
Rainbows – We have fun

Rainbows (5-7 years) is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things and having fun. Girls get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, trying out cooking and playing games. Rainbows learn by doing.

Brownies – We do cool stuff

Brownies (7-10 years) has weekly meetings, special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays. Brownies learn new hobbies, play music, explore other cultures and get adventurous outdoors. Girls can work towards Brownie interest badges covering many different hobbies and activities.

Guides – We make things happen

Guides (10-14 years) learn together and share skills and experiences. Guides have the chance to get out there and do something really different. Members take part in a wide range of exciting activities at their weekly meetings, and at special events or holidays.

Trefoil Guild

Trefoil Guild is guiding for adults – fun, friendship and making a difference!