domain)
HP508 : Praise the Lord with joyful cry (ONE_5a8ed1d29df8f)
HP509 : Praise ye the Lord ye servants (Public Domain)
HP510 : Pray that Jerusalem may have (Public Domain)
HP511 : Sing praise to God who reigns above (Public Domain)
HP512 : Songs of praise the angels sang Heaven with (Public Domain)
HP513 : Stand up and bless the Lord Ye people of His (Public Domain)
HP514 : Sweet is the work my God my King To praise Thy (Public Domain)
HP515 : The Churchs one foundation Is Jesus (Public Domain)
HP516 : Ye gates lift up Your heads on high (Public Domain)
HP517 : Come Thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to (Public Domain)
HP519 : Father of heaven whose love profound A ransom for (Public Domain)
HP520 : Father whose everlasting love Thy only (Public Domain)
HP521 : Hark my soul it is the Lord Tis my SavioUr hear (Public Domain)
HP522 : Dear Master in whose life I see (Public Domain)
HP523 : Hushed was the evening hymn The temple (Public Domain)
HP524 : I need thee every hour most gracious (Public Domain)
HP525 : Kum ba yah my Lord Kum ba yah (Public Domain)
HP526 : It passeth knowledge that dear love of (Public Domain)
HP527 : Jesus Saviour ever mild (Public Domain)
HP528 : Jesus lover of my soul Let me to Thy bosom fly (Public Domain)
HP529 : Jesus if still the same Thou art (Public Domain)
HP530 : Jesus stand among us in Thy risen power (Public Domain)
HP531 : Lo God is here let us adore And own how (Public Domain)
HP532 : Lord Christ we praise Your sacrifice (CCLI_3260210)
HP533 : Lord Jesus think on me And purge away (Public Domain)
HP534 : Now let us see Thy beauty Lord As we (Public Domain)
HP535 : Master speak Thy servant heareth (Public Domain)
HP536 : O for a heart to praise my God A heart from sin (Public Domain)
HP537 : O send Thy light forth and Thy truth (Public Domain)
HP538 : O the bitter shame and sorrow That a (Public Domain)
HP539 : One who is all unfit to count (Public Domain)
HP540 : Open Lord my inward ear And bid my (Public Domain)
HP541 : Saviour and can it be That Thou shouldst (Public Domain)
HP542 : Talk with us Lord Thyself reveal While (Public Domain)
HP544 : Thou hidden love of God Whose height Whose depth (Public Domain)
HP546 : Come my soul thy suit prepare Jesus loves to (Public Domain)
HP547 : Head of the Church our risen Lord (Public Domain)
HP549 : Jesus whereer Thy people meet (Public Domain)
HP550 : Lamb of God whose dying love We now recall to mind (Public Domain)
HP551 : Lord teach us how to pray aright With (Public Domain)
HP552 : Lord of all hopefulness Lord of all joy (Public Domain)
HP553 : Lord speak to me that I may speak In (Public Domain)
HP554 : O God of our forefathers hear And make t (Public Domain)
HP555 : O that mine eyes might closed be (Public Domain)
HP556 : Pray for the Church affllcted and (ONE_5a7d8ee1a3c15)
HP557 : Prayer is the souls sincere desire Uttered or (Public Domain)
HP558 : Shepherd divine our wants relieve In (Public Domain)
HP559 : What a friend we have in Jesus (Public Domain)
HP560 : Shine Thou upon us Lord true Light of (Public Domain)
HP562 : How do Thy mercies close me round Forever be thy (Public Domain)
HP563 : My God I am Thine What a comfort divine (Public Domain)
HP564 : My God I thank Thee Who hast made The (Public Domain)
HP565 : Praise Him praise Him all His little (Public Domain)
HP566 : Now thank we all our God With hearts (Public Domain)
HP567 : O come and let us to the Lord (Public Domain)
HP568 : O Lord enlarge our scanty thought (Public Domain)
HP569 : O what shall I do my Saviour to praise (Public Domain)
HP571 : Sometimes a light surprises The (Public Domain)
HP572 : Think of a world without any flowers (CCLI_877634)
HP573 : When all Thy mercies O my God My rising (Public Domain)
HP574 : Worship and thanks and blessing And (Public Domain)
HP575 : Come let us with our Lord arise (Public Domain)
HP576 : The first day of the week (ONE_5a7d8ee4dbe24)
HP577 : This is the day the Lord hath made He calls the (Public Domain)
HP578 : This is the day this is the day (Public Domain)
HP579 : A mighty mystery we set forth (Public Domain)
HP580 : Come Father Son and Holy Ghost Honour the means (Public Domain)
HP581 : Glory and praise to God Who loves (Public Domain)
HP582 : Praise to God almighty maker (Public Domain)
HP583 : Jesus we follow Thee In all thy footsteps tread (Public Domain)
HP585 : Lord Jesus once a child (ONE_5a7d8edb2f96b)
HP587 : Lord let Your grace descend on those (Public Domain)
HP588 : See Israels gentle Shepherd stand With (Public Domain)
HP589 : This child from God above (CCLI_7106562)
HP590 : Now in the name of HIm who sent (CCLI_4341657)
HP591 : Stand soldier of the cross Thy high (Public Domain)
HP592 : Alleluia sing to Jesus His the sceptre (Public Domain)
HP593 : And now O Father mindful of the love (Public Domain)
HP594 : An Upper Room did our Lord prepare (CCLI_1781633)
HP595 : As your family Lord see us here (Public Domain)
HP596 : Author of life divine Who hast a table (Public Domain)
HP597 : Be known to us in breaking bread (Public Domain)
HP598 : Because Thou hast said Do this for My (Public Domain)
HP599 : Bread of the world in mercy broken Wine (Public Domain)
HP600 : By Christ redeemed in Christ restored (Public Domain)
HP602 : Come Holy Ghost Thine influence shed (Public Domain)
HP603 : Father we give You thanks who planted (Public Domain)
HP605 : Come risen Lord and deign to be our (CCLI_2639550)
HP606 : Deck thyself my soul with gladness (Public Domain)
HP607 : Father who in Jesus found us (CCLI_3199972)
HP608 : Here O my Lord I see Thee face to face (Public Domain)
HP609 : How happy are Thy servants Lord (Public Domain)
HP610 : I come with joy to meet my Lord forgiven loved and (CCLI_2403078)
HP611 : I am the bread of life He who comes to (Public Domain)
HP612 : Jesus invites His saints To meet around (Public Domain)
HP613 : Jesus to Your table led Now let every (Public Domain)
HP614 : Jesus we thus obey Thy last and kindest (Public Domain)
HP615 : Let us break bread together with the (Public Domain)
HP616 : Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour (Public Domain)
HP617 : Lord Jesus Christ You have come to us (CCLI_40241)
HP618 : Lord of our highest love Let now Thy (Public Domain)
HP619 : Now let us from this table rise (CCLI_2566551)
HP620 : O bread to pilgrims given O food that angels eat (Public Domain)
HP621 : O Thou who this mysterious bread (Public Domain)
HP622 : See where our great High Priest (Public Domain)
HP623 : Reap me the earth as a harvest to God (ONE_242544)
HP624 : Sing my tongue the Saviours glory (Public Domain)
HP626 : Strengthen for service Lord the hands (Public Domain)
HP627 : The Son of God proclaim (ONE_245646)
HP628 : Upon Thy table Lord we place These (Public Domain)
HP629 : Victim divine Thy grace we claim While (Public Domain)
HP630 : At Thy feet O Christ we lay Thine own (Public Domain)
HP631 : Awake awake to love and work (Public Domain)
HP632 : Awake my soul and with the sun Thy daily stage of (Public Domain)
HP633 : Father we praise Thee now the night is (Public Domain)
HP635 : Morning has broken like the first (ONE_318796)
HP636 : New every morning is the love Our wakening and (Public Domain)
HP637 : O Lord of life Thy quickening voice Awakes my (Public Domain)
HP638 : Ere I sleep for every favour This day (Public Domain)
HP639 : To You before the end of day (Public Domain)
HP640 : Father in high heaven dwelling May our (Public Domain)
HP641 : God that madest earth and heaven Dark (Public Domain)
HP642 : Glory to Thee my God this night For all the bless (Public Domain)
HP643 : Saviour again in Thy dear name (Public Domain)
HP644 : Hail gladdening Light Of His pure glory (Public Domain)
HP645 : Lord Jesus in the days of old Two walked (Public Domain)
HP646 : Sun of my soul Thou Saviour dear It is not night (Public Domain)
HP647 : The duteous day now closeth Each flower (Public Domain)
HP648 : The day Thou gavest Lord is ended (Public Domain)
HP649 : Come let us use the grace divine And all with one (Public Domain)
HP651 : God be with you till we meet again (Public Domain)
HP652 : Lord dismiss us with Thy blessing fill our hearts (Public Domain)
HP653 : God is here As we His people (CCLI_2566496)
HP654 : Lord of the living in Your name assemble (CCLI_3200074)
HP655 : O how blest the hour Lord Jesus (Public Domain)
HP656 : O Thou not made with hands Not throned (Public Domain)
HP659 : This stone to Thee in faith we lay We (Public Domain)
HP660 : In our day of thanksgiving one psalm let (Public Domain)
HP661 : A safe stronghold our God is still (Public Domain)
HP662 : Author of faith eternal Word Whose (Public Domain)
HP663 : Awake our souls away our fears Let every trembling (Public Domain)
HP664 : Away with our fears The glad morning (Public Domain)
HP665 : Abide with me fast falls the eventide (Public Domain)
HP666 : Behold the amazing gift of love (Public Domain)
HP667 : Begone unbelief My Saviour is near and (Public Domain)
HP668 : Blessed assurance Jesus is mine O what a foretaste (Public Domain)
HP669 : Blest be the everlasting God The Father (Public Domain)
HP670 : Blest are the saints O God (Public Domain)
HP671 : Day by day dear Lord (Public Domain)
HP672 : Commit thou all thy griefs And ways into his hands (Public Domain)
HP673 : Dear Lord and Father of mankind Forgive (Public Domain)
HP674 : Happy the man that finds the grace (Public Domain)
HP676 : He that is down needs fear no fall (Public Domain)
HP677 : Im not ashamed to own my Lord Or to defend His (Public Domain)
HP678 : In heavenly love abiding No change my heart (Public Domain)
HP679 : Lord it belongs not to my care Whether I (Public Domain)
HP680 : Jesus my strength my hope On Thee I (Public Domain)
HP681 : Light of the world Thy beams I bless (Public Domain)
HP682 : My faith it is an oaken staff (Public Domain)
HP683 : My faith looks up to Thee Thou Lamb of Calvary (Public Domain)
HP684 : Now I have found the ground wherein Sure my souls (Public Domain)
HP685 : O love that wilt not let me go I rest my (Public Domain)
HP686 : When our confidence is shaken (CCLI_5199516)
HP687 : When we walk with the Lord (Public Domain)
HP688 : Who would true valour see Let him come (Public Domain)
HP689 : Will your anchor hold in the storms of (Public Domain)
HP690 : Being of beings God of love To Thee our (Public Domain)
HP691 : Come let us sing of a wonderful love (Public Domain)
HP693 : Father of Jesus Christ my Lord My Saviour and my (Public Domain)
HP694 : God be in my head And in my and in my (Public Domain)
HP695 : I bind unto myself today The strong name (Public Domain)
HP696 : Jesus Thy boundless love to me No thought can (Public Domain)
HP697 : Just as I am without one plea But that Thy blood (Public Domain)
HP698 : Let Him to whom we now belong His (Public Domain)
HP699 : Lord of creation to You be all praise (ONE_30247)
HP700 : Lord we have come at Your own invitation (CCLI_3157299)
HP701 : My God accept my heart this day And make (Public Domain)
HP702 : O happy day that fixed my choice On Thee my (Public Domain)
HP703 : What shall I render to my God For all his mercys (Public Domain)
HP704 : O Jesus I have promised To serve Thee (Public Domain)
HP705 : Take my life and let it be Consecrated (Public Domain)
HP706 : Where shall my wondering soul begin (Public Domain)
HP707 : And are we yet alive And see each other (Public Domain)
HP708 : Believe not those who say The upward (Public Domain)
HP709 : Christ be my leader by night as by day (CCLI_4509822)
HP710 : Fight the good fight with all thy might (Public Domain)
HP711 : Happy are they they that love God (Public Domain)
HP712 : God of grace and God of glory On Thy (ONE_277864)
HP713 : If Thou but suffer God to guide Thee (Public Domain)
HP714 : Make me a captive Lord And then I shall (Public Domain)
HP715 : Oft in danger oft in woe Onward (Public Domain)
HP716 : March on my soul with strength (Public Domain)
HP717 : O Lord and Master of us all Whatever our (Public Domain)
HP718 : Onward Christian soldiers marching as to (Public Domain)
HP719 : Soldiers of Christ arise and put your armour on (Public Domain)
HP720 : Son of God if Thy free grace (Public Domain)
HP721 : Stand up Stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers (Public Domain)
HP722 : Who is on the Lords side Who will serve (Public Domain)
HP723 : All things are possible to them (Public Domain)
HP724 : Blest are the pure in heart For they shall see our (Public Domain)
HP725 : Come dearest Lord descend and dwell (Public Domain)
HP726 : God of all power and truth and grace (Public Domain)
HP727 : God of all redeeming grace By Thy (Public Domain)
HP728 : How can we sinners know Our sins on (Public Domain)
HP729 : God of my salvation hear And help me to believe (Public Domain)
HP730 : I hunger and I thirst Jesus my manna be (Public Domain)
HP731 : I know that my Redeemer lives And ever prays for (Public Domain)
HP732 : Jesus good above all other Gentle Child (Public Domain)
HP733 : Jesus has died that I might live (Public Domain)
HP734 : Jesus my Truth my Way My sure unerring (Public Domain)
HP735 : Jesus the First and Last (Public Domain)
HP736 : Lord I believe a rest remains To all thy people (Public Domain)
HP737 : Lord that I may learn of Thee (Public Domain)
HP738 : Loving Jesus gentle Lamb In thy gracious hands (Public Domain)
HP739 : May the mind of Christ my Saviour (Public Domain)
HP740 : My God I know I feel Thee mine And will (Public Domain)
HP741 : My gracious Lord I own Thy right To (Public Domain)
HP742 : O Jesus Christ grow Thou in me (Public Domain)
HP743 : My Saviour how shall I proclaim How pay the mighty (Public Domain)
HP744 : O for a thousand tongues to sing (Public Domain)
HP745 : O Thou who camest from above Ready for all Thy (Public Domain)
HP746 : One more step along the world I go (ONE_5a8ffd0098bb7)
HP747 : Saviour from sin I wait to prove (Public Domain)
HP748 : Teach me O Lord Thy holy way (Public Domain)
HP749 : What is our callings glorious hope But (Public Domain)
HP750 : Thou Shepherd of Israel and mine The joy and (Public Domain)
HP751 : Ye faithful souls who Jesus know If rise (Public Domain)
HP752 : Blest be the dear uniting love That will not let (Public Domain)
HP753 : All praise to our redeeming Lord Who joins us by (Public Domain)
HP754 : Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in (Public Domain)
HP755 : Come let us who in Christ believe Our common (Public Domain)
HP756 : Come and let us sweetly join Christ to praise in (Public Domain)
HP757 : Here in Christ we gather love of Christ (ONE_30137650)
HP758 : In Christ there is no East or West (Public Domain)
HP759 : Jesus Lord we look to Thee let us (Public Domain)
HP760 : Jesus we look to Thee Thy promised presence claim (Public Domain)
HP761 : Jesus Thou soul of all our joys For Whom (Public Domain)
HP762 : May the grace of Christ my Saviour (Public Domain)
HP763 : See Jesus Thy disciples see The promised (Public Domain)
HP764 : Christ from whom all blessings flow Perfecting the (Public Domain)
HP766 : Eternal Son eternal Love Take to Thyself (Public Domain)
HP767 : Give me the faith which can remove (Public Domain)
HP768 : Jesus the word bestow The true immortal (Public Domain)
HP769 : God is working His purpose out As year (Public Domain)
HP770 : Go forth and tell O Church of God awake (ONE_99396)
HP771 : Lord if at Thy command The Word of life (Public Domain)
HP772 : Jesus Thy wandering sheep behold (Public Domain)
HP773 : Jesus united by Thy grace And each to (Public Domain)
HP774 : Lord Thy church on earth is seeking (CCLI_2452940)
HP776 : Make me a channel of your peace Where (Public Domain)
HP777 : O breath of life come sweeping through (Public Domain)
HP778 : O God our Father who dost make us one (Public Domain)
HP779 : O Thou who at Thy eucharist didst pray (Public Domain)
HP780 : Revive thy work O Lord Thy mighty arm (Public Domain)
HP781 : See how great a flame aspires Kindled by (Public Domain)
HP782 : Shout it in the street (ONE_5a8ffcf36b365)
HP783 : Thy kingdom come O God Thy rule (Public Domain)
HP784 : Thy hand O God has guided Thy flock from (Public Domain)
HP785 : A charge to keep I have A God to glorify (Public Domain)
HP786 : Be it my only wisdom here To serve the Lord with (Public Domain)
HP787 : A glorious company we sing The Master (CCLI_2099269)
HP788 : Behold the servant of the Lord (Public Domain)
HP789 : Christ for the world we sing The world (Public Domain)
HP790 : Father lead me day by day Ever in Thine (Public Domain)
HP791 : Father Son and Holy Ghost One in Three (Public Domain)
HP792 : Fill Thou my life O Lord my God In every (Public Domain)
HP793 : God of almighty love By whose sufficient (Public Domain)
HP794 : Go labour on spend and be spent Thy joy to do the (Public Domain)
HP795 : Jesus I fain would find Thy zeal for God (Public Domain)
HP796 : Lord of light whose name shines brighter (Public Domain)
HP797 : Lord of all good our gifts we bring to (CCLI_3243079)
HP798 : O loving Lord who art for ever seeking (Public Domain)
HP799 : My heart is full of Christ and longs Its (Public Domain)
HP800 : Lord in the strength of grace With a (Public Domain)
HP801 : O God what offering shall I give To Thee (Public Domain)
HP802 : O Master let me walk with Thee In lowly (Public Domain)
HP803 : Teach me my God and King In all things (Public Domain)
HP804 : The Church of Christ in every age (CCLI_5404586)
HP805 : Thy faithfulness Lord each moment we (Public Domain)
HP806 : What shall our greeting be (CCLI_5404782)
HP807 : What shall we offer our good Lord (Public Domain)
HP808 : Behold the temple of the Lord (Public Domain)
HP809 : City of God how broad and far Outspread thy walls (Public Domain)
HP810 : Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels (Public Domain)
HP811 : Earth rejoice our Lord is King Sons of men his (Public Domain)
HP812 : Come let us join our friends above Who (Public Domain)
HP813 : Come ye faithful raise the anthem (Public Domain)
HP814 : For all the saints who from their (Public Domain)
HP815 : Give me the wings of faith to rise Within the veil (Public Domain)
HP816 : Happy the souls to Jesus joined And saved by grace (Public Domain)
HP817 : Glorious things of Thee are spoken Zion city of (Public Domain)
HP818 : Head of Thy Church triumphant We (Public Domain)
HP819 : Leader of faithful souls and guide (Public Domain)
HP820 : Lift up your hearts to things above (Public Domain)
HP821 : Sing we the song of those who stand (Public Domain)
HP822 : There is a land of pure delight Where saints (Public Domain)
HP823 : Ye choirs of new Jerusalem Your sweetest (Public Domain)
STF1 : All people that on earth do dwell (Public Domain)
STF2 : Come, let us sing to the One (CCLI_4107640)
STF3 : Eternal God, your loves tremendous glory (CCLI_1530413)
STF4 : Father in heaven, grant to your children (ONE_119282)
STF5 : Father, in whom we live (Public Domain)
STF6 : Father, we love you, we worship and adore you (CCLI_1383)
STF7 : God, who made the stars of heaven (ONE_30403)
STF8 : God with us: Creator, Father (CCLI_3529140)
STF9 : Hail! Holy, holy, holy Lord! (Public Domain)
STF10 : Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (CCLI_1540719)
STF11 : Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! (Public Domain)
STF13 : Sing of a God in majestic divinity (ONE_68735)
STF14 : Sing to him in whom creation (CCLI_1094825)
STF15 : The splendour of the King (CCLI_4348399)
STF16 : We give immortal praise (Public Domain)
STF17 : With gladness we worship, rejoice as we sing (Public Domain)
STF18 : Be still and know that I am God (Public Domain)
STF19 : Be still and know that I am God (Public Domain)
STF20 : Be still, for the presence of the Lord (CCLI_120824)
STF21 : Born in song! (CCLI_989319)
STF22 : Come all you people (Uyai mose) (ONE_27)
STF23 : Come Holy Spirit. Maranatha! (CCLI_4663201)
STF24 : Come, now is the time to worship (CCLI_2430948)
STF25 : God is here! As we his people (CCLI_2566496)
STF26 : I rejoiced when I heard them say (ONE_98231)
STF27 : Jesus, we are here (Jesu, tawa pano) (ONE_18516)
STF28 : Jesus calls us here to meet him (CCLI_878695)
STF29 : Jesus lead us to the Father (CCLI_4515971)
STF30 : Jesus stand among us at the meeting of our lives (CCLI_40155)
STF31 : May the glory of the Lord fill his temple (Author)
STF32 : Meet and right it is to sing (Public Domain)
STF33 : O Lord we are always in your presence (ONE_D-0217)
STF34 : O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Public Domain)
STF35 : The trumpets sound, the angels sing (CCLI_190672)
STF36 : Theres a quiet understanding (CCLI_15135)
STF37 : Youre calling us and so we are gathered here (CCLI_5463163)
STF38 : Come, O Holy Spirit, come (Wa wa wa Emimimo) (Public Domain)
STF39 : Angel voices ever singing (Public Domain)
STF40 : Blessed be the name of the Lord (ONE_59204)
STF41 : Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful (CCLI_3798438)
STF42 : O sing to the Lord (ONE_5022)
STF43 : Come, let us praise the Lord, with joy our God acclaim (CCLI_2623968)
STF44 : Come on and celebrate (CCLI_189511)
STF45 : Earths creator, everyday God (ONE_116630)
STF46 : Everlasting God, the years go by but youre unchanging (CCLI_3994706)
STF47 : Faithful God, faithful God (CCLI_872433)
STF48 : From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea (CCLI_4403076)
STF49 : God beyond all names (CCLI_5502172)
STF50 : Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (CCLI_10769)
STF51 : Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father (CCLI_18723)
STF52 : He is exalted, the King is exalted on high (CCLI_17827)
STF53 : How shall I sing that majesty (Public Domain)
STF54 : I will worship with all of my heart (CCLI_487976)
STF55 : Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Public Domain)
STF56 : King of Glory, King of Peace (Public Domain)
STF57 : Let all the world in every corner sing (Public Domain)
STF58 : Lord, I come before your throne of grace (CCLI_605095)
STF59 : Lord, the light of your love is shining (CCLI_30426)
STF60 : My soul rejoices in God my Saviour (ONE_80096)
STF61 : Our God is a great big God (CCLI_3373437)
STF62 : Our God is an awesome God (CCLI_41099)
STF63 : Over all the earth, your reign on high (CCLI_2490706)
STF64 : Praise is rising, eyes are turning to you (CCLI_4662491)
STF65 : Sing of the Lords goodness, Father of all wisdom (ONE_80537)
STF66 : The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases (CCLI_21590)
STF67 : This, this is the God we adore (Public Domain)
STF68 : Worship God with the morning sunrise (CCLI_4517670)
STF69 : Ye holy angels bright, who wait at Gods right hand (Public Domain)
STF70 : Always remember, never forget (CCLI_1557331)
STF71 : Even as the world began (CCLI_4490948)
STF72 : Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist (CCLI_58202)
STF73 : Fill thou my life, O Lord my God (Public Domain)
STF74 : For the music of creation (ONE_18045)
STF75 : From all that dwell below the skies (Public Domain)
STF76 : Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising (Public Domain)
STF77 : Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King (CCLI_3148428)
STF78 : Give thanks with a grateful heart (CCLI_20285)
STF79 : Ill praise my Maker while Ive breath (Public Domain)
STF80 : My God, I am thine (Public Domain)
STF81 : Now thank we all our God (Public Domain)
STF82 : O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder (CCLI_14181)
STF83 : Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Public Domain)
STF84 : Praise the Lord, his glories show (Public Domain)
STF85 : Praise the Lord who reigns above and keeps his court below (Public Domain)
STF86 : Praise the Lord! You heavens, adore him (Public Domain)
STF87 : Praise to the living God! All praised be his name (Public Domain)
STF88 : Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! (Public Domain)
STF89 : Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord (CCLI_4556538)
STF90 : Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Public Domain)
STF91 : The God of Abraham praise (Public Domain)
STF92 : Think of a world without any flowers (CCLI_1932595)
STF93 : Though the fruit tree doesnt blossom (CCLI_3502095)
STF94 : To God be the glory, great things he has done! (Public Domain)
STF95 : We praise you, O God; acclaim you as Lord (ONE_80128)
STF96 : We sing of your glory, we praise you again (ONE_17514)
STF97 : When all your mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys (Public Domain)
STF98 : Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging (CCLI_3091812)
STF99 : All creatures of our God and King (Public Domain)
STF100 : All things bright and beautiful (Public Domain)
STF101 : Before the world began, one Word was there (CCLI_1041744)
STF102 : For the beauty of the earth (Public Domain)
STF103 : God is love: let heaven adore him (Public Domain)
STF104 : God moves in a mysterious way (Public Domain)
STF106 : God, whose almighty word chaos and darkness heard (Public Domain)
STF107 : I sing the almighty power of God (Public Domain)
STF108 : In the beginning God played with the planets (CCLI_7009122)
STF109 : In the darkness of the still night (CCLI_3171938)
STF110 : In the wonder of creation (CCLI_6149280)
STF111 : Lord of the boundless curves of space (CCLI_230635)
STF112 : O Lord, our Lord, throughout the earth how glorious is you name (CCLI_1532143)
STF113 : O worship the King, all-glorious above (Public Domain)
STF114 : Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure (ONE_64381)
STF115 : Praise ye the Lord! Tis good to raise our hearts and voices in his praise (Public Domain)
STF116 : Sing for Gods glory that colours the dawn of creation (ONE_48443)
STF117 : Sing praise to God who reigns above (ONE_84587)
STF118 : Tell me who made all of creation (CCLI_2642310)
STF119 : God of Eve and God of Mary (CCLI_1046574)
STF120 : We gladly celebrate and praise (CCLI_3571631)
STF121 : Autumn days when the grass is jewelled (CCLI_961540)
STF122 : God, whose farm is all creation (ONE_47987)
STF123 : Come, you thankful people, come (CCLI_1039093)
STF124 : For the fruits of creation, thanks be to God (CCLI_3371769)
STF125 : Praise and thanksgiving, Father, we offer (CCLI_451751)
STF126 : Praise God for the harvest of orchard and field (CCLI_7051083)
STF127 : Sing to the great Jehovahs praise (Public Domain)
STF128 : The harvest is here: earths bounty we bring (Author)
STF129 : To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Public Domain)
STF130 : We plough the fields, and scatter (Public Domain)
STF131 : By a monument of marble, or a simple wooden cross (ONE_5d95b5edb7808)
STF132 : O God, our help in ages past (Public Domain)
STF133 : To be a soldier, to fight for peace till war shall end (ONE_37526)
STF134 : Christ, whose glory fills the skies (Public Domain)
STF135 : I owe my Lord a morning song (CCLI_4557180)
STF136 : Morning has broken like the first morning (ONE_118118)
STF137 : New every morning is the love our wakening and uprising prove (Public Domain)
STF138 : O God, beyond all thought (CCLI_2467430)
STF139 : Today I awake and God is before me (CCLI_3664067)
STF140 : We praise God in the morning when the sun is bright (CCLI_1063131)
STF141 : Abide with me; fast falls the eventide (Public Domain)
STF142 : Glory to thee, my God, this night (Public Domain)
STF143 : Hail, gladdening Light, of his pure glory poured (Public Domain)
STF145 : Night has fallen, gracious Spirit, guard us sleeping (ONE_35499)
STF146 : Now that evening falls, gently fades the light (CCLI_4927569)
STF147 : The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (Public Domain)
STF148 : Come, let us with our Lord arise (Public Domain)
STF149 : First of the week and finest day (CCLI_3090899)
STF150 : This is the day of rest to use as God intended (ONE_38218)
STF151 : This is the day the Lord has made, God calls the day his own (Public Domain)
STF152 : This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made (Public Domain)
STF153 : Break thou the bread of life, O Lord, to me (Public Domain)
STF154 : Come, divine interpreter (Public Domain)
STF155 : Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (Public Domain)
STF156 : From the breaking of the dawn to the setting of the sun (CCLI_4642105)
STF157 : God has spoken by his prophets (CCLI_2647559)
STF158 : Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders (CCLI_2623975)
STF160 : Powerful in making us wise to salvation (CCLI_3109728)
STF161 : Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word (CCLI_4615235)
STF163 : When listening prophets dare to speak (CCLI_3922022)
STF164 : Your words to me are life and health (Public Domain)
STF165 : Advent candles tell their story (CCLI_7004421)
STF166 : Christmas is coming! The Church is glad to sing (CCLI_1053608)
STF167 : Colours of day dawn into the mind (CCLI_550092)
STF168 : Come, Lord Jesus, come (CCLI_959985)
STF169 : Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Public Domain)
STF170 : Darkness like a shroud covers the earth (CCLI_192931)
STF171 : Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Public Domain)
STF172 : Hills of the north, rejoice (Public Domain)
STF173 : Into the darkness of this world (CCLI_1044277)
STF174 : Light a candle in a darkened place (CCLI_2311672)
STF175 : Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness (CCLI_3266032)
STF176 : Like a candle flame, flickering small in our darkness (CCLI_30392)
STF177 : Lo, he comes with clouds descending (Public Domain)
STF178 : Long ago, prophets knew Christ would come (CCLI_2879217)
STF179 : My Lord! What a morning (Public Domain)
STF180 : O come, O come, Immanuel (Public Domain)
STF181 : Of the Fathers love begotten (Public Domain)
STF182 : On Jordans bank the Baptists cry (Public Domain)
STF184 : Round orange, round orange, you serve as a sign (CCLI_5409189)
STF185 : Sing we the King who is coming to reign (Public Domain)
STF186 : Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (CCLI_27051)
STF187 : The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Public Domain)
STF188 : Theres a light upon the mountains, and the day is at the spring (Public Domain)
STF189 : Wild and lone the prophets voice (CCLI_3390874)
STF190 : Angels, from the realms of glory (Public Domain)
STF191 : Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (Public Domain)
STF193 : Born in the night, Marys child (CCLI_5005851)
STF194 : Child of joy and peace (CCLI_4009085)
STF195 : Christians, awake, salute the happy morn (Public Domain)
STF196 : Come and join the celebration (CCLI_571246)
STF197 : Cradled in a manger, meanly (Public Domain)
STF198 : Emmanuel, Emmanuel (CCLI_12949)
STF199 : Glory be to God on high (Public Domain)
STF200 : God is born among us: earth receives the Christ child (CCLI_3996797)
STF201 : Good news, good news to you we bring (CCLI_30220)
STF202 : Hark! The herald-angels sing (Public Domain)
STF203 : I had a dream that I was standing on a hillside (CCLI_4008615)
STF204 : In the bleak midwinter (Public Domain)
STF205 : It came upon a midnight clear (Public Domain)
STF206 : It was on a starry night (CCLI_643909)
STF208 : Let earth and heaven combine (Public Domain)
STF209 : Let me tell you about a baby (CCLI_1095398)
STF210 : Love came down at Christmas (Public Domain)
STF211 : Night of peace: hail the holy child (ONE_8718)
STF212 : O come, all ye faithful (Public Domain)
STF213 : O little town of Bethlehem (Public Domain)
STF214 : Once in royal Davids city (Public Domain)
STF215 : See, amid the winters snow (Public Domain)
STF216 : See him lying on a bed of straw (CCLI_3941962)
STF217 : Silent night, holy night (Public Domain)
STF218 : Unto us a boy is born! (Public Domain)
STF219 : We see the eyes of Mary shine (CCLI_5154252)
STF221 : While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Public Domain)
STF222 : Who would think that what was needed (CCLI_2770017)
STF223 : A special star, a special star (CCLI_3578270)
STF224 : As with gladness men of old (Public Domain)
STF225 : Bethlehem, of noblest cities (Public Domain)
STF226 : Birth brings a promise of new life awaking (CCLI_1599557)
STF227 : Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (Public Domain)
STF228 : Hail to the Lords Anointed (Public Domain)
STF229 : Mary and Joseph came to the Temple (CCLI_3351394)
STF230 : Riding out across the desert (CCLI_870569)
STF231 : The silent stars shine down on us (ONE_9977)
STF233 : When Jesus came to Jordan (CCLI_2564467)
STF234 : Behold the Lamb of God (CCLI_2023355)
STF235 : Christ our Redeemer knew temptations hour (CCLI_1546706)
STF236 : Forty days and forty nights (CCLI_1546706)
STF237 : Jesus, tempted in the desert (ONE_9669)
STF238 : Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (Public Domain)
STF239 : Sent by the Lord am I (CCLI_4992422)
STF240 : When we are tested and wrestle alone (CCLI_5217838)
STF241 : When we were in the darkest night (CCLI_5120372)
STF242 : A new commandment I give unto you (CCLI_693942)
STF243 : A rich young man came seeking (CCLI_3682111)
STF244 : Blest are the pure in heart (Public Domain)
STF245 : Blest are they, the poor in spirit (ONE_22)
STF246 : He came to earth in poverty (CCLI_5015717)
STF247 : I danced in the morning when the world was begun (CCLI_78529)
STF248 : I heard the voice of Jesus say (Public Domain)
STF249 : Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (CCLI_186208)
STF250 : Jesus calls us! Oer the tumult (Public Domain)
STF251 : Jesus Christ is waiting (CCLI_996498)
STF252 : Jesus the Lord said: I am the Bread (CCLI_2647999)
STF253 : Love inspired the anger (CCLI_1595324)
STF254 : Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CCLI_1352)
STF255 : The kingdom of God is justice and joy (ONE_28013)
STF256 : When I needed a neighbour, were you there? (CCLI_227923)
STF258 : You are the Vine, we are the branches (CCLI_52538)
STF259 : Jesus on the mountain peak (CCLI_3109498)
STF260 : Swiftly pass the clouds of glory (CCLI_830640)
STF261 : Transfigured Christ, none comprehends (CCLI_3568455)
STF262 : All glory, laud and honour (Public Domain)
STF263 : Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! (CCLI_21545)
STF264 : Make way, make way, for Christ the King in splendour arrives (CCLI_121074)
STF265 : Ride on, ride on in majesty! (Public Domain)
STF266 : All the room was hushed and still (CCLI_5490167)
STF267 : Jesus in the olive grove (CCLI_1076609)
STF268 : Sing, my tongue, the Saviours glory (Public Domain)
STF269 : To see the King of heaven fall (CCLI_5567746)
STF270 : Come and see, come and see (CCLI_192405)
STF271 : Come, wounded healer, your suffrings reveal (CCLI_3120147)
STF272 : From heaven you came, helpless babe (CCLI_78897)
STF273 : Here hangs a man discarded (CCLI_1081474)
STF274 : Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice (CCLI_1564362)
STF275 : Jesus the carpenter, hanging on Calvary (CCLI_4514934)
STF276 : Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim (ONE_01923)
STF277 : My song is love unknown (Public Domain)
STF278 : O Love divine, what have you done! (Public Domain)
STF279 : O precious sight, my Saviour stands (CCLI_4886507)
STF281 : See the Lamb of God (CCLI_6155607)
STF282 : Stay here where nails are driven (CCLI_4968171)
STF283 : The desolate Messiah dies (CCLI_5892978)
STF284 : There is a green hill far away (Public Domain)
STF285 : Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (Public Domain)
STF286 : What kind of love is this that gave itself for me? (CCLI_40753)
STF287 : When I survey the wondrous cross (Public Domain)
STF288 : When I think about the cross (CCLI_1574895)
STF289 : When my love for Christ grows weak (Public Domain)
STF290 : Who would ever have believed it? (CCLI_2651363)
STF291 : Why has God forsaken me? (ONE_00680)
STF292 : After darkness, light (CCLI_5189966)
STF293 : All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord (CCLI_120556)
STF294 : All you that seek the Lord who died (Public Domain)
STF295 : Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord (CCLI_32376)
STF296 : Christ has risen while earth slumbers (CCLI_1980987)
STF297 : Christ is alive! Let Christians sing (CCLI_68041)
STF298 : Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF299 : Easter jubilation fills the streets and towns (CCLI_1574840)
STF300 : Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF301 : Hail, thou once despised Jesus (Public Domain)
STF302 : He has risen, he has risen (CCLI_1045252)
STF303 : I know that my Redeemer lives (Public Domain)
STF304 : Jesus is risen, alleluia! (ONE_13354)
STF305 : Low in the grave he lay (Public Domain)
STF306 : Now the green blade rises from the buried grain (CCLI_1476522)
STF307 : On the day of resurrection (CCLI_230556)
STF308 : On the journey to Emmaus with our hearts cold as stone (ONE_136)
STF309 : See, what a morning, gloriously bright (CCLI_4108797)
STF310 : Sing a song, sing a joyful song (CCLI_1574905)
STF311 : The day of resurrection, earth, tell it out abroad! (Public Domain)
STF312 : The head that once was crowned with thorns (Public Domain)
STF313 : Thine be the glory (Public Domain)
STF314 : This joyful Eastertide (CCLI_5404744)
STF315 : We sing the praise of Jesus (Author)
STF316 : When Easter to the dark world came (CCLI_875382)
STF317 : At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow (Public Domain)
STF319 : Christ triumphant, ever reigning (CCLI_647778)
STF320 : Father, whose everlasting love (Public Domain)
STF321 : Great is he whos King of kings (Public Domain)
STF322 : How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Public Domain)
STF323 : I will sing the wondrous story (CCLI_2328610)
STF324 : In a byre near Bethlehem (CCLI_1048936)
STF325 : Jesus Christ, Perfect Love (CCLI_4504700)
STF326 : Jesus comes with all his grace (Public Domain)
STF327 : Jesus is King and I will extol him (CCLI_56558)
STF328 : Jesus shall reign whereer the sun (Public Domain)
STF329 : Jesus, the First and Last (Public Domain)
STF330 : Joy to the world, the Lord is come! (Public Domain)
STF331 : King of kings, majesty (CCLI_1581778)
STF332 : Lord, I lift your name on high (CCLI_117947)
STF333 : Majesty, worship his majesty (CCLI_1527)
STF334 : Praise to the Holiest in the height (Public Domain)
STF335 : Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Public Domain)
STF336 : Son of God, if your free grace (Public Domain)
STF337 : There is a higher throne than all this world has known (CCLI_3994672)
STF338 : There is a redeemer (CCLI_11483)
STF339 : When you prayed beneath the trees, it was for me (CCLI_1048053)
STF340 : Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim (Public Domain)
STF342 : All hail the power of Jesus name! (Public Domain)
STF343 : All my days I will sing this song of gladness (CCLI_2492216)
STF344 : He became poor that we may be rich (CCLI_4561808)
STF345 : And can it be that I should gain (Public Domain)
STF346 : Christ is the worlds light, Christ and none other (CCLI_4916068)
STF347 : Crown him with many crowns (Public Domain)
STF348 : He is Lord, he is Lord (Public Domain)
STF349 : I am not skilled to understand (CCLI_4592255)
STF350 : I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship (Public Domain)
STF351 : In Christ alone my hope is found (CCLI_3350395)
STF352 : Jesus Christ is the Lord of all (CCLI_18163)
STF353 : Jesus is Lord! Creations voice proclaims it (CCLI_39829)
STF354 : Jesus is the name we honour (CCLI_871991)
STF355 : Jesus, lover of my soul (Public Domain)
STF356 : Jesus shall take the highest honour (CCLI_451380)
STF357 : Jesus, the name high over all (Public Domain)
STF358 : Let earth and heaven agree (Public Domain)
STF359 : Lord Christ, we praise your sacrifice (CCLI_964451)
STF361 : Man of Sorrows! What a name for the Son of God (Public Domain)
STF362 : Meekness and majesty, manhood and deity (CCLI_1400)
STF363 : My Jesus, my Saviour (CCLI_1406918)
STF364 : O for a thousand tongues to sing (Public Domain)
STF365 : Jesu, the joy of loving hearts (Public Domain)
STF366 : Thou hidden source of calm repose (Public Domain)
STF367 : When I was lost, you came and rescued me (CCLI_3359121)
STF368 : When morning gilds the skie (Public Domain)
STF369 : Baptise us with your Spirit (CCLI_5641370)
STF370 : Breathe on me, Breath of God (Public Domain)
STF371 : Breathe on me, Spirit of Jesus (CCLI_811236)
STF372 : Come down, O Love divine (Public Domain)
STF373 : Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Public Domain)
STF374 : Come, Holy Spirit, descend on us (CCLI_2792693)
STF375 : Come, O everlasting Spirit (Public Domain)
STF376 : Crashing waters at creation (ONE_3954)
STF377 : Down the mountain the river flows (CCLI_1475231)
STF378 : Father of everlasting grace (Public Domain)
STF379 : Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (Public Domain)
STF380 : Holy breath of God, find me in this place (CCLI_2955605)
STF381 : Holy Spirit, breath of heaven (CCLI_4467366)
STF382 : Holy Spirit, come, confirm us (ONE_21693)
STF383 : Holy Spirit, gift bestower (CCLI_7005767)
STF384 : Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down (CCLI_2405227)
STF385 : Holy Spirit, we welcome you (CCLI_215942)
STF386 : In the beginning was darkness and nothing (CCLI_5462188)
STF387 : Into a world of dark, waste and disordered space (Public Domain)
STF388 : Let every Christian pray (CCLI_3200816)
STF389 : Like the murmur of the doves song (CCLI_217452)
STF390 : My God! I know, I feel thee mine (Public Domain)
STF391 : O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Public Domain)
STF392 : O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace (Public Domain)
STF393 : She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters (CCLI_1097303)
STF394 : Spirit of God, unseen as the wind (CCLI_1539476)
STF395 : Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me (Public Domain)
STF396 : Spirit who broods, Spirit who sings (ONE_80641)
STF397 : The Spirit lives to set us free, walk, walk in the light (CCLI_2134598)
STF398 : Theres a spirit in the air (CCLI_133165)
STF399 : When deep despair casts out all light (Author)
STF400 : Wind of God, dynamic Spirit (CCLI_3210686)
STF401 : Come, sinners, to the gospel feast (Public Domain)
STF402 : Go to the world! Go into all the earth (ONE_1065)
STF403 : God is love: his the care (Public Domain)
STF404 : Gods spirit is in my heart (CCLI_4692612)
STF405 : Great is the darkness that covers the earth (CCLI_1022897)
STF406 : Have you heard the good news? (CCLI_1580580)
STF407 : Hear the call of the kingdom, lift your eyes to the King (CCLI_4930752)
STF408 : How small a spark has lit a living fire! (CCLI_5021842)
STF409 : Let us build a house where love can dwell (ONE_4)
STF410 : Lord, your Church on earth is seeking (CCLI_3196119)
STF411 : May the God of hope go with us every day (CCLI_5193990)
STF412 : See how great a flame aspires (Public Domain)
STF413 : Send down the fire of your justice (ONE_144)
STF414 : Shalom chaverim (Shalom, my friends) (ONE_87771)
STF415 : The Church of Christ, in every age (CCLI_2564481)
STF416 : Theres a wideness in Gods mercy (Public Domain)
STF418 : We have a gospel to proclaim (CCLI_2649935)
STF419 : Almighty God, we come to make confession (CCLI_2347938)
STF420 : Because you came and sat beside us (CCLI_3346639)
STF421 : Empty, broken, here I stand, Kyrie eleison (CCLI_3302130)
STF422 : Father, we have sinned in word, and deed, and thought (CCLI_4107705)
STF423 : Forgive our sins as we forgive, you taught us, Lord, to pray (CCLI_3162143)
STF424 : God forgave my sin in Jesus name (CCLI_13209)
STF425 : God of forgiveness, your people you freed (CCLI_1534488)
STF426 : Hark my soul! It is the Lord (Public Domain)
STF427 : Im accepted, Im forgiven (CCLI_190641)
STF428 : Ive come to wash my soul in the living water (CCLI_4478661)
STF429 : Lord, we turn to you for mercy (CCLI_4921826)
STF430 : My lips shall praise you, my great Redeemer (CCLI_1109394)
STF431 : O, the love of my Lord is the essence of all that I love here on earth (CCLI_871795)
STF432 : O the bitter shame and sorrow (Public Domain)
STF433 : Out of the depths I cry to thee, Lord God! O hear my prayer! (Public Domain)
STF434 : Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee (Public Domain)
STF435 : We come to you with no pretence (CCLI_5929810)
STF436 : What shall I do my God to love, my loving God to praise? (Public Domain)
STF437 : When the music fades, all is stripped away (CCLI_2296522)
STF438 : Your ceaseless, unexhausted love, unmerited and free (Public Domain)
STF439 : Abba, Father, let me be yours and yours alone (CCLI_38686)
STF440 : Amazing grace how sweet the sound (Public Domain)
STF441 : As water to the thirsty (CCLI_166448)
STF442 : Beneath the cross of Jesus I find a place to stand (CCLI_4610917)
STF443 : Come, let us sing of a wonderful love (Public Domain)
STF444 : Day by day, dear Lord, of thee three things I pray (Public Domain)
STF445 : He came to earth, not to be served (CCLI_722105)
STF446 : I will offer up my life in spirit and truth (CCLI_1083764)
STF447 : Jesus, be the centre (CCLI_2650429)
STF448 : Lord, in the strength of grace (Public Domain)
STF449 : Lord of creation, to you be all praise! (ONE_30247)
STF450 : Open, Lord, my inward ear (Public Domain)
STF451 : Open the eyes of my heart, Lord (CCLI_2298355)
STF452 : Show me the way of the cross once again (CCLI_1598974)
STF453 : Wash me clean in that cool river (CCLI_1090908)
STF454 : Where shall my wondering soul begin? (Public Domain)
STF455 : All my hope on God is founded (Public Domain)
STF456 : And are we yet alive, and see each others face? (Public Domain)
STF457 : Author of faith, eternal Word (Public Domain)
STF458 : Away with our fears! (Public Domain)
STF459 : Captain of Israels host, and Guide (Public Domain)
STF460 : Come, let us anew our journey pursue (Public Domain)
STF461 : Come, O thou Traveller unknown (Public Domain)
STF462 : Come with me, come wander, come welcome the world (CCLI_1074773)
STF463 : Deep in the shadows of the past (CCLI_5713617)
STF464 : God it was who said to Abraham (CCLI_3391464)
STF465 : Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (Public Domain)
STF467 : I need thee every hour (Public Domain)
STF468 : I was on your mind long before you formed the earth (CCLI_2580221)
STF469 : I watch the sunrise lighting the sky (CCLI_2714097)
STF470 : Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided (CCLI_224957)
STF471 : Lord I come to you, let my heart be changed, renewed (CCLI_917491)
STF472 : May the Sending One sing in you (CCLI_3593468)
STF473 : Moses, I know youre the man, the Lord said (CCLI_862089)
STF474 : Neither death, nor life, nor angels nor powers (ONE_00130M)
STF475 : O God of Bethel, by whose hand thy people still are fed (Public Domain)
STF476 : One more step along the world I go (CCLI_299425)
STF477 : Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart (CCLI_1042097)
STF478 : Thank you, O God, for the time that is now (CCLI_336591)
STF479 : The King of love my shepherd is (Public Domain)
STF480 : The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want (Public Domain)
STF481 : The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want (CCLI_1585970)
STF483 : We are marching in the light of God (CCLI_320947)
STF484 : We will walk with God, my brothers (CCLI_4602860)
STF485 : When we are living, we are in the Lord (CCLI_4564049)
STF486 : Who would true valour see, let him come hither (Public Domain)
STF487 : You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace (CCLI_20546)
STF488 : You showed us mercy when we were in darkness (CCLI_6148308)
STF489 : All I once held dear, built my life upon (CCLI_1045238)
STF490 : Being of beings, God of love (Public Domain)
STF491 : As servants working an estate (CCLI_3414561)
STF492 : Christ be my leader by night as by day (CCLI_2865850)
STF493 : Come, Lord, to our souls come down (CCLI_7007108)
STF494 : Come, thou fount of every blessing (Public Domain)
STF495 : Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Public Domain)
STF496 : God beyond our dreams, you have stirred in us a memory (ONE_80558)
STF497 : God in my living, there in my breathing (Public Domain)
STF498 : God of all power, and truth, and grace (Public Domain)
STF499 : Great God, your love has called us here (CCLI_3430239)
STF500 : Happy are they who find the grace (Public Domain)
STF501 : Help us, O Lord, to learn the truths your word imparts (CCLI_2640635)
STF502 : I know that my Redeemer lives, and ever prays for me (Public Domain)
STF503 : Love divine, all loves excelling (Public Domain)
STF504 : May the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day (Public Domain)
STF505 : More like you, Jesus, more like you (CCLI_2145051)
STF506 : My heart is full of Christ, and longs it glorious matter to declare! (Public Domain)
STF507 : O for a heart to praise my God (Public Domain)
STF508 : Purify my heart, let me be as gold (CCLI_426298)
STF509 : Safe in the shadow of the Lord (CCLI_2643137)
STF510 : Says Jesus, Come and gather round. I want to teach my friends (CCLI_5283800)
STF511 : Speak in the stillness, God we pray (CCLI_5914382)
STF512 : Stupendous height of heavenly love (Public Domain)
STF513 : Take this moment, sign, and space (CCLI_1430623)
STF515 : Unless the Lord builds the house we labour in vain (Author)
STF516 : What shall I do my God to love, my Saviour, and the worlds, to praise? (Public Domain)
STF517 : Eternal Father, strong to save (Public Domain)
STF518 : Father, hear the prayer we offer (Public Domain)
STF519 : Father, I place into your hands the things I cannot do (CCLI_180297)
STF520 : Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart (Public Domain)
STF521 : Here as we kneel, here as we pray (CCLI_1577627)
STF522 : I should like to speak to you (CCLI_3330391)
STF523 : Its me, its me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer (Public Domain)
STF524 : Listening God, you hear us when we cannot speak (CCLI_5101724)
STF525 : Look around you, can you see? (ONE_00334)
STF526 : Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy (CCLI_5339338)
STF527 : Pray for a world where every child finds welcome in a sheltered space (ONE_30418)
STF528 : Pray, without ceasing, pray (Public Domain)
STF529 : Prayer is the souls sincere desire (Public Domain)
STF530 : To be in your presence, to sit at your feet (CCLI_918122)
STF531 : What a friend we have in Jesus (Public Domain)
STF532 : Born in a stable. Call his name Jesus (CCLI_7135390)
STF533 : Covenant child, water comes as a sign (CCLI_2494582)
STF534 : Eternal God, we praise your love (CCLI_3607385)
STF535 : God, when I came into this life (CCLI_3200043)
STF536 : Hes got the whole world in his hand (Public Domain)
STF537 : Lord Jesus, once a child (CCLI_851409)
STF538 : Now through the grace of God we claim this life to be Christs own (CCLI_3374663)
STF539 : On this Baptism day, God we thank you (CCLI_6148346)
STF540 : The day the universe was started (CCLI_6163204)
STF541 : To the river I am going, bringing sins I cannot bear (CCLI_4316864)
STF542 : We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ, who died and rose again (ONE_10199)
STF543 : Wonder of wonders, life is beginning (CCLI_3368428)
STF544 : As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you (CCLI_1431)
STF545 : Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart (Public Domain)
STF546 : Behold the servant of the Lord! (Public Domain)
STF547 : Beyond these walls of worship, in the stress and joy of life (CCLI_6148274)
STF548 : Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine (Public Domain)
STF549 : Come, let us use the grace divine (Public Domain)
STF550 : Forth in they name, O Lord, I go (Public Domain)
STF551 : Giving it all to you, giving it all to you (CCLI_3187939)
STF553 : I am a new creation, no more in condemnation (CCLI_48425)
STF555 : Jesus, all for Jesus; all I am and have and ever hope to be (CCLI_879168)
STF556 : Just as I am, without one plea (CCLI_1039000)
STF557 : Let him to whom we now belong (Public Domain)
STF558 : Lord, you have come to the seashore (ONE_6905)
STF559 : Lord, you have my heart, and I will search for yours (CCLI_1108735)
STF560 : My eyes be open to your presence (CCLI_3355101)
STF561 : Now I have found the ground wherein sure my souls anchor may remain (Public Domain)
STF562 : O God, what offering shall I give (Public Domain)
STF563 : O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end (Public Domain)
STF564 : O thou who camest from above (Public Domain)
STF565 : Only by grace can we enter (CCLI_190579)
STF566 : Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee (Public Domain)
STF567 : You are the centre, you are my life (ONE_23145)
STF568 : Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, his the sceptre, his the throne (Public Domain)
STF569 : An Upper Room did our Lord prepare (CCLI_2551425)
STF570 : As we gather, Father, seal us in the love that knows no fear (CCLI_4262042)
STF571 : As your family, Lord, see us here (Public Domain)
STF572 : Author of life divine, who has a table spread (Public Domain)
STF573 : Be known to us in breaking bread (Public Domain)
STF574 : Because you have said: Do this for my sake (Public Domain)
STF575 : Before I take the body of my Lord (CCLI_1053110)
STF576 : Bread is blessed and broken (CCLI_959411)
STF577 : Bread of life, hope of the world (ONE_80555)
STF578 : Bread of Life, Truth Eternal, broken now to set us free (CCLI_2098899)
STF579 : Come, Holy Ghost, your influence shed, and realise the sign (Public Domain)
STF580 : Come, Lord, be our guest (CCLI_1828747)
STF581 : Come, my table is a meeting place (CCLI_3222667)
STF582 : Eat this bread and never hunger (ONE_13979)
STF583 : Eat this bread, drink this cup (ONE_5a95bdd22c4df)
STF584 : Food to pilgrims given, strength upon the way (CCLI_4211732)
STF585 : God, whose love is all around us (CCLI_1083238)
STF586 : Here is bread, here is wine (CCLI_983717)
STF587 : I am the bread, the bread of life (CCLI_870356)
STF588 : I come with joy, a child of God (CCLI_2802284)
STF589 : In bread we bring you, Lord, our bodies labour (CCLI_740156)
STF590 : Jesus, we thus obey your last and kindest word (Public Domain)
STF591 : Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Public Domain)
STF592 : Let us break bread together with the Lord (Public Domain)
STF593 : Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (Public Domain)
STF594 : Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us (CCLI_40241)
STF595 : Lord, we have come at your own invitation (CCLI_3157299)
STF596 : Now let us from this table rise renewed in body, mind and soul (CCLI_2566551)
STF597 : O thou who this mysterious bread didst in Emmaus break (Public Domain)
STF598 : Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast (CCLI_959387)
STF599 : Up to your table, Lord, you call us (Author)
STF600 : Victim divine, thy grace we claim (Public Domain)
STF601 : We do not presume to come to this table (Public Domain)
STF602 : With all my heart I thank you, Lord (CCLI_528189)
STF603 : Come to a wedding, come to a blessing (ONE_79788)
STF604 : Lets praise the Creator who gave us each other (ONE_92652)
STF605 : O perfect Love, all human thought transcending (Public Domain)
STF607 : When love is found and hope comes home (CCLI_5204229)
STF608 : All praise to our redeeming Lord, who joins us by his grace (Public Domain)
STF609 : As we gather in your presence now (CCLI_5604977)
STF610 : Best of all is God is with us (CCLI_5462274)
STF611 : Brother, sister, let me serve you (CCLI_5938014)
STF612 : God give us life when all around spells death (ONE_45961)
STF613 : God, How Can We Forgive when bonds of love are torn? (ONE_04799)
STF614 : God loves you, and I love you (Public Domain)
STF615 : Let love be real, in giving and receiving (CCLI_3200452)
STF616 : Lord, in our lonely hours, and when our spirit faints (CCLI_3209848)
STF617 : O blessed spring, where Word and sign embrace us into Christ the Vine (ONE_86205)
STF618 : Sacred the body God has created (ONE_13440)
STF619 : Thanks for friends who keep on loving (CCLI_6163895)
STF620 : Thou God of truth and love, we seek thy perfect way (Public Domain)
STF621 : When memory fades and recognition falters (ONE_05746)
STF622 : When our caring love wears thin (CCLI_4515043)
STF623 : A safe stronghold our God is still (Public Domain)
STF624 : Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm (ONE_35778)
STF626 : Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (CCLI_4674166)
STF627 : Everyone needs compassion, love thats never failing (CCLI_4591782)
STF628 : Faithful One, so unchanging (CCLI_465840)
STF629 : God of my faith, I offer you my doubt (CCLI_5799253)
STF630 : How long, O Lord, will you forget an answer to my prayer? (CCLI_2708357)
STF631 : I lift my eyes up to the mountains (CCLI_317936)
STF632 : Ive had questions without answers (CCLI_4107822)
STF633 : My soul finds rest in God alone (CCLI_5040902)
STF634 : Fight the good fight with all your might (Public Domain)
STF635 : My troubled soul, why so weighed down? (CCLI_3466935)
STF636 : O love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee (Public Domain)
STF637 : Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put your armour on (Public Domain)
STF638 : Through all the changing scenes of life (Public Domain)
STF639 : Through the love of God our Saviour all will be well (Public Domain)
STF640 : We turn to God when we are sorely pressed (CCLI_5159972)
STF641 : When circumstances make my life too hard to understand (CCLI_2763646)
STF642 : When Im feeling down and sad (CCLI_1581060)
STF643 : When, O God, our faith is tested (CCLI_1046646)
STF644 : When our confidence is shaken in beliefs we thought secure (CCLI_3109072)
STF645 : Will your anchor hold in the storms of life (Public Domain)
STF646 : Come and let us sweetly join Christ to praise in hymns divine (Public Domain)
STF647 : God grant us words to speak when words are all we bear (CCLI_3528921)
STF648 : God to enfold you, Christ to uphold you (CCLI_2576486)
STF649 : God! When human bonds are broken and we lack the love or skill (CCLI_603729)
STF650 : Heal us, Immanuel! Hear our prayer (Public Domain)
STF651 : Lord of life, we come to you (ONE_10592)
STF652 : Lord, we come to ask your healing, teach us of love (CCLI_3268559)
STF653 : O Christ, the Healer, we have come to pray for health, to plead for friends (CCLI_2854744)
STF654 : The love of God comes close where stands an open door (CCLI_3330315)
STF655 : We cannot measure how you heal or answer every sufferers prayer (CCLI_961368)
STF657 : You give rest to the weary (CCLI_4814328)
STF658 : A charge to keep I have (Public Domain)
STF659 : As dawn awakes another day, the working sphere rolls into view (CCLI_6164375)
STF660 : Called by Christ to be disciples (CCLI_5106585)
STF661 : Give me the faith which can remove and sink the mountain to a plain (Public Domain)
STF662 : Have you heard Gods voice; has your heart been stirred? (Author)
STF663 : I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry (ONE_5514)
STF665 : Make us your prophets, Lord (CCLI_4957852)
STF666 : Master, speak! Thy servant heareth (Public Domain)
STF668 : Teach me, my God and King, in all things thee to see (Public Domain)
STF669 : The Saviour, when from heaven he rose, in splendid triumph oer his foes (Public Domain)
STF670 : We have nothing to give that didnt first come from your hand (CCLI_4328876)
STF671 : What shall we offer our good Lord (Public Domain)
STF672 : Where can we find you, Lord Jesus our Master? (CCLI_6164461)
STF673 : Will you come and follow me if I but call your name? (CCLI_4668756)
STF675 : Because the Saviour prayed that we be one (CCLI_4924184)
STF676 : Christ, from whom all blessings flow, perfecting the saints below (Public Domain)
STF677 : Christ is made the sure foundation (Public Domain)
STF679 : Come, build the Church not heaps of stone (CCLI_3587797)
STF680 : Come, Host of heavens dwelling place, come earths disputed guest (CCLI_1075961)
STF681 : Community of Christ, who make the Cross your own (CCLI_3755392)
STF682 : God of grace and God of glory, on your people pour your power (ONE_97297)
STF683 : Great is our redeeming Lord (Public Domain)
STF684 : Here on the threshold of a new beginning (CCLI_2949226)
STF685 : In Christ there is no east or west (Public Domain)
STF686 : Jesus, Lord, we look to thee, let us in thy name agree (Public Domain)
STF687 : One human family God has made (CCLI_2421926)
STF688 : One is the body and one is the Head (CCLI_1099301)
STF689 : Summoned by the God who made us rich in our diversity (ONE_83450)
STF690 : The Churchs one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord (Public Domain)
STF691 : What shall our greeting be: sign of our unity? (CCLI_491340)
STF692 : Your hand, O God, has guided your flock, from age to age (Public Domain)
STF693 : Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (CCLI_1236690)
STF694 : By the Babylonian rivers we sat down in grief and wept (ONE_37976)
STF695 : Come, now, you blessed, eat at my table (ONE_20653)
STF696 : For the healing of the nations, Lord, we pray with one accord (CCLI_3200067)
STF697 : Oh freedom, Oh freedom, Oh freedom (CCLI_4729640)
STF698 : God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind how hate and war diminish humankind (CCLI_3162222)
STF699 : God of justice, Saviour to all (CCLI_4447128)
STF700 : God weeps at love withheld (ONE_00295)
STF701 : Heaven shall not wait for the poor to lose their patience (CCLI_1080712)
STF702 : I will speak out for those who have no voices (CCLI_689035)
STF703 : In an age of twisted values we have lost the truth we need (CCLI_3121672)
STF704 : In labour all creation groans till fear and hatred cease (ONE_98242)
STF705 : It is God who holds the nations in the hollow of his hand (CCLI_2564436)
STF706 : Longing for light, we wait in darkness (ONE_84331)
STF707 : Make me a channel of your peace (ONE_80478)
STF708 : O God of hope, your prophets spoke of days when war would cease (CCLI_2955533)
STF709 : Of all the Spirits gifts to me (CCLI_3366004)
STF710 : Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord (CCLI_631904)
STF711 : Pray for the Church, afflicted and oppressed (CCLI_3221912)
STF712 : Put peace into each others hands (CCLI_430916)
STF713 : Show me how to stand for justice (CCLI_3484230)
STF715 : The right hand of God is writing in our land (ONE_95177)
STF716 : There are no strangers to Gods love (CCLI_5929779)
STF717 : We do not hope to ease our minds by simple answers, shifted blame (ONE_379)
STF718 : We lay our broken world in sorrow at your feet (ONE_71926)
STF719 : We pray for peace, but not the easy peace built on complacency (CCLI_1565464)
STF720 : We turn to you, O God of every nation (CCLI_1053196)
STF721 : What shall we pray for those who died (CCLI_3223491)
STF722 : When mountains that we thought secure lie crumbled where we stand (CCLI_5891979)
STF723 : Who can sound the depths of sorrow in the Father heart of God (CCLI_30581)
STF724 : As if you were not there, the skies ignite and thunder (CCLI_2190082)
STF725 : As the glory of creation (CCLI_272071)
STF726 : Come to us, creative Spirit (CCLI_3258923)
STF727 : God in his love for us lent us this planet (CCLI_2564065)
STF728 : O God, you search me and you know me (ONE_80099)
STF729 : Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently (ONE_101856)
STF731 : When, in our music, God is glorified, and adoration leaves no room for pride (CCLI_2631390)
STF732 : Day of judgement! Day of wonder! (Public Domain)
STF733 : God, hold us, enfold us, through desolate loss (CCLI_6164681)
STF734 : Going home, moving on, through Gods open door (CCLI_3170915)
STF735 : How blest are they who trust in Christ (CCLI_3388886)
STF736 : In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear (Public Domain)
STF737 : Into the hands that blessed the children (CCLI_5485196)
STF738 : There is a new heaven; there is a new earth (ONE_29287)
STF739 : Through the rivers of our tears (CCLI_6573409)
STF740 : We cannot care for you the way we wanted (ONE_11629)
STF742 : We trust the mighty love of God that wraps us round (CCLI_3573536)
STF743 : Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Public Domain)
STF744 : Come, let us join our friends above (Public Domain)
STF745 : For all the saints who from their labours rest (Public Domain)
STF746 : For all the saints who showed your love in how they lived and where they moved (CCLI_2166745)
STF747 : Give me the wings of faith to rise within the veil, and see (Public Domain)
STF748 : Glorious things of thee are spoken (Public Domain)
STF749 : Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open (CCLI_5893324)
STF750 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF751 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF752 : Glory to God, glory to God (ONE_05086)
STF753 : Glory to God, glory to God (Public Domain)
STF754 : Glory, glory, glory in the highest (Lord God, heavenly King) (Public Domain)
STF755 : Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF756 : Alleluia! Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF757 : Alleluia, alleluia! (The word of the Lord lasts for ever) (ONE_80384)
STF758 : Alleluia, alleluia (Public Domain)
STF759 : Come O Lord, give us your Spirit (Public Domain)
STF760 : Mayenziwe ntando yakho (Your will be done on earth, O Lord) (Public Domain)
STF762 : Our Father, who art in heaven (Public Domain)
STF763 : Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name (Public Domain)
STF764 : We believe in God the Father (CCLI_3095038)
STF765 : Blessing and honour, glory and power are rightly yours (CCLI_1076568)
STF767 : Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world (Public Domain)
STF768 : The Peace of the Lord be always with you (CCLI_1537856)
STF769 : All glory to the Father be (Public Domain)
STF770 : Amen siakudumisa (Amen! Praise the name of the Lord!) (Public Domain)
STF772 : May the road rise up to meet you (Public Domain)
STF773 : Praise the Lover of Creation (CCLI_3593736)
STF774 : The peace of the earth be with you (ONE_03990)
STF775 : Ewe, thina (We walk his way) (ONE_72482)
STF776 : In the Lord Ill be ever thankful (El Senyor es la meva forca) (ONE_5a95bdd5477df)
STF777 : Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom (ONE_5a95bdd5e78f5)
STF779 : Holy, holy, holy. With joy my heart adores you! (CCLI_4395689)
STF780 : Stay with me, remain here with me (ONE_03065)
STF781 : Take, oh take me as I am (ONE_03516)
STF782 : Thuma mina (Send me, Lord) (Public Domain)
STF783 : Ubi caritas et amor (Where there is charity and love) (Public Domain)
STF784 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF785 : Sanctus and Benedictus (Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might) (Public Domain)
STF786 : When we eat this bread and drink this cup (Public Domain)
STF787 : Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) (Public Domain)
STF788 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF789 : Holy, holy, holy Lord (Public Domain)
STF790 : Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world (Public Domain)
HP1 : All people that on earth do dwell Sing to the (Public Domain)
HP2 : Begin my tongue some heavenly theme And speak some (Public Domain)
HP3 : Father in heaven Grant to Your (ONE_119282)
HP4 : Father in whom we live in Whom we are (Public Domain)
HP6 : Hail holy holy holy Lord Whom one in (Public Domain)
HP7 : Holy holy holy Lord God almighty Early in the (Public Domain)
HP8 : How shall I sing that majesty Which (Public Domain)
HP9 : Immortal invisible God only wise (Public Domain)
HP10 : Let all the world in every corner sing (Public Domain)
HP11 : Lord of all being throned afar Thy glory (Public Domain)
HP12 : My God my King thy various praise Shall fill the (Public Domain)
HP13 : Praise my soul the King of heaven To His (Public Domain)
HP14 : Praise the Lord His glories show (Public Domain)
HP15 : Praise the Lord ye heavens adore Him Praise Him (Public Domain)
HP16 : Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King (Public Domain)
HP17 : Sing to the Lord a joyful song Lift up y (Public Domain)
HP18 : We give immortal praise To God the (Public Domain)
HP19 : With gladness we worship rejoice as we (Public Domain)
HP20 : Ye holy angels bright Who wait at Gods (Public Domain)
HP21 : Father of all whose powerful voice Called forth (Public Domain)
HP22 : Give to our God immortal praise Mercy (Public Domain)
HP24 : God is a name my soul adores The (Public Domain)
HP25 : Hes got the whole world in His hands (Public Domain)
HP26 : High in the heavens eternal God Thy goodness in (Public Domain)
HP27 : Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord for He (Public Domain)
HP28 : O worship the King All glorious above O gratefully (Public Domain)
HP29 : Thou Whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard (Public Domain)
HP30 : As the bridegroom to His chosen (Public Domain)
HP31 : Come let us all unite to sing God is (Public Domain)
HP32 : Ere God had built the mountains Or raise (Public Domain)
HP33 : Come let us to the Lord our God With contrite (Public Domain)
HP34 : Eternal depth of love divine In Jesus (Public Domain)
HP35 : Glory love and praise and honour (Public Domain)
HP36 : God is Love let heaven adore Him (Public Domain)
HP37 : Good thou art and good thou dost (Public Domain)
HP38 : Great God of wonders All Thy ways (Public Domain)
HP39 : Lord God by whom all change is wrought (Public Domain)
HP40 : Thee will I love my God and King (Public Domain)
HP41 : Thee will I praise with all my heart (Public Domain)
HP42 : O love of God how strong and true (Public Domain)
HP43 : The God of love my Shepherd is And He (Public Domain)
HP44 : The Lord is my Shepherd There is nothing (Public Domain)
HP46 : What shall I do my God to love My loving God to (Public Domain)
HP47 : What shall I do my God to love (Public Domain)
HP48 : Thy ceaseless unexhausted love Unmerited (Public Domain)
HP49 : Eternal Power whose high abode Becomes (Public Domain)
HP50 : Behold the mountain of the Lord In latter days (Public Domain)
HP51 : My God how wonderful Thou art Thy majesty how (Public Domain)
HP52 : O God thou art the Father (Public Domain)
HP53 : God is the refuge of his saints When storms of (Public Domain)
HP54 : O God Thy being who can sound (Public Domain)
HP55 : Praise the Lord who reigns above And (Public Domain)
HP56 : Praise to the living God All praised be (Public Domain)
HP57 : Sing a new song to the Lord He to whom (ONE_39287)
HP58 : The Lord is King lift up thy voice O earth and all (Public Domain)
HP59 : The Lord Jehovah reigns His throne is built on (Public Domain)
HP60 : Timeless love We sing the story (CCLI_649848)
HP61 : Sing to the Lord with joyful voice Let (Public Domain)
HP62 : Captain of Israels host and Guide (Public Domain)
HP63 : All my hope on God is founded He doth still my (Public Domain)
HP64 : God has spoken by His prophets (ONE_2647559)
HP65 : God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to (Public Domain)
HP66 : Great is Thy faithfulness O God my (CCLI_18723)
HP67 : Lead kindly Light amid the encircling (Public Domain)
HP68 : Lead us heavenly Father lead us oer the (Public Domain)
HP69 : The King of love my Shepherd is Whose (Public Domain)
HP70 : The Lords my Shepherd Ill not want (Public Domain)
HP72 : In all my vast concerns with Thee In vain my soul (Public Domain)
HP73 : Through all the changing scenes of life In trouble (Public Domain)
HP74 : At the Name of Jesus every knee shall (Public Domain)
HP76 : Can we by searching find out God (CCLI_970005)
HP77 : Joy to the world the Lord is come Let earth (Public Domain)
HP78 : Join all the glorious names Of wisdom (Public Domain)
HP79 : Of the Fathers love begotten Ere the (Public Domain)
HP80 : To the Name of our salvation Laud and (Public Domain)
HP81 : Come Thou long expected Jesus Born to set Thy (Public Domain)
HP82 : Hark the glad sound the Saviour comes The Saviour (Public Domain)
HP83 : Long ago prophets knew Christ would (Public Domain)
HP84 : On Jordans bank the Baptists cry (Public Domain)
HP85 : O come O come Emmanuel And ransom (Public Domain)
HP86 : Tell out my soul the greatness of the (CCLI_27051)
HP87 : The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Public Domain)
HP88 : The holly and the ivy Are dancing in a (CCLI_2931409)
HP89 : The race that long in darkness pined (Public Domain)
HP90 : A great and mighty wonder A full (Public Domain)
HP91 : All my heart this night rejoices (Public Domain)
HP92 : Angels from the realms of glory (Public Domain)
HP93 : A virgin most pure as the prophets do (Public Domain)
HP94 : Away in a manger no crib for a bed (Public Domain)
HP95 : Born in the night Marys Child (CCLI_3609730)
HP96 : Christians awake salute the happy morn (Public Domain)
HP97 : Come and join the celebration (CCLI_571246)
HP98 : Cradled in a manger meanly Laid the Son (Public Domain)
HP99 : From east to west from shore to shore (Public Domain)
HP100 : From heaven above to earth I come (Public Domain)
HP101 : Glory be to God on high And peace (Public Domain)
HP102 : God from on high has heard Let sighs (Public Domain)
HP103 : God rest ye merry gentlemen (Public Domain)
HP104 : Good Christians all rejoice With heart (Public Domain)
HP105 : Love came down at Christmas Love all (Public Domain)
HP106 : Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the (Public Domain)
HP107 : In the bleak midwinter (Public Domain)
HP108 : It came upon the midnight clear That (Public Domain)
HP109 : Let earth and heaven combine Angels and (Public Domain)
HP110 : O come all ye faithful joyful and (Public Domain)
HP111 : O little one sweet O little one mild (Public Domain)
HP112 : Silent night holy night All is calm (Public Domain)
HP113 : O little town of Bethlehem How still we (Public Domain)
HP114 : Once in royal Davids city Stood a lowly (Public Domain)
HP115 : On Christmas night all Christians sing (Public Domain)
HP116 : On the eve of Christmas (Public Domain)
HP117 : See amid the winters snow Born for us (Public Domain)
HP118 : See Him lying on a bed of straw (CCLI_626892)
HP119 : The first Noel the angel did say Was to certain (Public Domain)
HP120 : While shepherds watched their flocks by (Public Domain)
HP121 : As with gladness men of old Did the (Public Domain)
HP122 : Bethlehem of noblest cities None can (Public Domain)
HP123 : Brightest and best of the sons of the (Public Domain)
HP124 : Child of the stables secret birth (CCLI_1022426)
HP125 : Hail to the Lords Anointed Great David (Public Domain)
HP126 : Hail to the Lord who comes Comes to His (Public Domain)
HP127 : Unto us a Boy is born King of all (Public Domain)
HP128 : Wise men seeking Jesus Traveled from (Public Domain)
HP129 : Christ when for us you were baptized (Public Domain)
HP130 : Forty days and forty nights Thou wast (Public Domain)
HP131 : Lord who throughout these forty days (Public Domain)
HP132 : When Jesus came to Jordan (CCLI_2564467)
HP133 : Blest are the poor in spirit (Public Domain)
HP134 : Forgive our sins as we forgive You (CCLI_3162143)
HP135 : Go, tell it on the mountain (Public Domain)
HP136 : I heard the voice of Jesus say Come unto Me and (Public Domain)
HP137 : Jesus the Lord said I am the Bread (CCLI_2647999)
HP138 : Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CCLI_1352)
HP139 : The kingdom of God is justice and joy (ONE_28013)
HP142 : At even when the sun was set The sick (Public Domain)
HP143 : Behold a little child Laid in a manger (Public Domain)
HP144 : Fierce raged the tempest oer the deep (Public Domain)
HP145 : Kneels at the feet of his friends silently washes (CCLI_7199418)
HP146 : Jesus friend of little children Be a (Public Domain)
HP147 : Jesus my Lord how rich Thy grace Thy bounties how (Public Domain)
HP148 : Jesus thy far extended fame My drooping soul exult (Public Domain)
HP149 : One there is above all others Well (Public Domain)
HP150 : O Thou whom once they flocked to hear Thy words to (Public Domain)
HP151 : When Jesus the healer passed through (CCLI_458888)
HP152 : Son of the Lord most high (CCLI_1577098)
HP153 : Tell me the stories of Jesus I love (ONE_657072304)
HP154 : Thou didst leave Thy throne And Thy king (Public Domain)
HP155 : Christ upon the mountain peak (CCLI_4720096)
HP156 : How good Lord to be here (Public Domain)
HP157 : Once on a mountain-top (CCLI_230707)
HP158 : Stay Master stay upon this heavenly hill (Public Domain)
HP159 : Ride on Ride on in Majesty In lowly pomp ride on (Public Domain)
HP160 : All glory laud and honour To Thee (Public Domain)
HP161 : The glory of our King was seen (Public Domain)
HP162 : Trotting trotting through Jerusalem (CCLI_515415)
HP163 : Children of Jerusalem Sang the praise of (Public Domain)
HP164 : Ah holy Jesus how hast Thou offended (Public Domain)
HP165 : Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain (Public Domain)
HP166 : God of unexampled grace Redeemer of (Public Domain)
HP167 : In the cross of Christ I glory Towering oer the (Public Domain)
HP168 : Jesus comes with all His grace (Public Domain)
HP169 : Jesus in the olive grove Waiting for a (CCLI_7202229)
HP170 : Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim (ONE_59074)
HP171 : My God I love Thee Not because I hope (Public Domain)
HP172 : O dearest Lord Thy sacred head (Public Domain)
HP173 : My song is love unknown My Saviours (Public Domain)
HP174 : Nature with open volume sounds (stands) (Public Domain)
HP175 : O love divine What hast Thou done (Public Domain)
HP176 : O sacred Head sore wounded With grief (Public Domain)
HP177 : Sing my tongue the glorious battle (Public Domain)
HP178 : There is a green hill far away Outside a (Public Domain)
HP179 : The royal banners forward go The Cross (Public Domain)
HP180 : When I survey the wondrous cross On which the (Public Domain)
HP181 : Were you there when they crucified my (Public Domain)
HP182 : We sing the praise of Him who died upon the cross (Public Domain)
HP183 : When my love to Christ grows weak (Public Domain)
HP184 : With glorious clouds encompassed round (Public Domain)
HP185 : Would Jesus have the sinner die Why hang (Public Domain)
HP186 : After darkness light After winter spring (CCLI_5189966)
HP187 : Away with gloom away with doubt (Public Domain)
HP188 : All ye that seek the Lord who died (Public Domain)
HP189 : Christ above all glory seated (Public Domain)
HP190 : Christ is alive Let Christians sing (CCLI_2572655)
HP191 : Good Christians all rejoice and sing (ONE_87718)
HP192 : Christ the Lord is risen again Christ (Public Domain)
HP193 : Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia (Public Domain)
HP194 : Come ye faithful raise the strain (Public Domain)
HP196 : I know that my Redeemer lives What (Public Domain)
HP197 : Hail the day that sees Him rise Alleluia (Public Domain)
HP198 : Jesus lives thy terrors now Can O death (Public Domain)
HP199 : Jesus Lord Redeemer Once for sinners (Public Domain)
HP200 : When Easter to the dark world came (CCLI_875382)
HP201 : Look ye saints the sight is glorious See the Man (Public Domain)
HP202 : Low in the grave He lay Jesus is my (Public Domain)
HP203 : Now is eternal life If risen with Christ (CCLI_1076544)
HP204 : Now the green blade rises from the (CCLI_4755944)
HP205 : O sons and daughters let us sing (Public Domain)
HP206 : Our Lord is risen from the dead Our (Public Domain)
HP207 : Rejoice and be glad The Redeemer hath (Public Domain)
HP208 : The day of resurrection Earth tell it (Public Domain)
HP209 : The head that once was crowned with (Public Domain)
HP210 : The Lord ascendeth up on high The Lord (Public Domain)
HP211 : The Saviour when to heaven He rose (Public Domain)
HP212 : Thine be the glory risen conquering Son (Public Domain)
HP213 : This joyful Eastertide What need (CCLI_996388)
HP214 : The strife is over the battle is done (Public Domain)
HP215 : Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a (Public Domain)
HP216 : And can it be that I should gain An interest in (Public Domain)
HP217 : Arise my soul arise Shake off thy guilty fears (Public Domain)
HP218 : Father of peace and God of love (Public Domain)
HP219 : Christ is the worlds Redeemer (Public Domain)
HP220 : God is love His the care Tending each (Public Domain)
HP221 : I am not skilled to understand What God (Public Domain)
HP222 : Hail Thou once despised Jesus Hail Thou Galilean (Public Domain)
HP223 : I will sing the wondrous story (Public Domain)
HP224 : It is a thing most wonderful Almost too (Public Domain)
HP225 : Jesus Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are (Public Domain)
HP226 : Let earth and heaven agree Angels and me (Public Domain)
HP227 : Lift up your heads ye gates of brass Ye (Public Domain)
HP228 : Man of sorrows What a Name For the Son (Public Domain)
HP229 : O love how deep how broad how high (Public Domain)
HP230 : Theres a wideness in Gods mercy (Public Domain)
HP231 : Praise to the Holiest in the height And (Public Domain)
HP232 : Tell me the old old story of unseen (Public Domain)
HP233 : The Saviour died but rose again (Public Domain)
HP234 : Thou art the Way to Thee alone From sin (Public Domain)
HP235 : With joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest (Public Domain)
HP236 : Hark what a sound and too divine (Public Domain)
HP237 : Hills of the north rejoice River and (Public Domain)
HP238 : I cannot tell why He whom angels worship (Public Domain)
HP239 : Jesus shall reign whereer the sun Does (Public Domain)
HP240 : Lift up your heads you mighty gates (Public Domain)
HP241 : Lo He comes with clouds descending Once (Public Domain)
HP242 : Mine eyes have seen the glory (Public Domain)
HP243 : Rejoice the Lord is King Your Lord and King adore (Public Domain)
HP244 : Sing we the King who is coming to reign (Public Domain)
HP245 : The Lord will come and not be slow His (Public Domain)
HP246 : Theres a light upon the mountains (Public Domain)
HP247 : Thou judge of quick and dead before Whose bar (Public Domain)
HP248 : Ye servants of the Lord Each in his office wait (Public Domain)
HP249 : Wake O wake With tidings thrilling (Public Domain)
HP250 : Jesus is Lord of all the earth (CCLI_32376)
HP251 : All for Jesus all for Jesus This our son (Public Domain)
HP252 : All hail the power of Jesus Name Let angels (Public Domain)
HP253 : All praise to Thee for Thou O King (Public Domain)
HP254 : Come my Way my Truth my Life (Public Domain)
HP255 : Crown Him with many crowns The Lamb (Public Domain)
HP256 : He is Lord He is Lord He is risen from (Public Domain)
HP257 : How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer (Public Domain)
HP258 : Jesu Thou joy of loving hearts (Public Domain)
HP259 : Jesus priceless treasure Source of (Public Domain)
HP260 : Jesus is Lord Creations voice proclaim (Public Domain)
HP261 : Jesus sun and shield art Thou (Public Domain)
HP262 : Jesus the Conqueror reigns In glorious (Public Domain)
HP263 : Jesus the good Shepherd is (Public Domain)
HP264 : Jesus the name high over all In hell or (Public Domain)
HP265 : Jesus the very thought of Thee With sweetness (Public Domain)
HP266 : Let all mortal flesh keep silence And (Public Domain)
HP267 : Love divine all loves excelling Joy of heaven to (Public Domain)
HP268 : My heart and voice I raise To spread (CCLI_3362747)
HP269 : O Jesus King most wonderful Thou Conqueror (Public Domain)
HP270 : In the stillness of the night (Public Domain)
HP271 : None other lamb none other name (Public Domain)
HP272 : Ride on Jesus all victorious (Public Domain)
HP273 : Rock of Ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in (Public Domain)
HP274 : Saviour blessed Saviour Listen while we (Public Domain)
HP275 : Thou hidden source of calm repose Thou all (Public Domain)
HP276 : When morning gilds the skies My heart (Public Domain)
HP277 : This this is the God we adore Our faithful (Public Domain)
HP278 : Ye servants of God Your Master proclaim (Public Domain)
HP279 : Born by the Holy Spirits breath (CCLI_2627421)
HP280 : Breathe on me breath of God Fill me with (Public Domain)
HP281 : Come down O Love Divine Seek Thou (Public Domain)
HP282 : Come Holy Ghost all quickening fire Come and in me (Public Domain)
HP283 : Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire (Public Domain)
HP284 : Come Thou Holy Spirit come And from Thy (Public Domain)
HP285 : Creator Spirit by whose aid The worlds (Public Domain)
HP286 : Gracious Spirit dwell with me I myself (Public Domain)
HP287 : Granted is the Saviours prayer Sent the (Public Domain)
HP288 : Holy Spirit come confirm us In the truth (ONE_21693)
HP289 : Holy Spirit truth divine Dawn upon this (Public Domain)
HP291 : I want the Spirit of power within Of (Public Domain)
HP292 : I will pray the Father and He will (Public Domain)
HP293 : O come and dwell in me Spirit of power (Public Domain)
HP294 : Spirit of God within me Possess my human (CCLI_2607726)
HP295 : Spirit of the living God fall afresh on (CCLI_23488)
HP296 : Away with our fears Our troubles and (Public Domain)
HP297 : Come Holy Spirit heavenly Dove With all thy quick- (Public Domain)
HP298 : Come thou everlasting Spirit Bring to (Public Domain)
HP299 : Father if justly still we claim To us an (Public Domain)
HP300 : Father of everlasting grace Thy goodness (Public Domain)
HP301 : Gracious Spirit Holy Ghost Taught by (Public Domain)
HP302 : Lo In the likeness of fire (Public Domain)
HP303 : Holy Spirit ever dwelling in the holiest (Public Domain)
HP304 : Holy Spirit hear us Help us while we (Public Domain)
HP305 : Let every Christian pray (CCLI_3200816)
HP306 : Lord God the Holy Ghost In this accepted (Public Domain)
HP307 : Lord we believe to us and ours The apostolic (Public Domain)
HP308 : O breath of God breathe on us now (Public Domain)
HP309 : O God O Spirit known to us (Public Domain)
HP310 : O Holy Spirit Lord of grace Eternal (Public Domain)
HP311 : O King enthroned on high Thou comforter (Public Domain)
HP312 : Our blest Redeemer ere He breathed His tender last (Public Domain)
HP313 : Spirit of God descend upon my heart (Public Domain)
HP314 : Filled with the Spirits power (ONE_00085)
HP315 : Gods Spirit is in my heart (CCLI_968866)
HP316 : Head of Thy church whose Spirit fills (Public Domain)
HP317 : In the power of Gods own Spirit (ONE_72039)
HP318 : Jesus the gift divine I know (Public Domain)
HP319 : Lord, give us your spirit (CCLI_243581)
HP320 : Of all the Spirits gifts to me (CCLI_225200)
HP321 : On all the earth Thy Spirit shower The earth in (Public Domain)
HP322 : O Spirit of the living God in all the (Public Domain)
HP323 : Our Lord His passion ended (Public Domain)
HP324 : Sing to Him in whom creation (CCLI_1094825)
HP325 : Spirit of faith come down Reveal the things of God (Public Domain)
HP326 : Theres a spirit in the air (CCLI_133165)
HP327 : Spirit Divine attend our prayers And make our (Public Domain)
HP328 : Upon the day of Pentecost (CCLI_3245228)
HP329 : All creatures of our God and King (Public Domain)
HP330 : All things bright and beautiful (Public Domain)
HP331 : All things praise Thee Lord most high (Public Domain)
HP332 : Sing a new song (ONE_ID2007)
HP333 : For the beauty of the earth For the (Public Domain)
HP334 : I sing the mighty power of God That made (Public Domain)
HP335 : Lord of the boundless curves of space (CCLI_230635)
HP336 : How wonderful this world of Thine (CCLI_2678731)
HP337 : O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Public Domain)
HP338 : Praise ye the Lord Tis good to raise Our hearts (Public Domain)
HP339 : The spacious firmament on high With all the blue (Public Domain)
HP340 : There is a book who runs may read (Public Domain)
HP341 : Father who on man dost shower Gifts (Public Domain)
HP342 : For the fruits of His creation Thanks be (CCLI_1330503)
HP343 : God in His love for us lent us this (CCLI_1330503)
HP344 : God whose farm is all creation (Public Domain)
HP345 : God You have given us power to sound (ONE_38527)
HP346 : Hear us O Lord from heaven Thy dwelling (Public Domain)
HP347 : Lord bring the day to pass (CCLI_1536266)
HP348 : Now join we to praise the creator (CCLI_2566654)
HP350 : Praise and thanksgiving Father we offer (CCLI_451751)
HP351 : Praise God for the harvest of farm (CCLI_2833916)
HP352 : We plough the fields and scatter (Public Domain)
HP354 : Come let us anew our journey persue Roll (Public Domain)
HP355 : Come ye thankful people come Raise the (Public Domain)
HP356 : Great God we sing that mighty hand By which (Public Domain)
HP358 : O God our help in ages past Our hope for (Public Domain)
HP359 : Praise O praise our God and King Hymns (Public Domain)
HP360 : Sing to the great Jehovahs praise All praise to (Public Domain)
HP361 : Summer suns are glowing Over land and (Public Domain)
HP362 : To Thee O Lord our hearts we raise (Public Domain)
HP363 : Yes God is good in earth and sky (Public Domain)
HP364 : As man and woman we were made (ONE_5b114f58d6c52)
HP366 : Happy the home that welcomes you Lord (Public Domain)
HP367 : Lord of the home your only Son (CCLI_1531027)
HP369 : O God in heaven whose loving plan (ONE_87428)
HP370 : O perfect love all human thought (Public Domain)
HP371 : Our Father by whose name (ONE_28093)
HP372 : Our Father whose creative love (CCLI_3369654)
HP373 : The grace of life is theirs (CCLI_225028)
HP374 : Thou God of truth and love We seek thy (Public Domain)
HP375 : Almighty Father of all things that be (Public Domain)
HP376 : Behold us Lord a little space From daily (Public Domain)
HP377 : Come to us creative Spirit In our Father (CCLI_3258923)
HP378 : Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart (Public Domain)
HP379 : Eternal Father Strong to save Whose arm (Public Domain)
HP381 : Forth in Thy name O Lord I go My daily (Public Domain)
HP382 : Life and light and joy are found (Public Domain)
HP383 : Servant of all to toil for man Thou did (Public Domain)
HP384 : Lord God in whom all worlds (CCLI_1582069)
HP385 : Spirit of wisdom turn our eyes From (Public Domain)
HP388 : When in our music God is glorified (ONE_199868)
HP389 : From Thee all skill and science flow (Public Domain)
HP390 : Heal us Emmanuel Hear our prayer We wait (Public Domain)
HP391 : I greet Thee who my sure Redeemer art (Public Domain)
HP392 : Immortal Love forever full Forever (Public Domain)
HP393 : Jesus hands were kind hands Doing good (Public Domain)
HP394 : Lord Christ who on Thy heart didst bear (Public Domain)
HP395 : O Christ the Healer we have come (CCLI_2854744)
HP396 : O God by whose almighty plan (Public Domain)
HP397 : Thine arm O Lord in days of old was (Public Domain)
HP399 : Almighty Father who dost give The gift (Public Domain)
HP400 : All glory to God in the sky And peace (Public Domain)
HP402 : For the healing of the nations (CCLI_3200067)
HP403 : God of love and truth and beauty (Public Domain)
HP404 : It is God who holds the nations (CCLI_2564436)
HP405 : Lift up your hearts We lift them Lord to (Public Domain)
HP409 : Judge eternal throned in splendour (Public Domain)
HP412 : We turn to You O God of every nation (CCLI_1053196)
HP413 : We pray for peace but not the easy peace (CCLI_1565464)
HP414 : What does the Lord require For praise (CCLI_2846336)
HP415 : And art Thou come with us to dwell Our Prince our (Public Domain)
HP416 : As pants the hart for cooling streams When heated (Public Domain)
HP417 : Can I forget bright Edens grace (Public Domain)
HP418 : Come O Thou all victorious Lord Thy power to us (Public Domain)
HP421 : How blest is life if lived for Thee (Public Domain)
HP422 : I want a principle within Of jealous godly fear (Public Domain)
HP423 : Lord I was blind I could not see In Thy (Public Domain)
HP424 : O Crucified Redeemer Whose life (Public Domain)
HP426 : O God of earth and altar bow down and (Public Domain)
HP428 : There is no moment of my life (CCLI_963483)
HP429 : Out of the depths I cry to Thee Lord God (Public Domain)
HP430 : What Adams disobedience cost (ONE_5a7d8eea15c0b)
HP431 : Where cross the crowded ways of life (Public Domain)
HP432 : Who fathoms the eternal thought (Public Domain)
HP433 : Arm of the Lord awake awake Thine (Public Domain)
HP434 : Come O thou Traveller unknown Whom still (Public Domain)
HP435 : For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee (Public Domain)
HP436 : Father hear the prayer we offer Not for (Public Domain)
HP437 : Guide me O Thou great Jehovah Pilgrim through this (Public Domain)
HP438 : Great is our redeeming Lord In power and (Public Domain)
HP439 : Ill praise my Maker while Ive breath And when my (Public Domain)
HP440 : Omnipotent Redeemer Our ransomed (Public Domain)
HP441 : Through the night of doubt and sorrow (Public Domain)
HP442 : O God of Bethel by whose hand Thy people still are (Public Domain)
HP443 : We praise we worship Thee O God (Public Domain)
HP444 : As Jacob with travel was weary one day (Public Domain)
HP445 : Bright the vision that delighted Once (Public Domain)
HP446 : Hast Thou not known hast Thou not heard (Public Domain)
HP447 : Deep in the shadows of the past (ONE_5b114f5aa6bd3)
HP448 : How glorious Zions courts appear The (Public Domain)
HP449 : How gracious are their feet (Public Domain)
HP450 : Moses I know youre the man The Lord (ONE_5af444c4c8855)
HP451 : Nearer my God to Thee Nearer to Thee Nearer to (Public Domain)
HP452 : The God of Abraham praise Who reigns enthroned (Public Domain)
HP453 : We come unto our fathers God Their rock (Public Domain)
HP454 : The God who sent the prophets (ONE_5a7d8ee517a5d)
HP455 : Christ is the worlds Light he and none (ONE_319)
HP456 : Christ is the worlds true Light (CCLI_6503606)
HP457 : Christ whose glory fills the skies Christ the true (Public Domain)
HP458 : Eternal Light Eternal Light How pure (Public Domain)
HP459 : In the fields of this world His good new (ONE_5b114f5c498df)
HP460 : Come sinners to the gospel feast let every soul be (Public Domain)
HP461 : O splendour of Gods glory bright (Public Domain)
HP462 : Stupendous height of heaveny love (Public Domain)
HP463 : To God be the glory Great things He has (Public Domain)
HP464 : Walk in the light So shalt thou know That (Public Domain)
HP465 : We have a gospel to proclaim Good news (CCLI_279469)
HP466 : Almighty God Thy word is cast Like seed (Public Domain)
HP467 : Break Thou the bread of life dear Lord (Public Domain)
HP468 : Come divine Interpreter Bring us eyes (Public Domain)
HP469 : Come Holy Ghost our hearts inspire Let us Thine (Public Domain)
HP470 : Come Lord to our souls come down (Public Domain)
HP472 : God who hast caused to be written (ONE_47882)
HP473 : Heavenly Father may Your blessing (Public Domain)
HP474 : Help us O Lord to learn The truths (ONE_11650)
HP475 : Lord I have made Thy Word my choice My lasting (Public Domain)
HP476 : Lord Thy Word abideth and our footsteps (Public Domain)
HP478 : O Word of God incarnate O wisdom from on high (Public Domain)
HP479 : Powerful in making us wise to salvation (CCLI_3109728)
HP480 : Spirit of truth essential God (Public Domain)
HP481 : The heavens declare Thy glory Lord In every star (Public Domain)
HP482 : Your words to me are life and health (Public Domain)
HP483 : Thanks to God whose Word was spoken (CCLI_7015377)
HP484 : Angel voices ever singing Round Thy (Public Domain)
HP485 : Blessed city heavenly Salem Vision dear (Public Domain)
HP486 : Born in song Gods people have always (CCLI_989319)
HP487 : Come we that love the Lord And let our joys be (Public Domain)
HP488 : Command Thy blessing from above O God (Public Domain)
HP489 : From all that dwell below the skies Let (Public Domain)
HP490 : Great Shepherd of Thy people hear Thy (Public Domain)
HP491 : New songs of celebration render (CCLI_3156829)
HP492 : Give me joy in my heart keep me praising (Public Domain)
HP493 : Glory to God in the highest (ONE_30103224)
HP494 : God is in His temple the almighty Father (Public Domain)
HP495 : He wants not friends that hath Thy love (Public Domain)
HP496 : I to the hills will lift mine eyes From (Public Domain)
HP497 : How pleased and blest was I to hear (Public Domain)
HP499 : King of Glory King of Peace I will love (Public Domain)
HP500 : Lord God Your love has called us here (ONE_5b114f6dd2b89)
HP501 : Meet and right it is to sing In every (Public Domain)
HP502 : O praise God in His holiness (Public Domain)
HP503 : O praise Him O praise Him O praise Him (ONE_5af4449e402cf)
HP504 : O heavenly King look down from above (Public Domain)
HP505 : O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness (Public Domain)
HP506 : Praise Him praise Him Praise Him in (Public Domain)
HP508 : Praise the Lord with joyful cry (ONE_5a8ed1d29df8f)
HP509 : Praise ye the Lord ye servants (Public Domain)
HP510 : Pray that Jerusalem may have (Public Domain)
HP511 : Sing praise to God who reigns above (Public Domain)
HP512 : Songs of praise the angels sang Heaven with (Public Domain)
HP513 : Stand up and bless the Lord Ye people of His (Public Domain)
HP514 : Sweet is the work my God my King To praise Thy (Public Domain)
HP515 : The Churchs one foundation Is Jesus (Public Domain)
HP516 : Ye gates lift up Your heads on high (Public Domain)
HP517 : Come Thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to (Public Domain)
HP519 : Father of heaven whose love profound A ransom for (Public Domain)
HP520 : Father whose everlasting love Thy only (Public Domain)
HP521 : Hark my soul it is the Lord Tis my SavioUr hear (Public Domain)
HP522 : Dear Master in whose life I see (Public Domain)
HP523 : Hushed was the evening hymn The temple (Public Domain)
HP524 : I need thee every hour most gracious (Public Domain)
HP525 : Kum ba yah my Lord Kum ba yah (Public Domain)
HP526 : It passeth knowledge that dear love of (Public Domain)
HP527 : Jesus Saviour ever mild (Public Domain)
HP528 : Jesus lover of my soul Let me to Thy bosom fly (Public Domain)
HP529 : Jesus if still the same Thou art (Public Domain)
HP530 : Jesus stand among us in Thy risen power (Public Domain)
HP531 : Lo God is here let us adore And own how (Public Domain)
HP532 : Lord Christ we praise Your sacrifice (CCLI_3260210)
HP533 : Lord Jesus think on me And purge away (Public Domain)
HP534 : Now let us see Thy beauty Lord As we (Public Domain)
HP535 : Master speak Thy servant heareth (Public Domain)
HP536 : O for a heart to praise my God A heart from sin (Public Domain)
HP537 : O send Thy light forth and Thy truth (Public Domain)
HP538 : O the bitter shame and sorrow That a (Public Domain)
HP539 : One who is all unfit to count (Public Domain)
HP540 : Open Lord my inward ear And bid my (Public Domain)
HP541 : Saviour and can it be That Thou shouldst (Public Domain)
HP542 : Talk with us Lord Thyself reveal While (Public Domain)
HP544 : Thou hidden love of God Whose height Whose depth (Public Domain)
HP546 : Come my soul thy suit prepare Jesus loves to (Public Domain)
HP547 : Head of the Church our risen Lord (Public Domain)
HP549 : Jesus whereer Thy people meet (Public Domain)
HP550 : Lamb of God whose dying love We now recall to mind (Public Domain)
HP551 : Lord teach us how to pray aright With (Public Domain)
HP552 : Lord of all hopefulness Lord of all joy (Public Domain)
HP553 : Lord speak to me that I may speak In (Public Domain)
HP554 : O God of our forefathers hear And make t (Public Domain)
HP555 : O that mine eyes might closed be (Public Domain)
HP556 : Pray for the Church affllcted and (ONE_5a7d8ee1a3c15)
HP557 : Prayer is the souls sincere desire Uttered or (Public Domain)
HP558 : Shepherd divine our wants relieve In (Public Domain)
HP559 : What a friend we have in Jesus (Public Domain)
HP560 : Shine Thou upon us Lord true Light of (Public Domain)
HP562 : How do Thy mercies close me round Forever be thy (Public Domain)
HP563 : My God I am Thine What a comfort divine (Public Domain)
HP564 : My God I thank Thee Who hast made The (Public Domain)
HP565 : Praise Him praise Him all His little (Public Domain)
HP566 : Now thank we all our God With hearts (Public Domain)
HP567 : O come and let us to the Lord (Public Domain)
HP568 : O Lord enlarge our scanty thought (Public Domain)
HP569 : O what shall I do my Saviour to praise (Public Domain)
HP571 : Sometimes a light surprises The (Public Domain)
HP572 : Think of a world without any flowers (CCLI_877634)
HP573 : When all Thy mercies O my God My rising (Public Domain)
HP574 : Worship and thanks and blessing And (Public Domain)
HP575 : Come let us with our Lord arise (Public Domain)
HP576 : The first day of the week (ONE_5a7d8ee4dbe24)
HP577 : This is the day the Lord hath made He calls the (Public Domain)
HP578 : This is the day this is the day (Public Domain)
HP579 : A mighty mystery we set forth (Public Domain)
HP580 : Come Father Son and Holy Ghost Honour the means (Public Domain)
HP581 : Glory and praise to God Who loves (Public Domain)
HP582 : Praise to God almighty maker (Public Domain)
HP583 : Jesus we follow Thee In all thy footsteps tread (Public Domain)
HP585 : Lord Jesus once a child (ONE_5a7d8edb2f96b)
HP587 : Lord let Your grace descend on those (Public Domain)
HP588 : See Israels gentle Shepherd stand With (Public Domain)
HP589 : This child from God above (CCLI_7106562)
HP590 : Now in the name of HIm who sent (CCLI_4341657)
HP591 : Stand soldier of the cross Thy high (Public Domain)
HP592 : Alleluia sing to Jesus His the sceptre (Public Domain)
HP593 : And now O Father mindful of the love (Public Domain)
HP594 : An Upper Room did our Lord prepare (CCLI_1781633)
HP595 : As your family Lord see us here (Public Domain)
HP596 : Author of life divine Who hast a table (Public Domain)
HP597 : Be known to us in breaking bread (Public Domain)
HP598 : Because Thou hast said Do this for My (Public Domain)
HP599 : Bread of the world in mercy broken Wine (Public Domain)
HP600 : By Christ redeemed in Christ restored (Public Domain)
HP602 : Come Holy Ghost Thine influence shed (Public Domain)
HP603 : Father we give You thanks who planted (Public Domain)
HP605 : Come risen Lord and deign to be our (CCLI_2639550)
HP606 : Deck thyself my soul with gladness (Public Domain)
HP607 : Father who in Jesus found us (CCLI_3199972)
HP608 : Here O my Lord I see Thee face to face (Public Domain)
HP609 : How happy are Thy servants Lord (Public Domain)
HP610 : I come with joy to meet my Lord forgiven loved and (CCLI_2403078)
HP611 : I am the bread of life He who comes to (Public Domain)
HP612 : Jesus invites His saints To meet around (Public Domain)
HP613 : Jesus to Your table led Now let every (Public Domain)
HP614 : Jesus we thus obey Thy last and kindest (Public Domain)
HP615 : Let us break bread together with the (Public Domain)
HP616 : Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour (Public Domain)
HP617 : Lord Jesus Christ You have come to us (CCLI_40241)
HP618 : Lord of our highest love Let now Thy (Public Domain)
HP619 : Now let us from this table rise (CCLI_2566551)
HP620 : O bread to pilgrims given O food that angels eat (Public Domain)
HP621 : O Thou who this mysterious bread (Public Domain)
HP622 : See where our great High Priest (Public Domain)
HP623 : Reap me the earth as a harvest to God (ONE_242544)
HP624 : Sing my tongue the Saviours glory (Public Domain)
HP626 : Strengthen for service Lord the hands (Public Domain)
HP627 : The Son of God proclaim (ONE_245646)
HP628 : Upon Thy table Lord we place These (Public Domain)
HP629 : Victim divine Thy grace we claim While (Public Domain)
HP630 : At Thy feet O Christ we lay Thine own (Public Domain)
HP631 : Awake awake to love and work (Public Domain)
HP632 : Awake my soul and with the sun Thy daily stage of (Public Domain)
HP633 : Father we praise Thee now the night is (Public Domain)
HP635 : Morning has broken like the first (ONE_318796)
HP636 : New every morning is the love Our wakening and (Public Domain)
HP637 : O Lord of life Thy quickening voice Awakes my (Public Domain)
HP638 : Ere I sleep for every favour This day (Public Domain)
HP639 : To You before the end of day (Public Domain)
HP640 : Father in high heaven dwelling May our (Public Domain)
HP641 : God that madest earth and heaven Dark (Public Domain)
HP642 : Glory to Thee my God this night For all the bless (Public Domain)
HP643 : Saviour again in Thy dear name (Public Domain)
HP644 : Hail gladdening Light Of His pure glory (Public Domain)
HP645 : Lord Jesus in the days of old Two walked (Public Domain)
HP646 : Sun of my soul Thou Saviour dear It is not night (Public Domain)
HP647 : The duteous day now closeth Each flower (Public Domain)
HP648 : The day Thou gavest Lord is ended (Public Domain)
HP649 : Come let us use the grace divine And all with one (Public Domain)
HP651 : God be with you till we meet again (Public Domain)
HP652 : Lord dismiss us with Thy blessing fill our hearts (Public Domain)
HP653 : God is here As we His people (CCLI_2566496)
HP654 : Lord of the living in Your name assemble (CCLI_3200074)
HP655 : O how blest the hour Lord Jesus (Public Domain)
HP656 : O Thou not made with hands Not throned (Public Domain)
HP659 : This stone to Thee in faith we lay We (Public Domain)
HP660 : In our day of thanksgiving one psalm let (Public Domain)
HP661 : A safe stronghold our God is still (Public Domain)
HP662 : Author of faith eternal Word Whose (Public Domain)
HP663 : Awake our souls away our fears Let every trembling (Public Domain)
HP664 : Away with our fears The glad morning (Public Domain)
HP665 : Abide with me fast falls the eventide (Public Domain)
HP666 : Behold the amazing gift of love (Public Domain)
HP667 : Begone unbelief My Saviour is near and (Public Domain)
HP668 : Blessed assurance Jesus is mine O what a foretaste (Public Domain)
HP669 : Blest be the everlasting God The Father (Public Domain)
HP670 : Blest are the saints O God (Public Domain)
HP671 : Day by day dear Lord (Public Domain)
HP672 : Commit thou all thy griefs And ways into his hands (Public Domain)
HP673 : Dear Lord and Father of mankind Forgive (Public Domain)
HP674 : Happy the man that finds the grace (Public Domain)
HP676 : He that is down needs fear no fall (Public Domain)
HP677 : Im not ashamed to own my Lord Or to defend His (Public Domain)
HP678 : In heavenly love abiding No change my heart (Public Domain)
HP679 : Lord it belongs not to my care Whether I (Public Domain)
HP680 : Jesus my strength my hope On Thee I (Public Domain)
HP681 : Light of the world Thy beams I bless (Public Domain)
HP682 : My faith it is an oaken staff (Public Domain)
HP683 : My faith looks up to Thee Thou Lamb of Calvary (Public Domain)
HP684 : Now I have found the ground wherein Sure my souls (Public Domain)
HP685 : O love that wilt not let me go I rest my (Public Domain)
HP686 : When our confidence is shaken (CCLI_5199516)
HP687 : When we walk with the Lord (Public Domain)
HP688 : Who would true valour see Let him come (Public Domain)
HP689 : Will your anchor hold in the storms of (Public Domain)
HP690 : Being of beings God of love To Thee our (Public Domain)
HP691 : Come let us sing of a wonderful love (Public Domain)
HP693 : Father of Jesus Christ my Lord My Saviour and my (Public Domain)
HP694 : God be in my head And in my and in my (Public Domain)
HP695 : I bind unto myself today The strong name (Public Domain)
HP696 : Jesus Thy boundless love to me No thought can (Public Domain)
HP697 : Just as I am without one plea But that Thy blood (Public Domain)
HP698 : Let Him to whom we now belong His (Public Domain)
HP699 : Lord of creation to You be all praise (ONE_30247)
HP700 : Lord we have come at Your own invitation (CCLI_3157299)
HP701 : My God accept my heart this day And make (Public Domain)
HP702 : O happy day that fixed my choice On Thee my (Public Domain)
HP703 : What shall I render to my God For all his mercys (Public Domain)
HP704 : O Jesus I have promised To serve Thee (Public Domain)
HP705 : Take my life and let it be Consecrated (Public Domain)
HP706 : Where shall my wondering soul begin (Public Domain)
HP707 : And are we yet alive And see each other (Public Domain)
HP708 : Believe not those who say The upward (Public Domain)
HP709 : Christ be my leader by night as by day (CCLI_4509822)
HP710 : Fight the good fight with all thy might (Public Domain)
HP711 : Happy are they they that love God (Public Domain)
HP712 : God of grace and God of glory On Thy (ONE_277864)
HP713 : If Thou but suffer God to guide Thee (Public Domain)
HP714 : Make me a captive Lord And then I shall (Public Domain)
HP715 : Oft in danger oft in woe Onward (Public Domain)
HP716 : March on my soul with strength (Public Domain)
HP717 : O Lord and Master of us all Whatever our (Public Domain)
HP718 : Onward Christian soldiers marching as to (Public Domain)
HP719 : Soldiers of Christ arise and put your armour on (Public Domain)
HP720 : Son of God if Thy free grace (Public Domain)
HP721 : Stand up Stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers (Public Domain)
HP722 : Who is on the Lords side Who will serve (Public Domain)
HP723 : All things are possible to them (Public Domain)
HP724 : Blest are the pure in heart For they shall see our (Public Domain)
HP725 : Come dearest Lord descend and dwell (Public Domain)
HP726 : God of all power and truth and grace (Public Domain)
HP727 : God of all redeeming grace By Thy (Public Domain)
HP728 : How can we sinners know Our sins on (Public Domain)
HP729 : God of my salvation hear And help me to believe (Public Domain)
HP730 : I hunger and I thirst Jesus my manna be (Public Domain)
HP731 : I know that my Redeemer lives And ever prays for (Public Domain)
HP732 : Jesus good above all other Gentle Child (Public Domain)
HP733 : Jesus has died that I might live (Public Domain)
HP734 : Jesus my Truth my Way My sure unerring (Public Domain)
HP735 : Jesus the First and Last (Public Domain)
HP736 : Lord I believe a rest remains To all thy people (Public Domain)
HP737 : Lord that I may learn of Thee (Public Domain)
HP738 : Loving Jesus gentle Lamb In thy gracious hands (Public Domain)
HP739 : May the mind of Christ my Saviour (Public Domain)
HP740 : My God I know I feel Thee mine And will (Public Domain)
HP741 : My gracious Lord I own Thy right To (Public Domain)
HP742 : O Jesus Christ grow Thou in me (Public Domain)
HP743 : My Saviour how shall I proclaim How pay the mighty (Public Domain)
HP744 : O for a thousand tongues to sing (Public Domain)
HP745 : O Thou who camest from above Ready for all Thy (Public Domain)
HP746 : One more step along the world I go (ONE_5a8ffd0098bb7)
HP747 : Saviour from sin I wait to prove (Public Domain)
HP748 : Teach me O Lord Thy holy way (Public Domain)
HP749 : What is our callings glorious hope But (Public Domain)
HP750 : Thou Shepherd of Israel and mine The joy and (Public Domain)
HP751 : Ye faithful souls who Jesus know If rise (Public Domain)
HP752 : Blest be the dear uniting love That will not let (Public Domain)
HP753 : All praise to our redeeming Lord Who joins us by (Public Domain)
HP754 : Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in (Public Domain)
HP755 : Come let us who in Christ believe Our common (Public Domain)
HP756 : Come and let us sweetly join Christ to praise in (Public Domain)
HP757 : Here in Christ we gather love of Christ (ONE_30137650)
HP758 : In Christ there is no East or West (Public Domain)
HP759 : Jesus Lord we look to Thee let us (Public Domain)
HP760 : Jesus we look to Thee Thy promised presence claim (Public Domain)
HP761 : Jesus Thou soul of all our joys For Whom (Public Domain)
HP762 : May the grace of Christ my Saviour (Public Domain)
HP763 : See Jesus Thy disciples see The promised (Public Domain)
HP764 : Christ from whom all blessings flow Perfecting the (Public Domain)
HP766 : Eternal Son eternal Love Take to Thyself (Public Domain)
HP767 : Give me the faith which can remove (Public Domain)
HP768 : Jesus the word bestow The true immortal (Public Domain)
HP769 : God is working His purpose out As year (Public Domain)
HP770 : Go forth and tell O Church of God awake (ONE_99396)
HP771 : Lord if at Thy command The Word of life (Public Domain)
HP772 : Jesus Thy wandering sheep behold (Public Domain)
HP773 : Jesus united by Thy grace And each to (Public Domain)
HP774 : Lord Thy church on earth is seeking (CCLI_2452940)
HP776 : Make me a channel of your peace Where (Public Domain)
HP777 : O breath of life come sweeping through (Public Domain)
HP778 : O God our Father who dost make us one (Public Domain)
HP779 : O Thou who at Thy eucharist didst pray (Public Domain)
HP780 : Revive thy work O Lord Thy mighty arm (Public Domain)
HP781 : See how great a flame aspires Kindled by (Public Domain)
HP782 : Shout it in the street (ONE_5a8ffcf36b365)
HP783 : Thy kingdom come O God Thy rule (Public Domain)
HP784 : Thy hand O God has guided Thy flock from (Public Domain)
HP785 : A charge to keep I have A God to glorify (Public Domain)
HP786 : Be it my only wisdom here To serve the Lord with (Public Domain)
HP787 : A glorious company we sing The Master (CCLI_2099269)
HP788 : Behold the servant of the Lord (Public Domain)
HP789 : Christ for the world we sing The world (Public Domain)
HP790 : Father lead me day by day Ever in Thine (Public Domain)
HP791 : Father Son and Holy Ghost One in Three (Public Domain)
HP792 : Fill Thou my life O Lord my God In every (Public Domain)
HP793 : God of almighty love By whose sufficient (Public Domain)
HP794 : Go labour on spend and be spent Thy joy to do the (Public Domain)
HP795 : Jesus I fain would find Thy zeal for God (Public Domain)
HP796 : Lord of light whose name shines brighter (Public Domain)
HP797 : Lord of all good our gifts we bring to (CCLI_3243079)
HP798 : O loving Lord who art for ever seeking (Public Domain)
HP799 : My heart is full of Christ and longs Its (Public Domain)
HP800 : Lord in the strength of grace With a (Public Domain)
HP801 : O God what offering shall I give To Thee (Public Domain)
HP802 : O Master let me walk with Thee In lowly (Public Domain)
HP803 : Teach me my God and King In all things (Public Domain)
HP804 : The Church of Christ in every age (CCLI_5404586)
HP805 : Thy faithfulness Lord each moment we (Public Domain)
HP806 : What shall our greeting be (CCLI_5404782)
HP807 : What shall we offer our good Lord (Public Domain)
HP808 : Behold the temple of the Lord (Public Domain)
HP809 : City of God how broad and far Outspread thy walls (Public Domain)
HP810 : Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels (Public Domain)
HP811 : Earth rejoice our Lord is King Sons of men his (Public Domain)
HP812 : Come let us join our friends above Who (Public Domain)
HP813 : Come ye faithful raise the anthem (Public Domain)
HP814 : For all the saints who from their (Public Domain)
HP815 : Give me the wings of faith to rise Within the veil (Public Domain)
HP816 : Happy the souls to Jesus joined And saved by grace (Public Domain)
HP817 : Glorious things of Thee are spoken Zion city of (Public Domain)
HP818 : Head of Thy Church triumphant We (Public Domain)
HP819 : Leader of faithful souls and guide (Public Domain)
HP820 : Lift up your hearts to things above (Public Domain)
HP821 : Sing we the song of those who stand (Public Domain)
HP822 : There is a land of pure delight Where saints (Public Domain)
HP823 : Ye choirs of new Jerusalem Your sweetest (Public Domain)
STF1 : All people that on earth do dwell (Public Domain)
STF2 : Come, let us sing to the One (CCLI_4107640)
STF3 : Eternal God, your loves tremendous glory (CCLI_1530413)
STF4 : Father in heaven, grant to your children (ONE_119282)
STF5 : Father, in whom we live (Public Domain)
STF6 : Father, we love you, we worship and adore you (CCLI_1383)
STF7 : God, who made the stars of heaven (ONE_30403)
STF8 : God with us: Creator, Father (CCLI_3529140)
STF9 : Hail! Holy, holy, holy Lord! (Public Domain)
STF10 : Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (CCLI_1540719)
STF11 : Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! (Public Domain)
STF13 : Sing of a God in majestic divinity (ONE_68735)
STF14 : Sing to him in whom creation (CCLI_1094825)
STF15 : The splendour of the King (CCLI_4348399)
STF16 : We give immortal praise (Public Domain)
STF17 : With gladness we worship, rejoice as we sing (Public Domain)
STF18 : Be still and know that I am God (Public Domain)
STF19 : Be still and know that I am God (Public Domain)
STF20 : Be still, for the presence of the Lord (CCLI_120824)
STF21 : Born in song! (CCLI_989319)
STF22 : Come all you people (Uyai mose) (ONE_27)
STF23 : Come Holy Spirit. Maranatha! (CCLI_4663201)
STF24 : Come, now is the time to worship (CCLI_2430948)
STF25 : God is here! As we his people (CCLI_2566496)
STF26 : I rejoiced when I heard them say (ONE_98231)
STF27 : Jesus, we are here (Jesu, tawa pano) (ONE_18516)
STF28 : Jesus calls us here to meet him (CCLI_878695)
STF29 : Jesus lead us to the Father (CCLI_4515971)
STF30 : Jesus stand among us at the meeting of our lives (CCLI_40155)
STF31 : May the glory of the Lord fill his temple (Author)
STF32 : Meet and right it is to sing (Public Domain)
STF33 : O Lord we are always in your presence (ONE_D-0217)
STF34 : O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Public Domain)
STF35 : The trumpets sound, the angels sing (CCLI_190672)
STF36 : Theres a quiet understanding (CCLI_15135)
STF37 : Youre calling us and so we are gathered here (CCLI_5463163)
STF38 : Come, O Holy Spirit, come (Wa wa wa Emimimo) (Public Domain)
STF39 : Angel voices ever singing (Public Domain)
STF40 : Blessed be the name of the Lord (ONE_59204)
STF41 : Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful (CCLI_3798438)
STF42 : O sing to the Lord (ONE_5022)
STF43 : Come, let us praise the Lord, with joy our God acclaim (CCLI_2623968)
STF44 : Come on and celebrate (CCLI_189511)
STF45 : Earths creator, everyday God (ONE_116630)
STF46 : Everlasting God, the years go by but youre unchanging (CCLI_3994706)
STF47 : Faithful God, faithful God (CCLI_872433)
STF48 : From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea (CCLI_4403076)
STF49 : God beyond all names (CCLI_5502172)
STF50 : Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (CCLI_10769)
STF51 : Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father (CCLI_18723)
STF52 : He is exalted, the King is exalted on high (CCLI_17827)
STF53 : How shall I sing that majesty (Public Domain)
STF54 : I will worship with all of my heart (CCLI_487976)
STF55 : Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Public Domain)
STF56 : King of Glory, King of Peace (Public Domain)
STF57 : Let all the world in every corner sing (Public Domain)
STF58 : Lord, I come before your throne of grace (CCLI_605095)
STF59 : Lord, the light of your love is shining (CCLI_30426)
STF60 : My soul rejoices in God my Saviour (ONE_80096)
STF61 : Our God is a great big God (CCLI_3373437)
STF62 : Our God is an awesome God (CCLI_41099)
STF63 : Over all the earth, your reign on high (CCLI_2490706)
STF64 : Praise is rising, eyes are turning to you (CCLI_4662491)
STF65 : Sing of the Lords goodness, Father of all wisdom (ONE_80537)
STF66 : The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases (CCLI_21590)
STF67 : This, this is the God we adore (Public Domain)
STF68 : Worship God with the morning sunrise (CCLI_4517670)
STF69 : Ye holy angels bright, who wait at Gods right hand (Public Domain)
STF70 : Always remember, never forget (CCLI_1557331)
STF71 : Even as the world began (CCLI_4490948)
STF72 : Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist (CCLI_58202)
STF73 : Fill thou my life, O Lord my God (Public Domain)
STF74 : For the music of creation (ONE_18045)
STF75 : From all that dwell below the skies (Public Domain)
STF76 : Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising (Public Domain)
STF77 : Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King (CCLI_3148428)
STF78 : Give thanks with a grateful heart (CCLI_20285)
STF79 : Ill praise my Maker while Ive breath (Public Domain)
STF80 : My God, I am thine (Public Domain)
STF81 : Now thank we all our God (Public Domain)
STF82 : O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder (CCLI_14181)
STF83 : Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Public Domain)
STF84 : Praise the Lord, his glories show (Public Domain)
STF85 : Praise the Lord who reigns above and keeps his court below (Public Domain)
STF86 : Praise the Lord! You heavens, adore him (Public Domain)
STF87 : Praise to the living God! All praised be his name (Public Domain)
STF88 : Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! (Public Domain)
STF89 : Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord (CCLI_4556538)
STF90 : Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Public Domain)
STF91 : The God of Abraham praise (Public Domain)
STF92 : Think of a world without any flowers (CCLI_1932595)
STF93 : Though the fruit tree doesnt blossom (CCLI_3502095)
STF94 : To God be the glory, great things he has done! (Public Domain)
STF95 : We praise you, O God; acclaim you as Lord (ONE_80128)
STF96 : We sing of your glory, we praise you again (ONE_17514)
STF97 : When all your mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys (Public Domain)
STF98 : Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging (CCLI_3091812)
STF99 : All creatures of our God and King (Public Domain)
STF100 : All things bright and beautiful (Public Domain)
STF101 : Before the world began, one Word was there (CCLI_1041744)
STF102 : For the beauty of the earth (Public Domain)
STF103 : God is love: let heaven adore him (Public Domain)
STF104 : God moves in a mysterious way (Public Domain)
STF106 : God, whose almighty word chaos and darkness heard (Public Domain)
STF107 : I sing the almighty power of God (Public Domain)
STF108 : In the beginning God played with the planets (CCLI_7009122)
STF109 : In the darkness of the still night (CCLI_3171938)
STF110 : In the wonder of creation (CCLI_6149280)
STF111 : Lord of the boundless curves of space (CCLI_230635)
STF112 : O Lord, our Lord, throughout the earth how glorious is you name (CCLI_1532143)
STF113 : O worship the King, all-glorious above (Public Domain)
STF114 : Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure (ONE_64381)
STF115 : Praise ye the Lord! Tis good to raise our hearts and voices in his praise (Public Domain)
STF116 : Sing for Gods glory that colours the dawn of creation (ONE_48443)
STF117 : Sing praise to God who reigns above (ONE_84587)
STF118 : Tell me who made all of creation (CCLI_2642310)
STF119 : God of Eve and God of Mary (CCLI_1046574)
STF120 : We gladly celebrate and praise (CCLI_3571631)
STF121 : Autumn days when the grass is jewelled (CCLI_961540)
STF122 : God, whose farm is all creation (ONE_47987)
STF123 : Come, you thankful people, come (CCLI_1039093)
STF124 : For the fruits of creation, thanks be to God (CCLI_3371769)
STF125 : Praise and thanksgiving, Father, we offer (CCLI_451751)
STF126 : Praise God for the harvest of orchard and field (CCLI_7051083)
STF127 : Sing to the great Jehovahs praise (Public Domain)
STF128 : The harvest is here: earths bounty we bring (Author)
STF129 : To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Public Domain)
STF130 : We plough the fields, and scatter (Public Domain)
STF131 : By a monument of marble, or a simple wooden cross (ONE_5d95b5edb7808)
STF132 : O God, our help in ages past (Public Domain)
STF133 : To be a soldier, to fight for peace till war shall end (ONE_37526)
STF134 : Christ, whose glory fills the skies (Public Domain)
STF135 : I owe my Lord a morning song (CCLI_4557180)
STF136 : Morning has broken like the first morning (ONE_118118)
STF137 : New every morning is the love our wakening and uprising prove (Public Domain)
STF138 : O God, beyond all thought (CCLI_2467430)
STF139 : Today I awake and God is before me (CCLI_3664067)
STF140 : We praise God in the morning when the sun is bright (CCLI_1063131)
STF141 : Abide with me; fast falls the eventide (Public Domain)
STF142 : Glory to thee, my God, this night (Public Domain)
STF143 : Hail, gladdening Light, of his pure glory poured (Public Domain)
STF145 : Night has fallen, gracious Spirit, guard us sleeping (ONE_35499)
STF146 : Now that evening falls, gently fades the light (CCLI_4927569)
STF147 : The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (Public Domain)
STF148 : Come, let us with our Lord arise (Public Domain)
STF149 : First of the week and finest day (CCLI_3090899)
STF150 : This is the day of rest to use as God intended (ONE_38218)
STF151 : This is the day the Lord has made, God calls the day his own (Public Domain)
STF152 : This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made (Public Domain)
STF153 : Break thou the bread of life, O Lord, to me (Public Domain)
STF154 : Come, divine interpreter (Public Domain)
STF155 : Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (Public Domain)
STF156 : From the breaking of the dawn to the setting of the sun (CCLI_4642105)
STF157 : God has spoken by his prophets (CCLI_2647559)
STF158 : Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders (CCLI_2623975)
STF160 : Powerful in making us wise to salvation (CCLI_3109728)
STF161 : Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word (CCLI_4615235)
STF163 : When listening prophets dare to speak (CCLI_3922022)
STF164 : Your words to me are life and health (Public Domain)
STF165 : Advent candles tell their story (CCLI_7004421)
STF166 : Christmas is coming! The Church is glad to sing (CCLI_1053608)
STF167 : Colours of day dawn into the mind (CCLI_550092)
STF168 : Come, Lord Jesus, come (CCLI_959985)
STF169 : Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Public Domain)
STF170 : Darkness like a shroud covers the earth (CCLI_192931)
STF171 : Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Public Domain)
STF172 : Hills of the north, rejoice (Public Domain)
STF173 : Into the darkness of this world (CCLI_1044277)
STF174 : Light a candle in a darkened place (CCLI_2311672)
STF175 : Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness (CCLI_3266032)
STF176 : Like a candle flame, flickering small in our darkness (CCLI_30392)
STF177 : Lo, he comes with clouds descending (Public Domain)
STF178 : Long ago, prophets knew Christ would come (CCLI_2879217)
STF179 : My Lord! What a morning (Public Domain)
STF180 : O come, O come, Immanuel (Public Domain)
STF181 : Of the Fathers love begotten (Public Domain)
STF182 : On Jordans bank the Baptists cry (Public Domain)
STF184 : Round orange, round orange, you serve as a sign (CCLI_5409189)
STF185 : Sing we the King who is coming to reign (Public Domain)
STF186 : Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (CCLI_27051)
STF187 : The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Public Domain)
STF188 : Theres a light upon the mountains, and the day is at the spring (Public Domain)
STF189 : Wild and lone the prophets voice (CCLI_3390874)
STF190 : Angels, from the realms of glory (Public Domain)
STF191 : Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (Public Domain)
STF193 : Born in the night, Marys child (CCLI_5005851)
STF194 : Child of joy and peace (CCLI_4009085)
STF195 : Christians, awake, salute the happy morn (Public Domain)
STF196 : Come and join the celebration (CCLI_571246)
STF197 : Cradled in a manger, meanly (Public Domain)
STF198 : Emmanuel, Emmanuel (CCLI_12949)
STF199 : Glory be to God on high (Public Domain)
STF200 : God is born among us: earth receives the Christ child (CCLI_3996797)
STF201 : Good news, good news to you we bring (CCLI_30220)
STF202 : Hark! The herald-angels sing (Public Domain)
STF203 : I had a dream that I was standing on a hillside (CCLI_4008615)
STF204 : In the bleak midwinter (Public Domain)
STF205 : It came upon a midnight clear (Public Domain)
STF206 : It was on a starry night (CCLI_643909)
STF208 : Let earth and heaven combine (Public Domain)
STF209 : Let me tell you about a baby (CCLI_1095398)
STF210 : Love came down at Christmas (Public Domain)
STF211 : Night of peace: hail the holy child (ONE_8718)
STF212 : O come, all ye faithful (Public Domain)
STF213 : O little town of Bethlehem (Public Domain)
STF214 : Once in royal Davids city (Public Domain)
STF215 : See, amid the winters snow (Public Domain)
STF216 : See him lying on a bed of straw (CCLI_3941962)
STF217 : Silent night, holy night (Public Domain)
STF218 : Unto us a boy is born! (Public Domain)
STF219 : We see the eyes of Mary shine (CCLI_5154252)
STF221 : While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Public Domain)
STF222 : Who would think that what was needed (CCLI_2770017)
STF223 : A special star, a special star (CCLI_3578270)
STF224 : As with gladness men of old (Public Domain)
STF225 : Bethlehem, of noblest cities (Public Domain)
STF226 : Birth brings a promise of new life awaking (CCLI_1599557)
STF227 : Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (Public Domain)
STF228 : Hail to the Lords Anointed (Public Domain)
STF229 : Mary and Joseph came to the Temple (CCLI_3351394)
STF230 : Riding out across the desert (CCLI_870569)
STF231 : The silent stars shine down on us (ONE_9977)
STF233 : When Jesus came to Jordan (CCLI_2564467)
STF234 : Behold the Lamb of God (CCLI_2023355)
STF235 : Christ our Redeemer knew temptations hour (CCLI_1546706)
STF236 : Forty days and forty nights (CCLI_1546706)
STF237 : Jesus, tempted in the desert (ONE_9669)
STF238 : Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (Public Domain)
STF239 : Sent by the Lord am I (CCLI_4992422)
STF240 : When we are tested and wrestle alone (CCLI_5217838)
STF241 : When we were in the darkest night (CCLI_5120372)
STF242 : A new commandment I give unto you (CCLI_693942)
STF243 : A rich young man came seeking (CCLI_3682111)
STF244 : Blest are the pure in heart (Public Domain)
STF245 : Blest are they, the poor in spirit (ONE_22)
STF246 : He came to earth in poverty (CCLI_5015717)
STF247 : I danced in the morning when the world was begun (CCLI_78529)
STF248 : I heard the voice of Jesus say (Public Domain)
STF249 : Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (CCLI_186208)
STF250 : Jesus calls us! Oer the tumult (Public Domain)
STF251 : Jesus Christ is waiting (CCLI_996498)
STF252 : Jesus the Lord said: I am the Bread (CCLI_2647999)
STF253 : Love inspired the anger (CCLI_1595324)
STF254 : Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CCLI_1352)
STF255 : The kingdom of God is justice and joy (ONE_28013)
STF256 : When I needed a neighbour, were you there? (CCLI_227923)
STF258 : You are the Vine, we are the branches (CCLI_52538)
STF259 : Jesus on the mountain peak (CCLI_3109498)
STF260 : Swiftly pass the clouds of glory (CCLI_830640)
STF261 : Transfigured Christ, none comprehends (CCLI_3568455)
STF262 : All glory, laud and honour (Public Domain)
STF263 : Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! (CCLI_21545)
STF264 : Make way, make way, for Christ the King in splendour arrives (CCLI_121074)
STF265 : Ride on, ride on in majesty! (Public Domain)
STF266 : All the room was hushed and still (CCLI_5490167)
STF267 : Jesus in the olive grove (CCLI_1076609)
STF268 : Sing, my tongue, the Saviours glory (Public Domain)
STF269 : To see the King of heaven fall (CCLI_5567746)
STF270 : Come and see, come and see (CCLI_192405)
STF271 : Come, wounded healer, your suffrings reveal (CCLI_3120147)
STF272 : From heaven you came, helpless babe (CCLI_78897)
STF273 : Here hangs a man discarded (CCLI_1081474)
STF274 : Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice (CCLI_1564362)
STF275 : Jesus the carpenter, hanging on Calvary (CCLI_4514934)
STF276 : Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim (ONE_01923)
STF277 : My song is love unknown (Public Domain)
STF278 : O Love divine, what have you done! (Public Domain)
STF279 : O precious sight, my Saviour stands (CCLI_4886507)
STF281 : See the Lamb of God (CCLI_6155607)
STF282 : Stay here where nails are driven (CCLI_4968171)
STF283 : The desolate Messiah dies (CCLI_5892978)
STF284 : There is a green hill far away (Public Domain)
STF285 : Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (Public Domain)
STF286 : What kind of love is this that gave itself for me? (CCLI_40753)
STF287 : When I survey the wondrous cross (Public Domain)
STF288 : When I think about the cross (CCLI_1574895)
STF289 : When my love for Christ grows weak (Public Domain)
STF290 : Who would ever have believed it? (CCLI_2651363)
STF291 : Why has God forsaken me? (ONE_00680)
STF292 : After darkness, light (CCLI_5189966)
STF293 : All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord (CCLI_120556)
STF294 : All you that seek the Lord who died (Public Domain)
STF295 : Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord (CCLI_32376)
STF296 : Christ has risen while earth slumbers (CCLI_1980987)
STF297 : Christ is alive! Let Christians sing (CCLI_68041)
STF298 : Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF299 : Easter jubilation fills the streets and towns (CCLI_1574840)
STF300 : Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF301 : Hail, thou once despised Jesus (Public Domain)
STF302 : He has risen, he has risen (CCLI_1045252)
STF303 : I know that my Redeemer lives (Public Domain)
STF304 : Jesus is risen, alleluia! (ONE_13354)
STF305 : Low in the grave he lay (Public Domain)
STF306 : Now the green blade rises from the buried grain (CCLI_1476522)
STF307 : On the day of resurrection (CCLI_230556)
STF308 : On the journey to Emmaus with our hearts cold as stone (ONE_136)
STF309 : See, what a morning, gloriously bright (CCLI_4108797)
STF310 : Sing a song, sing a joyful song (CCLI_1574905)
STF311 : The day of resurrection, earth, tell it out abroad! (Public Domain)
STF312 : The head that once was crowned with thorns (Public Domain)
STF313 : Thine be the glory (Public Domain)
STF314 : This joyful Eastertide (CCLI_5404744)
STF315 : We sing the praise of Jesus (Author)
STF316 : When Easter to the dark world came (CCLI_875382)
STF317 : At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow (Public Domain)
STF319 : Christ triumphant, ever reigning (CCLI_647778)
STF320 : Father, whose everlasting love (Public Domain)
STF321 : Great is he whos King of kings (Public Domain)
STF322 : How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Public Domain)
STF323 : I will sing the wondrous story (CCLI_2328610)
STF324 : In a byre near Bethlehem (CCLI_1048936)
STF325 : Jesus Christ, Perfect Love (CCLI_4504700)
STF326 : Jesus comes with all his grace (Public Domain)
STF327 : Jesus is King and I will extol him (CCLI_56558)
STF328 : Jesus shall reign whereer the sun (Public Domain)
STF329 : Jesus, the First and Last (Public Domain)
STF330 : Joy to the world, the Lord is come! (Public Domain)
STF331 : King of kings, majesty (CCLI_1581778)
STF332 : Lord, I lift your name on high (CCLI_117947)
STF333 : Majesty, worship his majesty (CCLI_1527)
STF334 : Praise to the Holiest in the height (Public Domain)
STF335 : Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Public Domain)
STF336 : Son of God, if your free grace (Public Domain)
STF337 : There is a higher throne than all this world has known (CCLI_3994672)
STF338 : There is a redeemer (CCLI_11483)
STF339 : When you prayed beneath the trees, it was for me (CCLI_1048053)
STF340 : Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim (Public Domain)
STF342 : All hail the power of Jesus name! (Public Domain)
STF343 : All my days I will sing this song of gladness (CCLI_2492216)
STF344 : He became poor that we may be rich (CCLI_4561808)
STF345 : And can it be that I should gain (Public Domain)
STF346 : Christ is the worlds light, Christ and none other (CCLI_4916068)
STF347 : Crown him with many crowns (Public Domain)
STF348 : He is Lord, he is Lord (Public Domain)
STF349 : I am not skilled to understand (CCLI_4592255)
STF350 : I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship (Public Domain)
STF351 : In Christ alone my hope is found (CCLI_3350395)
STF352 : Jesus Christ is the Lord of all (CCLI_18163)
STF353 : Jesus is Lord! Creations voice proclaims it (CCLI_39829)
STF354 : Jesus is the name we honour (CCLI_871991)
STF355 : Jesus, lover of my soul (Public Domain)
STF356 : Jesus shall take the highest honour (CCLI_451380)
STF357 : Jesus, the name high over all (Public Domain)
STF358 : Let earth and heaven agree (Public Domain)
STF359 : Lord Christ, we praise your sacrifice (CCLI_964451)
STF361 : Man of Sorrows! What a name for the Son of God (Public Domain)
STF362 : Meekness and majesty, manhood and deity (CCLI_1400)
STF363 : My Jesus, my Saviour (CCLI_1406918)
STF364 : O for a thousand tongues to sing (Public Domain)
STF365 : Jesu, the joy of loving hearts (Public Domain)
STF366 : Thou hidden source of calm repose (Public Domain)
STF367 : When I was lost, you came and rescued me (CCLI_3359121)
STF368 : When morning gilds the skie (Public Domain)
STF369 : Baptise us with your Spirit (CCLI_5641370)
STF370 : Breathe on me, Breath of God (Public Domain)
STF371 : Breathe on me, Spirit of Jesus (CCLI_811236)
STF372 : Come down, O Love divine (Public Domain)
STF373 : Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Public Domain)
STF374 : Come, Holy Spirit, descend on us (CCLI_2792693)
STF375 : Come, O everlasting Spirit (Public Domain)
STF376 : Crashing waters at creation (ONE_3954)
STF377 : Down the mountain the river flows (CCLI_1475231)
STF378 : Father of everlasting grace (Public Domain)
STF379 : Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (Public Domain)
STF380 : Holy breath of God, find me in this place (CCLI_2955605)
STF381 : Holy Spirit, breath of heaven (CCLI_4467366)
STF382 : Holy Spirit, come, confirm us (ONE_21693)
STF383 : Holy Spirit, gift bestower (CCLI_7005767)
STF384 : Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down (CCLI_2405227)
STF385 : Holy Spirit, we welcome you (CCLI_215942)
STF386 : In the beginning was darkness and nothing (CCLI_5462188)
STF387 : Into a world of dark, waste and disordered space (Public Domain)
STF388 : Let every Christian pray (CCLI_3200816)
STF389 : Like the murmur of the doves song (CCLI_217452)
STF390 : My God! I know, I feel thee mine (Public Domain)
STF391 : O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Public Domain)
STF392 : O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace (Public Domain)
STF393 : She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters (CCLI_1097303)
STF394 : Spirit of God, unseen as the wind (CCLI_1539476)
STF395 : Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me (Public Domain)
STF396 : Spirit who broods, Spirit who sings (ONE_80641)
STF397 : The Spirit lives to set us free, walk, walk in the light (CCLI_2134598)
STF398 : Theres a spirit in the air (CCLI_133165)
STF399 : When deep despair casts out all light (Author)
STF400 : Wind of God, dynamic Spirit (CCLI_3210686)
STF401 : Come, sinners, to the gospel feast (Public Domain)
STF402 : Go to the world! Go into all the earth (ONE_1065)
STF403 : God is love: his the care (Public Domain)
STF404 : Gods spirit is in my heart (CCLI_4692612)
STF405 : Great is the darkness that covers the earth (CCLI_1022897)
STF406 : Have you heard the good news? (CCLI_1580580)
STF407 : Hear the call of the kingdom, lift your eyes to the King (CCLI_4930752)
STF408 : How small a spark has lit a living fire! (CCLI_5021842)
STF409 : Let us build a house where love can dwell (ONE_4)
STF410 : Lord, your Church on earth is seeking (CCLI_3196119)
STF411 : May the God of hope go with us every day (CCLI_5193990)
STF412 : See how great a flame aspires (Public Domain)
STF413 : Send down the fire of your justice (ONE_144)
STF414 : Shalom chaverim (Shalom, my friends) (ONE_87771)
STF415 : The Church of Christ, in every age (CCLI_2564481)
STF416 : Theres a wideness in Gods mercy (Public Domain)
STF418 : We have a gospel to proclaim (CCLI_2649935)
STF419 : Almighty God, we come to make confession (CCLI_2347938)
STF420 : Because you came and sat beside us (CCLI_3346639)
STF421 : Empty, broken, here I stand, Kyrie eleison (CCLI_3302130)
STF422 : Father, we have sinned in word, and deed, and thought (CCLI_4107705)
STF423 : Forgive our sins as we forgive, you taught us, Lord, to pray (CCLI_3162143)
STF424 : God forgave my sin in Jesus name (CCLI_13209)
STF425 : God of forgiveness, your people you freed (CCLI_1534488)
STF426 : Hark my soul! It is the Lord (Public Domain)
STF427 : Im accepted, Im forgiven (CCLI_190641)
STF428 : Ive come to wash my soul in the living water (CCLI_4478661)
STF429 : Lord, we turn to you for mercy (CCLI_4921826)
STF430 : My lips shall praise you, my great Redeemer (CCLI_1109394)
STF431 : O, the love of my Lord is the essence of all that I love here on earth (CCLI_871795)
STF432 : O the bitter shame and sorrow (Public Domain)
STF433 : Out of the depths I cry to thee, Lord God! O hear my prayer! (Public Domain)
STF434 : Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee (Public Domain)
STF435 : We come to you with no pretence (CCLI_5929810)
STF436 : What shall I do my God to love, my loving God to praise? (Public Domain)
STF437 : When the music fades, all is stripped away (CCLI_2296522)
STF438 : Your ceaseless, unexhausted love, unmerited and free (Public Domain)
STF439 : Abba, Father, let me be yours and yours alone (CCLI_38686)
STF440 : Amazing grace how sweet the sound (Public Domain)
STF441 : As water to the thirsty (CCLI_166448)
STF442 : Beneath the cross of Jesus I find a place to stand (CCLI_4610917)
STF443 : Come, let us sing of a wonderful love (Public Domain)
STF444 : Day by day, dear Lord, of thee three things I pray (Public Domain)
STF445 : He came to earth, not to be served (CCLI_722105)
STF446 : I will offer up my life in spirit and truth (CCLI_1083764)
STF447 : Jesus, be the centre (CCLI_2650429)
STF448 : Lord, in the strength of grace (Public Domain)
STF449 : Lord of creation, to you be all praise! (ONE_30247)
STF450 : Open, Lord, my inward ear (Public Domain)
STF451 : Open the eyes of my heart, Lord (CCLI_2298355)
STF452 : Show me the way of the cross once again (CCLI_1598974)
STF453 : Wash me clean in that cool river (CCLI_1090908)
STF454 : Where shall my wondering soul begin? (Public Domain)
STF455 : All my hope on God is founded (Public Domain)
STF456 : And are we yet alive, and see each others face? (Public Domain)
STF457 : Author of faith, eternal Word (Public Domain)
STF458 : Away with our fears! (Public Domain)
STF459 : Captain of Israels host, and Guide (Public Domain)
STF460 : Come, let us anew our journey pursue (Public Domain)
STF461 : Come, O thou Traveller unknown (Public Domain)
STF462 : Come with me, come wander, come welcome the world (CCLI_1074773)
STF463 : Deep in the shadows of the past (CCLI_5713617)
STF464 : God it was who said to Abraham (CCLI_3391464)
STF465 : Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (Public Domain)
STF467 : I need thee every hour (Public Domain)
STF468 : I was on your mind long before you formed the earth (CCLI_2580221)
STF469 : I watch the sunrise lighting the sky (CCLI_2714097)
STF470 : Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided (CCLI_224957)
STF471 : Lord I come to you, let my heart be changed, renewed (CCLI_917491)
STF472 : May the Sending One sing in you (CCLI_3593468)
STF473 : Moses, I know youre the man, the Lord said (CCLI_862089)
STF474 : Neither death, nor life, nor angels nor powers (ONE_00130M)
STF475 : O God of Bethel, by whose hand thy people still are fed (Public Domain)
STF476 : One more step along the world I go (CCLI_299425)
STF477 : Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart (CCLI_1042097)
STF478 : Thank you, O God, for the time that is now (CCLI_336591)
STF479 : The King of love my shepherd is (Public Domain)
STF480 : The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want (Public Domain)
STF481 : The Lords my Shepherd, Ill not want (CCLI_1585970)
STF483 : We are marching in the light of God (CCLI_320947)
STF484 : We will walk with God, my brothers (CCLI_4602860)
STF485 : When we are living, we are in the Lord (CCLI_4564049)
STF486 : Who would true valour see, let him come hither (Public Domain)
STF487 : You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace (CCLI_20546)
STF488 : You showed us mercy when we were in darkness (CCLI_6148308)
STF489 : All I once held dear, built my life upon (CCLI_1045238)
STF490 : Being of beings, God of love (Public Domain)
STF491 : As servants working an estate (CCLI_3414561)
STF492 : Christ be my leader by night as by day (CCLI_2865850)
STF493 : Come, Lord, to our souls come down (CCLI_7007108)
STF494 : Come, thou fount of every blessing (Public Domain)
STF495 : Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Public Domain)
STF496 : God beyond our dreams, you have stirred in us a memory (ONE_80558)
STF497 : God in my living, there in my breathing (Public Domain)
STF498 : God of all power, and truth, and grace (Public Domain)
STF499 : Great God, your love has called us here (CCLI_3430239)
STF500 : Happy are they who find the grace (Public Domain)
STF501 : Help us, O Lord, to learn the truths your word imparts (CCLI_2640635)
STF502 : I know that my Redeemer lives, and ever prays for me (Public Domain)
STF503 : Love divine, all loves excelling (Public Domain)
STF504 : May the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day (Public Domain)
STF505 : More like you, Jesus, more like you (CCLI_2145051)
STF506 : My heart is full of Christ, and longs it glorious matter to declare! (Public Domain)
STF507 : O for a heart to praise my God (Public Domain)
STF508 : Purify my heart, let me be as gold (CCLI_426298)
STF509 : Safe in the shadow of the Lord (CCLI_2643137)
STF510 : Says Jesus, Come and gather round. I want to teach my friends (CCLI_5283800)
STF511 : Speak in the stillness, God we pray (CCLI_5914382)
STF512 : Stupendous height of heavenly love (Public Domain)
STF513 : Take this moment, sign, and space (CCLI_1430623)
STF515 : Unless the Lord builds the house we labour in vain (Author)
STF516 : What shall I do my God to love, my Saviour, and the worlds, to praise? (Public Domain)
STF517 : Eternal Father, strong to save (Public Domain)
STF518 : Father, hear the prayer we offer (Public Domain)
STF519 : Father, I place into your hands the things I cannot do (CCLI_180297)
STF520 : Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart (Public Domain)
STF521 : Here as we kneel, here as we pray (CCLI_1577627)
STF522 : I should like to speak to you (CCLI_3330391)
STF523 : Its me, its me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer (Public Domain)
STF524 : Listening God, you hear us when we cannot speak (CCLI_5101724)
STF525 : Look around you, can you see? (ONE_00334)
STF526 : Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy (CCLI_5339338)
STF527 : Pray for a world where every child finds welcome in a sheltered space (ONE_30418)
STF528 : Pray, without ceasing, pray (Public Domain)
STF529 : Prayer is the souls sincere desire (Public Domain)
STF530 : To be in your presence, to sit at your feet (CCLI_918122)
STF531 : What a friend we have in Jesus (Public Domain)
STF532 : Born in a stable. Call his name Jesus (CCLI_7135390)
STF533 : Covenant child, water comes as a sign (CCLI_2494582)
STF534 : Eternal God, we praise your love (CCLI_3607385)
STF535 : God, when I came into this life (CCLI_3200043)
STF536 : Hes got the whole world in his hand (Public Domain)
STF537 : Lord Jesus, once a child (CCLI_851409)
STF538 : Now through the grace of God we claim this life to be Christs own (CCLI_3374663)
STF539 : On this Baptism day, God we thank you (CCLI_6148346)
STF540 : The day the universe was started (CCLI_6163204)
STF541 : To the river I am going, bringing sins I cannot bear (CCLI_4316864)
STF542 : We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ, who died and rose again (ONE_10199)
STF543 : Wonder of wonders, life is beginning (CCLI_3368428)
STF544 : As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you (CCLI_1431)
STF545 : Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart (Public Domain)
STF546 : Behold the servant of the Lord! (Public Domain)
STF547 : Beyond these walls of worship, in the stress and joy of life (CCLI_6148274)
STF548 : Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine (Public Domain)
STF549 : Come, let us use the grace divine (Public Domain)
STF550 : Forth in they name, O Lord, I go (Public Domain)
STF551 : Giving it all to you, giving it all to you (CCLI_3187939)
STF553 : I am a new creation, no more in condemnation (CCLI_48425)
STF555 : Jesus, all for Jesus; all I am and have and ever hope to be (CCLI_879168)
STF556 : Just as I am, without one plea (CCLI_1039000)
STF557 : Let him to whom we now belong (Public Domain)
STF558 : Lord, you have come to the seashore (ONE_6905)
STF559 : Lord, you have my heart, and I will search for yours (CCLI_1108735)
STF560 : My eyes be open to your presence (CCLI_3355101)
STF561 : Now I have found the ground wherein sure my souls anchor may remain (Public Domain)
STF562 : O God, what offering shall I give (Public Domain)
STF563 : O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end (Public Domain)
STF564 : O thou who camest from above (Public Domain)
STF565 : Only by grace can we enter (CCLI_190579)
STF566 : Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee (Public Domain)
STF567 : You are the centre, you are my life (ONE_23145)
STF568 : Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, his the sceptre, his the throne (Public Domain)
STF569 : An Upper Room did our Lord prepare (CCLI_2551425)
STF570 : As we gather, Father, seal us in the love that knows no fear (CCLI_4262042)
STF571 : As your family, Lord, see us here (Public Domain)
STF572 : Author of life divine, who has a table spread (Public Domain)
STF573 : Be known to us in breaking bread (Public Domain)
STF574 : Because you have said: Do this for my sake (Public Domain)
STF575 : Before I take the body of my Lord (CCLI_1053110)
STF576 : Bread is blessed and broken (CCLI_959411)
STF577 : Bread of life, hope of the world (ONE_80555)
STF578 : Bread of Life, Truth Eternal, broken now to set us free (CCLI_2098899)
STF579 : Come, Holy Ghost, your influence shed, and realise the sign (Public Domain)
STF580 : Come, Lord, be our guest (CCLI_1828747)
STF581 : Come, my table is a meeting place (CCLI_3222667)
STF582 : Eat this bread and never hunger (ONE_13979)
STF583 : Eat this bread, drink this cup (ONE_5a95bdd22c4df)
STF584 : Food to pilgrims given, strength upon the way (CCLI_4211732)
STF585 : God, whose love is all around us (CCLI_1083238)
STF586 : Here is bread, here is wine (CCLI_983717)
STF587 : I am the bread, the bread of life (CCLI_870356)
STF588 : I come with joy, a child of God (CCLI_2802284)
STF589 : In bread we bring you, Lord, our bodies labour (CCLI_740156)
STF590 : Jesus, we thus obey your last and kindest word (Public Domain)
STF591 : Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Public Domain)
STF592 : Let us break bread together with the Lord (Public Domain)
STF593 : Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (Public Domain)
STF594 : Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us (CCLI_40241)
STF595 : Lord, we have come at your own invitation (CCLI_3157299)
STF596 : Now let us from this table rise renewed in body, mind and soul (CCLI_2566551)
STF597 : O thou who this mysterious bread didst in Emmaus break (Public Domain)
STF598 : Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast (CCLI_959387)
STF599 : Up to your table, Lord, you call us (Author)
STF600 : Victim divine, thy grace we claim (Public Domain)
STF601 : We do not presume to come to this table (Public Domain)
STF602 : With all my heart I thank you, Lord (CCLI_528189)
STF603 : Come to a wedding, come to a blessing (ONE_79788)
STF604 : Lets praise the Creator who gave us each other (ONE_92652)
STF605 : O perfect Love, all human thought transcending (Public Domain)
STF607 : When love is found and hope comes home (CCLI_5204229)
STF608 : All praise to our redeeming Lord, who joins us by his grace (Public Domain)
STF609 : As we gather in your presence now (CCLI_5604977)
STF610 : Best of all is God is with us (CCLI_5462274)
STF611 : Brother, sister, let me serve you (CCLI_5938014)
STF612 : God give us life when all around spells death (ONE_45961)
STF613 : God, How Can We Forgive when bonds of love are torn? (ONE_04799)
STF614 : God loves you, and I love you (Public Domain)
STF615 : Let love be real, in giving and receiving (CCLI_3200452)
STF616 : Lord, in our lonely hours, and when our spirit faints (CCLI_3209848)
STF617 : O blessed spring, where Word and sign embrace us into Christ the Vine (ONE_86205)
STF618 : Sacred the body God has created (ONE_13440)
STF619 : Thanks for friends who keep on loving (CCLI_6163895)
STF620 : Thou God of truth and love, we seek thy perfect way (Public Domain)
STF621 : When memory fades and recognition falters (ONE_05746)
STF622 : When our caring love wears thin (CCLI_4515043)
STF623 : A safe stronghold our God is still (Public Domain)
STF624 : Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm (ONE_35778)
STF626 : Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (CCLI_4674166)
STF627 : Everyone needs compassion, love thats never failing (CCLI_4591782)
STF628 : Faithful One, so unchanging (CCLI_465840)
STF629 : God of my faith, I offer you my doubt (CCLI_5799253)
STF630 : How long, O Lord, will you forget an answer to my prayer? (CCLI_2708357)
STF631 : I lift my eyes up to the mountains (CCLI_317936)
STF632 : Ive had questions without answers (CCLI_4107822)
STF633 : My soul finds rest in God alone (CCLI_5040902)
STF634 : Fight the good fight with all your might (Public Domain)
STF635 : My troubled soul, why so weighed down? (CCLI_3466935)
STF636 : O love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee (Public Domain)
STF637 : Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put your armour on (Public Domain)
STF638 : Through all the changing scenes of life (Public Domain)
STF639 : Through the love of God our Saviour all will be well (Public Domain)
STF640 : We turn to God when we are sorely pressed (CCLI_5159972)
STF641 : When circumstances make my life too hard to understand (CCLI_2763646)
STF642 : When Im feeling down and sad (CCLI_1581060)
STF643 : When, O God, our faith is tested (CCLI_1046646)
STF644 : When our confidence is shaken in beliefs we thought secure (CCLI_3109072)
STF645 : Will your anchor hold in the storms of life (Public Domain)
STF646 : Come and let us sweetly join Christ to praise in hymns divine (Public Domain)
STF647 : God grant us words to speak when words are all we bear (CCLI_3528921)
STF648 : God to enfold you, Christ to uphold you (CCLI_2576486)
STF649 : God! When human bonds are broken and we lack the love or skill (CCLI_603729)
STF650 : Heal us, Immanuel! Hear our prayer (Public Domain)
STF651 : Lord of life, we come to you (ONE_10592)
STF652 : Lord, we come to ask your healing, teach us of love (CCLI_3268559)
STF653 : O Christ, the Healer, we have come to pray for health, to plead for friends (CCLI_2854744)
STF654 : The love of God comes close where stands an open door (CCLI_3330315)
STF655 : We cannot measure how you heal or answer every sufferers prayer (CCLI_961368)
STF657 : You give rest to the weary (CCLI_4814328)
STF658 : A charge to keep I have (Public Domain)
STF659 : As dawn awakes another day, the working sphere rolls into view (CCLI_6164375)
STF660 : Called by Christ to be disciples (CCLI_5106585)
STF661 : Give me the faith which can remove and sink the mountain to a plain (Public Domain)
STF662 : Have you heard Gods voice; has your heart been stirred? (Author)
STF663 : I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry (ONE_5514)
STF665 : Make us your prophets, Lord (CCLI_4957852)
STF666 : Master, speak! Thy servant heareth (Public Domain)
STF668 : Teach me, my God and King, in all things thee to see (Public Domain)
STF669 : The Saviour, when from heaven he rose, in splendid triumph oer his foes (Public Domain)
STF670 : We have nothing to give that didnt first come from your hand (CCLI_4328876)
STF671 : What shall we offer our good Lord (Public Domain)
STF672 : Where can we find you, Lord Jesus our Master? (CCLI_6164461)
STF673 : Will you come and follow me if I but call your name? (CCLI_4668756)
STF675 : Because the Saviour prayed that we be one (CCLI_4924184)
STF676 : Christ, from whom all blessings flow, perfecting the saints below (Public Domain)
STF677 : Christ is made the sure foundation (Public Domain)
STF679 : Come, build the Church not heaps of stone (CCLI_3587797)
STF680 : Come, Host of heavens dwelling place, come earths disputed guest (CCLI_1075961)
STF681 : Community of Christ, who make the Cross your own (CCLI_3755392)
STF682 : God of grace and God of glory, on your people pour your power (ONE_97297)
STF683 : Great is our redeeming Lord (Public Domain)
STF684 : Here on the threshold of a new beginning (CCLI_2949226)
STF685 : In Christ there is no east or west (Public Domain)
STF686 : Jesus, Lord, we look to thee, let us in thy name agree (Public Domain)
STF687 : One human family God has made (CCLI_2421926)
STF688 : One is the body and one is the Head (CCLI_1099301)
STF689 : Summoned by the God who made us rich in our diversity (ONE_83450)
STF690 : The Churchs one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord (Public Domain)
STF691 : What shall our greeting be: sign of our unity? (CCLI_491340)
STF692 : Your hand, O God, has guided your flock, from age to age (Public Domain)
STF693 : Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (CCLI_1236690)
STF694 : By the Babylonian rivers we sat down in grief and wept (ONE_37976)
STF695 : Come, now, you blessed, eat at my table (ONE_20653)
STF696 : For the healing of the nations, Lord, we pray with one accord (CCLI_3200067)
STF697 : Oh freedom, Oh freedom, Oh freedom (CCLI_4729640)
STF698 : God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind how hate and war diminish humankind (CCLI_3162222)
STF699 : God of justice, Saviour to all (CCLI_4447128)
STF700 : God weeps at love withheld (ONE_00295)
STF701 : Heaven shall not wait for the poor to lose their patience (CCLI_1080712)
STF702 : I will speak out for those who have no voices (CCLI_689035)
STF703 : In an age of twisted values we have lost the truth we need (CCLI_3121672)
STF704 : In labour all creation groans till fear and hatred cease (ONE_98242)
STF705 : It is God who holds the nations in the hollow of his hand (CCLI_2564436)
STF706 : Longing for light, we wait in darkness (ONE_84331)
STF707 : Make me a channel of your peace (ONE_80478)
STF708 : O God of hope, your prophets spoke of days when war would cease (CCLI_2955533)
STF709 : Of all the Spirits gifts to me (CCLI_3366004)
STF710 : Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord (CCLI_631904)
STF711 : Pray for the Church, afflicted and oppressed (CCLI_3221912)
STF712 : Put peace into each others hands (CCLI_430916)
STF713 : Show me how to stand for justice (CCLI_3484230)
STF715 : The right hand of God is writing in our land (ONE_95177)
STF716 : There are no strangers to Gods love (CCLI_5929779)
STF717 : We do not hope to ease our minds by simple answers, shifted blame (ONE_379)
STF718 : We lay our broken world in sorrow at your feet (ONE_71926)
STF719 : We pray for peace, but not the easy peace built on complacency (CCLI_1565464)
STF720 : We turn to you, O God of every nation (CCLI_1053196)
STF721 : What shall we pray for those who died (CCLI_3223491)
STF722 : When mountains that we thought secure lie crumbled where we stand (CCLI_5891979)
STF723 : Who can sound the depths of sorrow in the Father heart of God (CCLI_30581)
STF724 : As if you were not there, the skies ignite and thunder (CCLI_2190082)
STF725 : As the glory of creation (CCLI_272071)
STF726 : Come to us, creative Spirit (CCLI_3258923)
STF727 : God in his love for us lent us this planet (CCLI_2564065)
STF728 : O God, you search me and you know me (ONE_80099)
STF729 : Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently (ONE_101856)
STF731 : When, in our music, God is glorified, and adoration leaves no room for pride (CCLI_2631390)
STF732 : Day of judgement! Day of wonder! (Public Domain)
STF733 : God, hold us, enfold us, through desolate loss (CCLI_6164681)
STF734 : Going home, moving on, through Gods open door (CCLI_3170915)
STF735 : How blest are they who trust in Christ (CCLI_3388886)
STF736 : In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear (Public Domain)
STF737 : Into the hands that blessed the children (CCLI_5485196)
STF738 : There is a new heaven; there is a new earth (ONE_29287)
STF739 : Through the rivers of our tears (CCLI_6573409)
STF740 : We cannot care for you the way we wanted (ONE_11629)
STF742 : We trust the mighty love of God that wraps us round (CCLI_3573536)
STF743 : Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Public Domain)
STF744 : Come, let us join our friends above (Public Domain)
STF745 : For all the saints who from their labours rest (Public Domain)
STF746 : For all the saints who showed your love in how they lived and where they moved (CCLI_2166745)
STF747 : Give me the wings of faith to rise within the veil, and see (Public Domain)
STF748 : Glorious things of thee are spoken (Public Domain)
STF749 : Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open (CCLI_5893324)
STF750 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF751 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF752 : Glory to God, glory to God (ONE_05086)
STF753 : Glory to God, glory to God (Public Domain)
STF754 : Glory, glory, glory in the highest (Lord God, heavenly King) (Public Domain)
STF755 : Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF756 : Alleluia! Alleluia! (Public Domain)
STF757 : Alleluia, alleluia! (The word of the Lord lasts for ever) (ONE_80384)
STF758 : Alleluia, alleluia (Public Domain)
STF759 : Come O Lord, give us your Spirit (Public Domain)
STF760 : Mayenziwe ntando yakho (Your will be done on earth, O Lord) (Public Domain)
STF762 : Our Father, who art in heaven (Public Domain)
STF763 : Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name (Public Domain)
STF764 : We believe in God the Father (CCLI_3095038)
STF765 : Blessing and honour, glory and power are rightly yours (CCLI_1076568)
STF767 : Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world (Public Domain)
STF768 : The Peace of the Lord be always with you (CCLI_1537856)
STF769 : All glory to the Father be (Public Domain)
STF770 : Amen siakudumisa (Amen! Praise the name of the Lord!) (Public Domain)
STF772 : May the road rise up to meet you (Public Domain)
STF773 : Praise the Lover of Creation (CCLI_3593736)
STF774 : The peace of the earth be with you (ONE_03990)
STF775 : Ewe, thina (We walk his way) (ONE_72482)
STF776 : In the Lord Ill be ever thankful (El Senyor es la meva forca) (ONE_5a95bdd5477df)
STF777 : Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom (ONE_5a95bdd5e78f5)
STF779 : Holy, holy, holy. With joy my heart adores you! (CCLI_4395689)
STF780 : Stay with me, remain here with me (ONE_03065)
STF781 : Take, oh take me as I am (ONE_03516)
STF782 : Thuma mina (Send me, Lord) (Public Domain)
STF783 : Ubi caritas et amor (Where there is charity and love) (Public Domain)
STF784 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF785 : Sanctus and Benedictus (Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might) (Public Domain)
STF786 : When we eat this bread and drink this cup (Public Domain)
STF787 : Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) (Public Domain)
STF788 : Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) (Public Domain)
STF789 : Holy, holy, holy Lord (Public Domain)
STF790 : Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world (Public Domain)
HP1 : All people that on earth do dwell Sing to the (Public Domain)
HP2 : Begin my tongue some heavenly theme And speak some (Public Domain)
HP3 : Father in heaven Grant to Your (ONE_119282)
HP4 : Father in whom we live in Whom we are (Public Domain)
HP6 : Hail holy holy holy Lord Whom one in (Public Domain)
HP7 : Holy holy holy Lord God almighty Early in the (Public Domain)
HP8 : How shall I sing that majesty Which (Public Domain)
HP9 : Immortal invisible God only wise (Public Domain)
HP10 : Let all the world in every corner sing (Public Domain)
HP11 : Lord of all being throned afar Thy glory (Public Domain)
HP12 : My God my King thy various praise Shall fill the (Public Domain)
HP13 : Praise my soul the King of heaven To His (Public Domain)
HP14 : Praise the Lord His glories show (Public Domain)
HP15 : Praise the Lord ye heavens adore Him Praise Him (Public Domain)
HP16 : Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King (Public Domain)
HP17 : Sing to the Lord a joyful song Lift up y (Public Domain)
HP18 : We give immortal praise To God the (Public Domain)
HP19 : With gladness we worship rejoice as we (Public Domain)
HP20 : Ye holy angels bright Who wait at Gods (Public Domain)
HP21 : Father of all whose powerful voice Called forth (Public Domain)
HP22 : Give to our God immortal praise Mercy (Public Domain)
HP24 : God is a name my soul adores The (Public Domain)
HP25 : Hes got the whole world in His hands (Public Domain)
HP26 : High in the heavens eternal God Thy goodness in (Public Domain)
HP27 : Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord for He (Public Domain)
HP28 : O worship the King All glorious above O gratefully (Public Domain)
HP29 : Thou Whose almighty word Chaos and darkness heard (Public Domain)
HP30 : As the bridegroom to His chosen (Public Domain)
HP31 : Come let us all unite to sing God is (Public Domain)
HP32 : Ere God had built the mountains Or raise (Public Domain)
HP33 : Come let us to the Lord our God With contrite (Public Domain)
HP34 : Eternal depth of love divine In Jesus (Public Domain)
HP35 : Glory love and praise and honour (Public Domain)
HP36 : God is Love let heaven adore Him (Public Domain)
HP37 : Good thou art and good thou dost (Public Domain)
HP38 : Great God of wonders All Thy ways (Public Domain)
HP39 : Lord God by whom all change is wrought (Public Domain)
HP40 : Thee will I love my God and King (Public Domain)
HP41 : Thee will I praise with all my heart (Public Domain)
HP42 : O love of God how strong and true (Public Domain)
HP43 : The God of love my Shepherd is And He (Public Domain)
HP44 : The Lord is my Shepherd There is nothing (Public Domain)
HP46 : What shall I do my God to love My loving God to (Public Domain)
HP47 : What shall I do my God to love (Public Domain)
HP48 : Thy ceaseless unexhausted love Unmerited (Public Domain)
HP49 : Eternal Power whose high abode Becomes (Public Domain)
HP50 : Behold the mountain of the Lord In latter days (Public Domain)
HP51 : My God how wonderful Thou art Thy majesty how (Public Domain)
HP52 : O God thou art the Father (Public Domain)
HP53 : God is the refuge of his saints When storms of (Public Domain)
HP54 : O God Thy being who can sound (Public Domain)
HP55 : Praise the Lord who reigns above And (Public Domain)
HP56 : Praise to the living God All praised be (Public Domain)
HP57 : Sing a new song to the Lord He to whom (ONE_39287)
HP58 : The Lord is King lift up thy voice O earth and all (Public Domain)
HP59 : The Lord Jehovah reigns His throne is built on (Public Domain)
HP60 : Timeless love We sing the story (CCLI_649848)
HP61 : Sing to the Lord with joyful voice Let (Public Domain)
HP62 : Captain of Israels host and Guide (Public Domain)
HP63 : All my hope on God is founded He doth still my (Public Domain)
HP64 : God has spoken by His prophets (ONE_2647559)
HP65 : God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to (Public Domain)
HP66 : Great is Thy faithfulness O God my (CCLI_18723)
HP67 : Lead kindly Light amid the encircling (Public Domain)
HP68 : Lead us heavenly Father lead us oer the (Public Domain)
HP69 : The King of love my Shepherd is Whose (Public Domain)
HP70 : The Lords my Shepherd Ill not want (Public Domain)
HP72 : In all my vast concerns with Thee In vain my soul (Public Domain)
HP73 : Through all the changing scenes of life In trouble (Public Domain)
HP74 : At the Name of Jesus every knee shall (Public Domain)
HP76 : Can we by searching find out God (CCLI_970005)
HP77 : Joy to the world the Lord is come Let earth (Public Domain)
HP78 : Join all the glorious names Of wisdom (Public Domain)
HP79 : Of the Fathers love begotten Ere the (Public Domain)
HP80 : To the Name of our salvation Laud and (Public Domain)
HP81 : Come Thou long expected Jesus Born to set Thy (Public Domain)
HP82 : Hark the glad sound the Saviour comes The Saviour (Public Domain)
HP83 : Long ago prophets knew Christ would (Public Domain)
HP84 : On Jordans bank the Baptists cry (Public Domain)
HP85 : O come O come Emmanuel And ransom (Public Domain)
HP86 : Tell out my soul the greatness of the (CCLI_27051)
HP87 : The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Public Domain)
HP88 : The holly and the ivy Are dancing in a (CCLI_2931409)
HP89 : The race that long in darkness pined (Public Domain)
HP90 : A great and mighty wonder A full (Public Domain)
HP91 : All my heart this night rejoices (Public Domain)
HP92 : Angels from the realms of glory (Public Domain)
HP93 : A virgin most pure as the prophets do (Public Domain)
HP94 : Away in a manger no crib for a bed (Public Domain)
HP95 : Born in the night Marys Child (CCLI_3609730)
HP96 : Christians awake salute the happy morn (Public Domain)
HP97 : Come and join the celebration (CCLI_571246)
HP98 : Cradled in a manger meanly Laid the Son (Public Domain)
HP99 : From east to west from shore to shore (Public Domain)
HP100 : From heaven above to earth I come (Public Domain)
HP101 : Glory be to God on high And peace (Public Domain)
HP102 : God from on high has heard Let sighs (Public Domain)
HP103 : God rest ye merry gentlemen (Public Domain)
HP104 : Good Christians all rejoice With heart (Public Domain)
HP105 : Love came down at Christmas Love all (Public Domain)
HP106 : Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the (Public Domain)
HP107 : In the bleak midwinter (Public Domain)
HP108 : It came upon the midnight clear That (Public Domain)
HP109 : Let earth and heaven combine Angels and (Public Domain)
HP110 : O come all ye faithful joyful and (Public Domain)
HP111 : O little one sweet O little one mild (Public Domain)
HP112 : Silent night holy night All is calm (Public Domain)
HP113 : O little town of Bethlehem How still we (Public Domain)
HP114 : Once in royal Davids city Stood a lowly (Public Domain)
HP115 : On Christmas night all Christians sing (Public Domain)
HP116 : On the eve of Christmas (Public Domain)
HP117 : See amid the winters snow Born for us (Public Domain)
HP118 : See Him lying on a bed of straw (CCLI_626892)
HP119 : The first Noel the angel did say Was to certain (Public Domain)
HP120 : While shepherds watched their flocks by (Public Domain)
HP121 : As with gladness men of old Did the (Public Domain)
HP122 : Bethlehem of noblest cities None can (Public Domain)
HP123 : Brightest and best of the sons of the (Public Domain)
HP124 : Child of the stables secret birth (CCLI_1022426)
HP125 : Hail to the Lords Anointed Great David (Public Domain)
HP126 : Hail to the Lord who comes Comes to His (Public Domain)
HP127 : Unto us a Boy is born King of all (Public Domain)
HP128 : Wise men seeking Jesus Traveled from (Public Domain)
HP129 : Christ when for us you were baptized (Public Domain)
HP130 : Forty days and forty nights Thou wast (Public Domain)
HP131 : Lord who throughout these forty days (Public Domain)
HP132 : When Jesus came to Jordan (CCLI_2564467)
HP133 : Blest are the poor in spirit (Public Domain)
HP134 : Forgive our sins as we forgive You (CCLI_3162143)
HP135 : Go, tell it on the mountain (Public Domain)
HP136 : I heard the voice of Jesus say Come unto Me and (Public Domain)
HP137 : Jesus the Lord said I am the Bread (CCLI_2647999)
HP138 : Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CCLI_1352)
HP139 : The kingdom of God is justice and joy (ONE_28013)
HP142 : At even when the sun was set The sick (Public Domain)
HP143 : Behold a little child Laid in a manger (Public Domain)
HP144 : Fierce raged the tempest oer the deep (Public Domain)
HP145 : Kneels at the feet of his friends silently washes (CCLI_7199418)
HP146 : Jesus friend of little children Be a (Public Domain)
HP147 : Jesus my Lord how rich Thy grace Thy bounties how (Public Domain)
HP148 : Jesus thy far extended fame My drooping soul exult (Public Domain)
HP149 : One there is above all others Well (Public Domain)
HP150 : O Thou whom once they flocked to hear Thy words to (Public Domain)
HP151 : When Jesus the healer passed through (CCLI_458888)
HP152 : Son of the Lord most high (CCLI_1577098)
HP153 : Tell me the stories of Jesus I love (ONE_657072304)
HP154 : Thou didst leave Thy throne And Thy king (Public Domain)
HP155 : Christ upon the mountain peak (CCLI_4720096)
HP156 : How good Lord to be here (Public Domain)
HP157 : Once on a mountain-top (CCLI_230707)
HP158 : Stay Master stay upon this heavenly hill (Public Domain)
HP159 : Ride on Ride on in Majesty In lowly pomp ride on (Public Domain)
HP160 : All glory laud and honour To Thee (Public Domain)
HP161 : The glory of our King was seen (Public Domain)
HP162 : Trotting trotting through Jerusalem (CCLI_515415)
HP163 : Children of Jerusalem Sang the praise of (Public Domain)
HP164 : Ah holy Jesus how hast Thou offended (Public Domain)
HP165 : Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain (Public Domain)
HP166 : God of unexampled grace Redeemer of (Public Domain)
HP167 : In the cross of Christ I glory Towering oer the (Public Domain)
HP168 : Jesus comes with all His grace (Public Domain)
HP169 : Jesus in the olive grove Waiting for a (CCLI_7202229)
HP170 : Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim (ONE_59074)
HP171 : My God I love Thee Not because I hope (Public Domain)
HP172 : O dearest Lord Thy sacred head (Public Domain)
HP173 : My song is love unknown My Saviours (Public Domain)
HP174 : Nature with open volume sounds (stands) (Public Domain)
HP175 : O love divine What hast Thou done (Public Domain)
HP176 : O sacred Head sore wounded With grief (Public Domain)
HP177 : Sing my tongue the glorious battle (Public Domain)
HP178 : There is a green hill far away Outside a (Public Domain)
HP179 : The royal banners forward go The Cross (Public Domain)
HP180 : When I survey the wondrous cross On which the (Public Domain)
HP181 : Were you there when they crucified my (Public Domain)
HP182 : We sing the praise of Him who died upon the cross (Public Domain)
HP183 : When my love to Christ grows weak (Public Domain)
HP184 : With glorious clouds encompassed round (Public Domain)
HP185 : Would Jesus have the sinner die Why hang (Public Domain)
HP186 : After darkness light After winter spring (CCLI_5189966)
HP187 : Away with gloom away with doubt (Public Domain)
HP188 : All ye that seek the Lord who died (Public Domain)
HP189 : Christ above all glory seated (Public Domain)
HP190 : Christ is alive Let Christians sing (CCLI_2572655)
HP191 : Good Christians all rejoice and sing (ONE_87718)
HP192 : Christ the Lord is risen again Christ (Public Domain)
HP193 : Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia (Public Domain)
HP194 : Come ye faithful raise the strain (Public Domain)
HP196 : I know that my Redeemer lives What (Public Domain)
HP197 : Hail the day that sees Him rise Alleluia (Public Domain)
HP198 : Jesus lives thy terrors now Can O death (Public Domain)
HP199 : Jesus Lord Redeemer Once for sinners (Public Domain)
HP200 : When Easter to the dark world came (CCLI_875382)
HP201 : Look ye saints the sight is glorious See the Man (Public Domain)
HP202 : Low in the grave He lay Jesus is my (Public Domain)
HP203 : Now is eternal life If risen with Christ (CCLI_1076544)